
標題: also used Fidel Leah Teague masterpiece. [打印本頁]

作者: 0g4S6cA1Sa    時間: 2015-12-3 22:11
標題: also used Fidel Leah Teague masterpiece.
Fidel Leah Teague "blood painting" works Fidel Leah Teague "blood painting" works
According to US media reported on the 5th, many artists use the "painstaking efforts" to describe the painstaking creative process,http://classetice.fr/spip.php?article266, New York "flavors" painter Vincent Castro Leah Teague is practical action illustrates this arduous journey? - He used his own blood to paint. 30 year old in the last 10 years of his painting career, it has been used at least up to 12 pints (about 6.82 liters) of their own blood,canada goose homme, to create a picture of unique personality, color red "blood painting."
To make "blood painting" 10 years since the adoption of nearly 700 liters of blood
? According to reports, 30-year-old Vincent Castro Leah Teague from New York,http://webshop.tafcue.com, in order to better "break down the barriers between art and artists,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000001121471.html,canada goose femme," he actually whim - use their own blood to paint. In the past 10 years, painting career, he has used at least up to 12 pints (about 6.82 liters) of their own blood creation "blood painting." In his own words, "My work is on the altar of art truly a 'blood sacrifice'."
While many artists claim their works Baozhan "blood and tears and sweat" when Fidel Leah Teague is used to extract himself from his blood. Over the past 10 years, he has been using its own blood as a painting medium. In a recent interview, Fidel Leah Teague said the outset initiation of this inspiration,http://www.91jrd.com/news/html/?21227.html,peuterey uomo, just want to build "one of the most intimate connection" between themselves and their work. As it happens, the human blood contains iron oxide,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/search.cgi, which is an ingredient in many traditional paints and rust in iron ore and can be found.
Works highest price $ 26,000
Leah Teague step Cass Draw "blood painting" is as follows: first lay on a white canvas with a graphite pencil drafts or pen; then in his private studio to extract their blood as "pigment"; then use the brush dipped in the diluted blood, draw a picture of creepy bright red works. Painting figures or distorted limbs or body rot in varying degrees, each piece is "bloody", called "flavors."
It is understood that the larger the size of a "blood painting" usually takes several months to complete. Fidel Leah Teague price per piece from $ 950 to $ 26,000 range. So far,hogan donna, he has worked in the Americas and Europe were held throughout the exhibition. Even the Swedish heavy metal band "Triptykon" the first show of music album covers and the US thriller "barbaric county,http://www.elnaviero.com/spip/spip.php?article2160," the poster, also used Fidel Leah Teague masterpiece.
Castile Gregory Yatan words, in the last 10 years writing career,canada goose homme, most art lovers are all praise for his work,http://www.2-s.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=216399, but there are a few people thought he was just on painting techniques,http://oneworldoneplace.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=191874, "a stunt." He said: "My response to this is yes, please pay more attention to the content of the work, instead of painting material used works as works if only in the 'stunt', then it must be devoid of content.." Letters Roundup
(Original title: "painstaking" as "blood painting")

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