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發表於 2015-12-3 22:00:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Hwang's father livelihood by picking up trash in classrooms have extra desks, mostly school dropouts left yellow Ulsan Tang Shaoxiong DU standard photo school hours, dye your hair, wear earrings teenage dropouts and students wearing school uniforms Dadehuore Man Wang Qi Photo dropout parents admit to reporters lack of education
Rural students drop out of school, it has been a topic of concern to the whole society. Recently, Huizhou three teenagers drop out of school at highway roadside catapult fun, and their extreme behavior took a good Xing Dan's life. Former Cong Fei and  dedicated to helping children drop out of school, while Xing Dan died in the hands of school dropouts of Youth, which is the world unbearable pain. Education has also become the focus of three adolescent social concern. April 19, 20, the Yangcheng Evening News reporter on the eastern western rural students drop out of school more than one place, and the problems of family education missing school launched an investigation. From the grasp of the situation, although some backward town the high drop-out ratio, but a poor family can not afford to read the book is no longer the main reason for dropping out of school; some economically developed areas due to easy to find a job, school dropouts has increased significantly. Students weariness has become school teachers are the most difficult problem, but also a major factor leading to school drop-out phenomenon. In this regard, most educators believe that these issues highlight the existence of the missing student supervision, but supervision of children out of school in fact rely on the relevant government departments, schools beyond the reach of this. The family education of rural children left behind almost zero, so the mental health of the population has become the biggest problem, the urgent need to attach great importance to the community.
■ Survey origin
Three teenagers involved in school
Unfortunately, from three families
So why three adolescents drop out of school involved? How their education situation? Reporters thorough investigation found that they all come from unfortunate families. 20, the reporter went Huidong County Nim town stone village, the village the villagers still talk three teenagers involved in things.
Reporters came to cast a deadly Lin concrete block home, his home is actually a room, the room was filled with debris, no beds, no kitchen, no one valuable thing. Hwang's father's face with skin disease, usually doing odd jobs to make money. According to the villagers, Lin's father suffers from intermittent mental illness, once midnight burned his house. Now, in fact, the Lin family has been home not a home, Lin's mother missing for six years, has no audio. Lin and his son had no place to live on her grandmother lived to Lin, Lin and his son's life is heavily dependent on aid to relatives.
Lin's father mentioned his son smashed cars, he said he did not think the child would do such a thing. In his eyes, the child although there are many shortcomings, but in general, or obedient, will help him do farm work. He said the child to read the fifth grade drop-out, the teacher advised him to go back and study visits, the children say bad grades, I can not keep up will not go. He said his children usually did not do evil things to others, not to mention how to educate him. Lin's father, said he hopes the child will get better after coming back anew.
Hwang is a large three people age, elementary school. Hwang's father, aged 60, looks larger than the actual age. Huang also utterly destitute. According to the villagers say, two rooms of his house a few years ago to repair government subsidies, or even a place to live are hard to find. Hwang's mother was mentally ill, in the village crazy, what can not do live, Hwang has a younger brother, suffering from dementia, a person's life against the father. Hwang's father, said he usually by seed points and picking up trash to sustain life. Hwang's father said his son read fifth grade, because the results can not keep going to school. He said the child was not aware of the severity will go more do hope the Government will take education of his son.
Cai's father talked about the son he was very sorry. He said his son is very good grades in school, to get back every year awards. Read to sixth grade, a child's academic trouble,hogan outlet, because Cai mother took him to change from Jieyang to marry him, the child's account did not turn up, the higher the tuition, the family can not support, the child is very sensible, take the initiative to him said the family had no money, I do not read the. After Cai home, used to go shoe odd jobs, there is an order to go to work, no orders to come home and help him work. Cai's father said the child at home are doing a lot of farm work, such as Tam rice, planting, hoeing fields foot, step on the threshing machine, his children at home are the main labor, child after the accident, he said, I do not know how to do farm work in the future, Cai a mother anemia, could not do live, often faint. Cai home more shabby, two rooms on both sides of the rear wall has a crack, a broken tile, leaky leaking. Cai's father said, after the children went in, he was very sad, but also worry about. Cai has a brother in elementary school, his father put their hopes in his brother's body, I hope he can read good books out ahead.
