
標題: 12 tablespoons per day [打印本頁]

作者: gmghbcigi    時間: 2015-7-12 09:10
標題: 12 tablespoons per day
Located in the southwest gate at Beijing National Olympic Center Understanding the Church.
"The best hospitals in the kitchen", "the best medicine is food" ...... Zhang Wu of the therapeutic regimen idea is popular, he also charged 2,000 yuan a person because consulting fees and was promoted to the capital, "the most expensive Chinese", face The night of his fame, the network mixed, fans who nicknamed him immortal, skeptics denounce him is a liar, fighting over. May 23, the reporter went to Beijing fieldwork.
Understanding the Church: It looks like a small temple
While the voices of doubt, but Zhang Wu Zuozhen Understanding the Church every day, or usher in a lot of patients seeking treatment attracted. 23 afternoon, the reporter arrived at the gate at the southwest of Beijing National Olympic Center Understanding the Church, this magnificent sight temple-like building in accordance with the Olympic channel was built close to the "no photo" prompt on the glass door .
Gordon entered the Church, there is no crowded scene, saw twenty-three consultants around anxiously at the front desk to inquire about how to hang "Professor Zhang,chaussures nike femme," the experts. The front desk staff said: "Now too many people booking, reservation number this year has been filled, can not be registered, and reserve plans for next year has not come out, or you wait a few months, and so on next year's reservation plan out, or their first look at the books, along with Professor Zhang's method, go home to eat raw eggplant, Helvdoutang own conditioning. "
A reception staff, registration is free of charge, after a successful appointment, Wu Tong will charge consulting fees 2,000 yuan, according to Zhang Wu and personal time, when arrangements Zuozhen patient appointments while the phone call to come for treatment, usually every day diagnosis and treatment of patients 20 or so, time to concentrate on after 18:00,http://ipdiusa.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1210540, so Wu Tong medical treatment the patient will not get together. According to her, the patient has an appointment this year, more than 7,000, very hot.
Staff to consultants recommend Understanding the Church launched the rehabilitation camp program, the rehabilitation program for a period of 30 days, just add training camp, it may be made of Professor Zhang Wuben one to develop targeted therapeutic programs, and can communicate with Zhang Wu of the site, photo The training program for each phase of 30,000 yuan per person, and nursing staff is 10,000 yuan per person each period.
Patient: Multi-refractory severe
The patient waiting area on one side, and on the television screen scrolling playing Zhang Wu of the speaker of the "big country medical knowledge" program, end of each episode, Zhang Wu will repeat his formulas: "The best doctor is yourself, the best hospitals in the kitchen, the most Good diet drugs, the best effect is to adhere to. "
17:00, received a phone call came to treatment of patients came in, sat on a bench lounge, patients intently staring at the TV, a notebook, carefully write down every word uttered Chang Wu.
Liang Yuqing (a pseudonym) and his family flew just over the Inner Mongolia from years of diabetes tortured his weight continued to decline,http://www13.plala.or.jp/gakuki3/cgi_bin/aska/aska.cgi, a week before his appointment Understanding the Church, but did not put up numbers, awareness of the relationship between the Church in the care of a shareholder only in three days plus the plug placed in this day face consultation.
"Mung bean eggplant cure diabetes, it sounds very mysterious, I have not seen by Professor Zhang diet cure diabetes cases, but can try to try it, at least not to eat green beans bad." Liang Yuqing four years treatment, but fasting blood glucose is above 7.5, spend countless money, but fortunately medical care costs can be reimbursed by the unit.
Full Li (pseudonym) is also just Daxing rushed over, also under 30-year-old wife had cancer, has been doing chemotherapy, want to hang a number Understanding the Church, but the staff told him that no quota, and can only wait for next year's reservation plan. But he and his wife still have to stay here, hope to see Zhang Tao, can you ask him during chemotherapy Helvdoutang, maybe Zhang Wu will be spared a few moments to draw diagnostics Diagnostics wife.
Eye to see the 18:00, Zhang Wu has not yet appeared,http://www.jinwantang.com/bbs/thread-782675-1-1.html, the patient Wu halls more and more, and even accompanied the family together nearly 40 people, these patients either cancer patients or high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases have to sit the wheelchair to the elderly, but also because of improper lifestyle and illness in young adults.
"You are Shashi Hou put numbers?"
"Late last year, that How about you?"
"Two weeks ago, looking for friends to hang."
Patients who have been transferred to the registered topic for Zhang Wu of the diet, they have no doubt.
Clinic: "This is not a very simple thing!"
18:30, Zhang Wu wearing a maroon suit appeared in Understanding the Church's side door, first see the patient quickly around him.
