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發表於 2015-12-12 10:12:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
They are a unit of people, old acquaintances, but for the 230 yuan of loans, bombarded nine years, finally moving his hand,http://fexkaq.com.cn/news/html/?849.html, was referred to the Xi'an Lianhu District Subdistrict fire Hongmiaopo West community, community director after mediation before taking the 9-year grudge.
They trouble up, community director is the first large
January 9 at noon, Feng Li (pseudonym) in shabby own small shop boil polenta, community director Cui Guiying please drink. "I want to thank her!" Feng Li said.
They said this was from August 2012 to start. One day, Feng Li to the community, said: "! Liu Jun (a pseudonym) owes me 230 yuan is not yet home, also wounded me, I let him pay back the money."
After a few days, Liu Jun to the community,, said: "! Feng Li family buckle my rounds,piumini moncler, I want her to have three" Cui Guiying think big head.
Liu Jun Feng Li husband during his lifetime and supplies in a unit of work, is what makes Feng Li and Liu was referred to the community? It started in 2002 to start.
2002 lent 600 yuan
Feng Li, aged 64, in a space Xi'an Lianhu District Subdistrict fire Hongmiaopo Western community open a shop, in 2002, in this small shop, chat with  wife Liu women.
"Young brother, I have a friend getting married, I have with the elements, it Zhouzhuanbukai recently, can you lend me 300 yuan?" Liu wife said.
Feng Li husband thought, then took out 300 yuan to the Liu Jun wife. "Later, their home and borrow tens of dozens of ground zero, borrowed a total of 600 yuan." Yesterday morning,scarpe hogan outlet, Feng Li said. We live in a community, the rise of not bow to see. Each met Liu and his wife, Feng Li are hoping that they can pay back the money, borrow money or mention something, but each time, they are like nothing happened.
Many times, Feng Li wants to recover the arrears, but each felt embarrassed openings.
To return to 370 yuan in 2004
In 2003,scarpe hogan, Feng Li husband is suffering from cancer, less than a year, they spent more than ten million.
In 2004, her husband passed away. "I come from the countryside, no culture." Yesterday,http://grand-lome.org/spip.php?article41, Feng Li said.
Previously, the store is run husband, after her husband's death, three children go to school, work, get married, all placed in front of Feng Li. The burden of life, so she always remembered her husband. Think of her husband did not have the names of a sum of money to come back,http://genie-alimentaire.com/spip.php?article124/, she felt for her husband to complete the matter. Besides, 600 dollars is also able to solve a lot of things happen at home.
One day, Liu Feng Li saw his wife walked from the road in front of the store. "You see, my old man is gone, we are helpless, do you want our money back now." Feng Li said with a smile.
The other gave her 300 yuan. "Subsequently, one day, to 70 yuan, 230 yuan is not yet left." Feng Li said yesterday.
July 2012, from the mouth to the hands
It became a 230 yuan Feng Li mind, "I think, if not to return, unable to explain to the old man, say, the family does have difficulties." Feng Li said yesterday. Liu encountered again, Feng Li spoke up,http://jldjxsb.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5356, "This thing I have to ask my young married woman." After Liu finished, he called to his wife, his wife said, the money has been repaid.
"I and his wife are trouble, in 2006, we divorced." Yesterday, Liu said.
In 2007, Feng Li again to the unit to find Liu. "It was more than my colleagues, I feel very ashamed, to let her take the IOU." Liu said yesterday, the two broke up, from strained.
Since then, Liu Feng Li can not contact his wife, Liu repeatedly find money. Until one day,http://www.zhimajietiao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=787071, the two men from the mouth up to the July 2012's beat up, Feng Li injured.
"If I really owe the money, even if it is 2300 yuan, and I also, but it is something in the past for so long, not any IOU." Liu said.
A month later,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, Liu Feng Li's son quietly put away the tricycle.
230 yuan and medical expenses paid in three installments
"Because no IOU, I can only make them understand each other, to resolve the hatchet." Cui Guiying said yesterday. She and community mediation room staff two runs, with many years in the community to engage in mass work fire west of prestige,moncler femme, quickly resolve the matter.
Finally, Liu Feng Li 800 yuan to settle the matter, including 230 yuan and medical expenses.
Liu wages were frozen because the incident. "I really have no money, staging yet, okay?" Feng Li promised.
"The first 400, second 200, third 200 yuan,, every time I referred to, every time I sign, the last time I write clearly 'money has been repaid'." Yesterday,woolrich outlet italia, Cui Guiying said.
Lawyers say & gt; & gt;
Best to have a written loan credentials
Yesterday, Shaanxi high high Jin Jin lawyer said that the first, when private loans, best to have a written credentials. Second, one of the spouses to borrow or lend money, both on behalf of the two, there is joint and several liability, so either spouse has the right to track down the debt or the obligation to repay. Third, according to activists, pay attention to aging activists, civil litigation limitation of two years. Community reporter Ren Ting
(Original title: 230 yuan loan to be to be 9 years)

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