Where the village atmosphere has been good
It never happened in criminal cases
Three teenagers extreme behavior also make this village a bad impression to outsiders. In fact,tiffany outlet, the village the villagers is simple and feels good. According to the mayor, said the village has about 170, about 900 villagers, the villagers rarely go out to work. Economic income of villagers mainly rice and potato quarters. The village children to go to two kilometers away Lianfeng neighboring village primary school. Nearly six years, the village children admitted to the university every year, there are six people still in college, the village school atmosphere is also good. The main reason is that several school children out of school children's achievements can not keep up, teachers and village cadres had to persuade children to stay in school, the children's grades were not good, I do not want to read. Mayor believes that several children to give him the impression that relatively respect for elders, the children will not bully the same village, not their nature to bad happen he also surprised. The mayor said the village atmosphere has been good and never had a criminal case. He believes that children and families unfortunate accident related to the child out of school, mostly family education can not keep up cause of the accident. After the incident in the village by broadcasting to promote safety education.
Three parents have not heard
Cong Fei Xing Dan and deeds
Some media reported the previous evaluation of the child's parents say different, reporters hear the parents of three children were unanimous to say that their children are obedient. Reporters can not restore the three children of real life, a child's school before studying due to merge, the campus also abandoned for many years, when the teacher is also transferred to other places. You can see that their parents are law-abiding people, but also did not read any books. Placed in front of the fact that three children were born in this family, the heavy pressure of life has been so suffocating parents, coupled with its low level of education, parents expect good education out of school children, this is a very realistic thing. Three parents never heard of Cong Fei Xing Dan and deeds do not know who they are attracted to help with their children as good people poor children out of school, even though little is known so far. If their children get appropriate help, Xing Dan died event may not occur. Yangcheng Evening News reporter Huang Li Qi, Huang Wu correspondent
Township behind the high drop-out ratio of more than three percent of individual school dropouts
■ three survey
Student dropout behavior, in the end how the specific situation? Reporters from the education sector to provide the relevant personnel,http://www.calocare.com, the proportion of urban and township dropouts vary. Urban students drop out ratio of between about 4% to 6%, while behind the township in Meizhou dropouts proportion is even higher, reaching more than 10 percent,peuterey uomo, there are individual schools and even more than 30%. In Meizhou county, for example, New Year's Day 2007 freshmen students over 1.3 million people, but to participate in the junior high school graduation exams in 2010 the remaining 8,000 students, that is, three years of compulsory education in junior high school, the county on There are more than 5,000 students dropped out of.
Students drop out of school, they are doing it, in the end will bring a negative impact to the society? The answer is yes. Mike Meizhou students should have been on the first day, but he was in a car wash to help people live and began to wash every morning at 8 o'clock till 21:00 o'clock, the monthly income of 900 yuan or so. April 19, reporters saw at the carwash Li, asked him: "Why do you go to school?" Mike undisguised said: "Because not interested in reading, poor test scores, often by home Parents beaten. to see the students out to work, then in the autumn of last year, when the final exam came to escape from the car wash carwash dry live. "Like Mike, as reporters in Meizhou City street saw several" small students' day were removed from the museum to help people mahjong tea, cleaning. They told reporters: "money matters ah."
Drop out of school to work is still a "good thing", some students drop out of school, but the day you want Mom and Dad's money, playing computer at home during the day, at night it is about the "junior partner & nbsp;" frequented KTV, because the need to consume, and some people even also stem from the robbery, petty theft offense.
Reporter from Meizhou City police learned that a few years ago, Meizhou City police have arrested a robbery gang. After investigation, was captured by these small youth are dropping out of school students, who in order to raise the cost of Internet access and eat, drink, gathered together to buy crime with a fruit knife, late at night in parks and other places of "dating" Implementation of crime for men and women.
March 15 this year, Meizhou City, a middle school also took place along the school drop-outs who started entering into the school classrooms, clubbing innocent student cases, lead to students as young as 14 years old Luo head injuries. Reporters learned from relevant departments of Meizhou City, the students broke into the school drop-out hit similar events, the past six months, a number of schools in Meizhou have occurred at least 5 cases, students drop out of school in retaliation for the beating incident off campus and more than 14 cases.
