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發表於 2015-12-25 16:04:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Little Man (pseudonym) recalls the case of the incident intern Yang Fan / photo
Teacher kicked kicked nakedness Xiebaozhengshu naughty boys, "he future fertility problems I am responsible."
After examination, the student body was not unusual; the face of repeated calls for compensation demands of parents, teachers took the opportunity to tear the parties guarantee
After the reporter Liu Xianbing bell rang,HPzEDWWxkN, the students do not go back to class seat, still classroom slapstick, such behavior is often a headache for teachers. April 13, the central town of Luliang County in Qujing City,doudoune moncler pas cher, a teacher in the face of the class Li Tianxiang such a naughty student Qian Wen (a pseudonym), the angrily,lKngN788Jk, foot kicked the 14-year-old text,air max 90 pas cher, just kicked small text genital area. Worried about the child's future reproductive function will be affected, the parents of small text requires the teacher wrote willing to take "a problem Fertility" guarantee responsibility. After that, Li put forward again and again because of unbearable parental claims,louboutin pas cher, took the opportunity to regain the guarantee,kNh6sbWbc6, and be torn up. Until yesterday, the two sides still doing negotiations for it.
"More than a month, still hurt."
At noon yesterday,3Psna5yyHK, the small text and, as usual, came home from school at noon to eat. Little Man mother had Shimoda planting, at home only grandmother and godfather. Little Man said, the morning of April 13 after the third lesson, he and classmate surnamed Zhou students in the classroom play. After the fourth class bell rang, he saw outside the classroom as well as a few girls before they enter the classroom, for the fun of psychology, he and Xiao Zhou together with the classroom door shut up, do not let that several girls in the classroom. This scene is just the teacher in the classroom Li Tianxiang see, immediately went over toward the small circumference ass kicked. Seeing this, the small text intended hurried back seat. May be just turned around, the teacher kicked him in the groin. "At the time it hurt, let the teacher took me to the hospital and he do not care, also I called the office." Since then the parents of small text in Kunming and Qujing work, after a small text home, nor tell anyone play. Until May 13, the mother of small text Chen Komidori from Qujing home, he reported the matter to his mother. "Now we have passed more than a month, although every day to continue school, but still hurt."
"The problem child in the future, who is responsible"
Small text godfather segment Bingkun Also in Qujing work, and Chen went back to Luliang Komidori, too, learned the matter. "The child does not, the teacher should be education, but also have to pay attention to the ways and means, but can not hurt vital parts." Due to the small text father still work in Kunming, Chen Xiao-cui segment Bingkun and went to school. The teacher also told they acknowledged the matter, also means that you can bring the child to the hospital, but did not at that time to bring the child to the hospital. A week later, he again went to the school, according to their views before Li Tianxiang small text to Qujing City First People's Hospital. Doctors initially suspected the left scrotal trauma, but after examination, show the doctor's examination report on the issue, small genitals text does not appear abnormal. After checking back because small text pain symptoms last for a month, Chen Xiao-cui reproductive function has been worried about the child's future will be affected. In the parents' request, Li Tianxiang wrote a guarantee, and press the handprint, willing to take the matter to small text bring "fertility problem" responsibility. To avoid this guarantee is lost, the mother of small text subsequently carried out a copy of the guarantee.
Chen Xiao Cui said that the small text only 14 years old this year, married fertility problems and at least 10 years. Even with the guarantee, but the mother of small text is still not assured. May 29, after consultation with the segment Bingkun, they came to Luliang County, invited Li Tianxiang meet again to discuss the matter, hoping to one-time settlement. After the meeting, Li Tianxiang proposed to guarantee the seal back to school. "Original certainly can not give, we can only provide a copy." Paragraph Bingkun and Li Tianxiang go a copy shop intend Copy guarantee. When a segment Bingkun out a promise to the copy shop owner, a side of the Li Tianxiang wins in the past, on the spot tear up. "We are very dissatisfied with him to do so and now we have only two requirements, either in addition to write a written guarantee, or one-time pay money to resolve the matter, or reproductive function after my son has a problem, which is responsible for whom." Li Tianxiang After tearing up the guarantee, the small text family has repeatedly found him, ask choose one of the two solutions, but all were rejected him.
"The best way to resolve through judicial"
Yesterday,XdTL7HkgYU, the reporter went to the central town in Luliang County. Parties to kick the students and teacher Li Tianxiang wrote and tore up the guarantee issue does not deny. Turning to the matter, he also showed a heavy psychological burden. He said the school has been very small text mischievous,[/url], often skipping,[url=http://www.arret-net.fr/link.php]moncler pas cher, contradict the teacher, achievement at the middle level. After school that day saw him continue slapstick, really angry. Under agitation, on foot and gently kicked him, but did not think he suddenly turned around, just to play in the lower body parts. Taking into account also another lesson to the class, the small text on the first settled to the office, I intend to go to another class layout homework, then take him to the hospital. Later, after inquiry, the small text said no to the hospital, he let a small paper back to the classroom to class. A few days later, also did not find any abnormalities of small text. After checking into the hospital also confirmed the genitals of small text and no unusual circumstances.
Li Tianxiang, said in a small text of parents asked to write a guarantee,woolrich outlet milano, the other party again came to the door, hoping to resolve the matter one-time money. "I will teach more than 2,000 dollars a month, they asked me to come up with seven million one-time compensation, where I have the money!" Hospital examination showed small text problem does not occur, parents also lose money repeatedly raised requirements, anger under, Li Tianxiang borrow copier grabbed immediately tore guarantee. "If they do not worry, I'm willing to take him to the hospital to review, but I will not write any written agreement or make a one-time compensation. If the parents do not agree, it is best resolved through legal channels. I bear any responsibility law to determine, nor prevarication. "Little Man is located 218 junior high school sophomore class monitor and another classmate surnamed Wang also said that the small text from April to now, in the school did not have any abnormal behavior, school day After all,UhYcobyjNJ, and as usual kept classmates slapstick.
Universities length of the school, said after the occurrence of the matter, school leaders also have talked to teachers and students to talk the parties,J5o46qwb5w, the school will set strict demands Li Tianxiang handle the matter.

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