Full stopping Zhang Tao Li said: "? Zhang, give us diagnose diagnose it."
"Do you have an appointment?" Zhang Wu of the mouthful Jingqiang, "We are of the appointment to deal with, I am a person does not have the energy." Staff Understanding the Church's then ran out guarding Zhang Wu left,http://www.noobtimes.com/news/html/?95053.html, leaving Li whole a face Disappointed.
In consulting fees paid the 2,000 yuan, the staff are waiting to patients each row number,  ranked No. 3. Staff said Chang Wu face consultation time soon, usually about 15 minutes, depending on the circumstances, some patients may be shorter.
19:15, turn the , the reporter with his family came to the consulting room, a big room, Zhang Wu off the suit, a casual sitting in the armchair, an air of calm, smoking a cigarette in his mouth, he was greeted in front The case put a few sit down on a stool next to it.
"What disease it?" Asked Zhang Wu spit cigarette.
"Diabetes." Each face when Liang Yuqing doctors say.
"To hand out." Liang Yuqing documented spreading his hands on a few, Zhang Wu twist off the smoke,scarpe hogan outlet, leaving both hands free to Liang Yuqing Qiemo. After about ten seconds, Zhang Wu away the hand and said:. "Tongue"
Liang Yuqing quickly looked up and sticking out his tongue, Zhang Wu leaned looked on, and then easily took the staff handed me pen and paper ready to prescribe.
Liang Yuqing wife chimed in: "Do not look at his medical records." She handed has been pinched in the hands of medical records, Zhang Wu also took the view look. "Well," Zhang Wu began prescribing drugs, "cook 3 pounds of green beans a day, cook green beans in boiling water for 7-8 minutes just fine."
Chang Wu stenographer itself quickly after knocking on the computer prescription, Liang Yuqing skeptical, he said, asking: "? Green beans boiled to what extent be considered good."
Chang Wu tease tease hair drooping over his forehead, looked up to say; "cook just a moment, please do not boil the green beans."
"There is calcium, 5000ml, 12 tablespoons per day,nike air jordan pas cher, 4 tablespoons every meal," Zhang Wu of the continue to open prescription, "Astragalus 5-10 tablets every day to cook and drink, eat five days if you do not get angry, that is not dry mouth tongue not dry,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, it is coupled with volume five of this analogy, the upper limit is 30. "
Liang Yuqing submissive straight nod.
"Every two or three days, put times the blood."
Liang Yuqing and confused: "how bloodletting,http://www.kaientai.ne.jp."
"Oh!" Zhang Wu looked up three fingers stretched out, "two! Three! Four! About three toes, 50-60 drops of each blood!"
Liang Yuqing more puzzled. Zhang Wu said: "?. All right, put this little blood will not have a thing, and you do not say dizziness, weakness in limbs do this is stagnation," he readily grabbed the wrist rests on a few cases in the middle, said, "This with the balloon,hogan prezzi, you grabbed the middle of it, the balloon will swell two are not "looked at if the Wu Liang Yuqing, Zhang Wu went on to say:." swell would faint, how to do, you have to bleed,scarpe nike, it does not very simple thing! "
Liang Yuqing asked: "I now have to take medicine, but fasting blood glucose is at 7.6 or more, which is not very serious about?"
Zhang Wu of the disdain and said: "Well, is not high, high blood sugar is no upper limit, a street you catch a lot glucose in 11, 12 or more, which all right, all right!"
Liang Yuqing relieved smile, he continued to ask: "? That can not eat meat."
Zhang Wu of the side looked out of his own prescription,http://demo.web300.cn/free8/Review.asp?NewsID=627, she replied: "wine can not drink, you can eat meat, poultry meat you can eat, drink milk breakfast, dinner, eat grains,http://www.free-info-site.com, eat bell peppers, eggplant."
Stenographer print out the prescription entered and handed , Zhang Wu said to him:. "Well, good."
In accordance with past experience in the hospital, Liang Yuqing not forget to ask: "What is time to review it, Zhang?"
"Review? No review." Zhang Wu said with a smile, "You say you're sick are good, but also need to review it?"
Liang Yuqing and family hear elated, then also laughed together.
19:26, just 11 minutes, Liang Yuqing a staff member was led out of the diagnostic room, green beans, astragalus buy their own, and calcium can only buy in Understanding the Church, the staff gave him a 5 cans, such printed "pluralistic harmony" on the price of 280 yuan per can Gaifen.
Most patients are pleased to look out from the Wu Tang, the reporter found that, regardless of diabetes or cancer patients, their hands get a prescription similar, green bean soup, Astragalus soup, calcium, toes bled, but everyone all have high expectations.
Newspaper correspondent Gonghai

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