In the interview, a teacher in a school, told reporters that now face us as teachers of students dropping out of school is also very helpless, she analyzed: Some parents who work long-term, it will be their children to grandparents or aunts, Argentina uncle custody, so that, lack of affection, and after school students, what they did things on the outside, to get to know someone, often the custody of one people only ask do not ask the other to accommodate up. It also resulted in an increasing proportion of high school dropouts. Yangcheng Evening News reporter Huang Du marked Ulsan correspondent Tang Shaoxiong
400 villages hundreds of people drop out of school children of migrant workers face a lack of education
Lian Jiang
. "Our village more than 400 people,http://0551mdn.com/news/html/?285570.html, more than 100 migrant workers, students drop out of school more than a dozen others they play at home, parents can help the work of pipe borne; some go out to fight temporary workers; some often go bubble Internet cafes, and even make some petty things. "correspondent to Lianjiang village Tung Chung town liangdong interview, the villagers Presbyterian expressed a concern.
In order to grasp the situation of local students drop out of school, April 20 at 3 pm, the reporter went to the town of Lianjiang liangdong expensive Tun village. Full old village leader said that your village under the jurisdiction of pier seven villages with a total number of 1,600 people. Student dropout problem, Tung Chung village is relatively prominent. There are also other villages, but few in number. As to whether there are school dropouts often go Paowang Ba, and even make some petty things. Full old said: "I do not know."
5:00 pm, this reporter went to the village of Tung Chung, it is difficult to see traces of the villagers. The village an old man said, most of the villagers work outside the home, some of the villagers farming at home, while the sun goes down fast weather is not so hot just work in the fields. The newly elected village cadres Lao Song said that the current working outside Tung village more than 100 people, mostly at home, some of the elderly, women and children still in school, some children live with only follow grandparents, their children's education Problems are also facing difficulties.
is one of poor villagers in the village of Tung Chung family by more than 230 lychee trees and raise a few pigs live in revenue. In 2008 his wife sick, treatment spent several million, family savings depleted, the current  lover can do some light work, family burden fell on him a person. And the family has three children,hogan outlet, the eldest daughter is currently reading senior, the eldest son of the next higher,http://rococo.k2.xrea.com/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi/, there is a small 15-year-old son this year, have not read it already started dropping out of school at home.
In the evening, the reporter called to Song Mouwei home understand the situation, the phone is Song lover. She said the odd little son in elementary school, when grades in class has been ranked the top five, after junior high school got tired of learning, on the first day did not drop out of school completely at home. Now home to do some housework or farm helped. But when asked what the reason is out of school, she said, he did not want to read on, the family had repeatedly advised him to go to school without success, it came to nothing.
"After dropping out of school there is often little odd Paowang Ba, or together with other people doing some of the petty things?" Song of love that I do not understand. She said the village a lot like little odd as dropouts have to work outside, go out less now little odd. When a reporter repeatedly asked little odd to listen to telephone, it has been little odd refused. Yangcheng Evening News reporter Yuanzeng Wei correspondent Yang Xiaoxu
Weary ranks of poor students drop out multiple main cause of poverty is no longer drop out of school
An influx
"Students weariness, it is to make school educators and their biggest headache problem,http://www.thiefmissions.com, but also a major factor leading to school drop-out phenomenon." One from teaching thirty years of senior educators in the case summary.
A town in eastern Guangdong Province Chaoan only two secondary schools, a junior high school is included, focusing on middle school education, strong teachers, school rate; at another junior high school, also known locally as the "linked in." "Couplet in" in many people's minds is the "poor students camp" doing well, naughty naughty school students are generally sent there Chaoshan. It is understood that each year primary school and junior high school, high school students in the town more than a thousand liters, there is usually a third of the outstanding achievements of key middle school students will be recruited revenue read, the remaining more than eight hundred students, often only choose to enroll in the Union. According to the person in charge of the school, which is more than eight hundred students, "quiz" two expedition score 50 points (out of 200 points) are there three or four hundred people, to test more than 100 points to a hundred people, "poor students" the proportion of Qi Cheng. "These students, mostly at the primary stage unmotivated, which leads to poor school performance, but they were, in fact, most children are not stupid, and even can be said to be of normal intelligence IQ,scrape hogan, they just do not read into the book. "This bit official said.
It is understood that the general to the junior high school sophomore before and after the drop-out phenomenon began to appear, and mainly in the "poor students" among the ranks. Reporters investigating the secondary school students drop out of school every year allegedly have dozens or even hundreds of people, deduct a portion of the case to persuade dropouts to return to school after school, three years of junior secondary compulsory education tend to have more than two hundred students or Loss drop out. According to insiders, compulsory education school dropout rates in some areas even up to two percent or more of students.
Why are there so many students choose to drop out of school? Educators Liu believes that weariness thought is leading to the main reason for dropping out of school. Liu analyzed the underlying causes: "the root causes of weariness, it can be said to start from early childhood, preschool children currently there are many errors, anxious to force children to write, remember, it is easy for children to breed resistance Learning emotional "Liu believes that at this stage society" poor students "discrimination vision, the children also caused a lot of pressure: Key test into high school, into ordinary schools or" linked in "school children will feel around contempt, more than many parents of children disappointed, also holding the "casual reading junior high school for three years, managed to get on the high school, pass the test to find work" idea.
Reporters in the survey found that the more developed regions in the industrial economy, dropout problem more prominent. A town junior high school principal told reporters,http://303310.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=4302, because a poor family can not afford to read the book is not the main reason for dropping out of school, in fact, the majority of students who drop out of school, family economic situation "pretty good." "Now a student spending a few hundred pieces a month pocket money,http://www.ssl.fujitsu.com, very popular." In light of the Chaoshan area of economic activity, factory gathered after many unmotivated students who drop out of school, most of them will choose to enter the factory to work, because it is easy to find a job.
Dropouts from school dropout who also mixed in some criminal activity in criminal gang. In one area of a city in eastern Guangdong, affray occurred in recent years, theft, robbery and other types of cases, the suspects per capita is more than two-year-old teenagers, according to local public security department, has an active joint in several towns gang, gathered hundreds of gang members, day in doing the right thing affray, petty theft and even robbery and other activities, and of them, almost all of them drop out of school youth, unemployed youth. & Nbsp; Yangcheng Evening News reporter Wang Qi Man
The urgent need to pay attention to mental health dropout group educators: the supervision of their relevant government departments rely on the fact
■ Reflection
Ms. Xing Dan accident victims incident again raises the rural left-behind children, especially school drop-out problem of children growing concern. Reporters in Maoming on the matter interview that most educators believe that this incident highlights the lack of student supervision exist, but in fact the supervision of school children rely on the relevant government departments, schools beyond the reach of this. The family education of rural children left behind almost zero, so the mental health of the population has become the biggest problem, the urgent need to attach great importance to the community.
21, a school headmaster Maoming a town center, told reporters that the town is still dominated by agriculture, nearly half of the parents go out to work all year round,http://rankuru100.seesaa.net, the town of nearly 4,000 primary school students, there are more than 1800 children left behind. "As a result of the compulsory education, the situation is now out of school because of family financial difficulties are not there, because enrollment basically do not spend money; but the situation is out of school due to poor academic performance is an objective reality and student unintentionally. to lead to poor school performance, this lack of family education, lack of family warmth students for many years is directly related to their mental health problems has become the biggest problem. "
The president went on to say: "so to speak, rural children left behind family education is basically no, have to rely on school education many parents themselves do not have much culture, do not have this ability to educate, but they many years away. busy working, the children stay at home more by grandparents or grandparents pipe band, in addition to old people tend to spoil their children, or spoiled, in life, to what to buy anything, responsive on the substance, but zero in spiritual education. Therefore, the prevalence of left-behind children withdrawn, alienation, extreme, low self-esteem features. how these children develop a healthy personality, good habits and legal awareness, the big issues, including the education sector, including the whole society should seriously. The schools have failed to do anything. "He said that now even the school's principal did not dare to criticize the students. "Because,http://z17l.biz/home.php?mod=space&uid=14105," Protection of Minors Act, "school students can not leave the Church, can not even corporal punishment on students, but to take sweetness and light style of education, saying that you have a little heavy, students even took the head against the wall to scare teachers, parents also . find a school of trouble I personally think that in the education of Dan Xing were killed this matter, as reflected in school children, mainly to reflect the level of social mechanism from the "& nbsp;. & nbsp; Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lin Fuyi
 (Edit: SN026)

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