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發表於 2015-12-25 21:25:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The accused were brought into the courtroom,http://palevo.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=104229/index.php, (left) of Hanyuan She / Legal Evening News reporter Cao Bo far
Legal Evening News (Reporter Wang Wei) as a member of the demolition, the demolition of how you can become rich overnight riches generation do? Shijingshan District experienced demolition demolition services staff and the area real estate mapping team outside the industry,http://www.abzalov.ru, operator displays, inflated area in the demolition assessment, with their relatives the impersonator property worth millions, and received commissions relatives, a "trading "I can make a profit of hundreds of million. This morning, the South Korean won and the others on suspicion of taking bribes in a corruption trial in the hospital.
Prosecutors accuse the fictional demolition demolition section cheat
Between September 2009 to January 2010, the defendant won, Li, Chu also been premeditated, use won, Li served Shijingshan District demolition demolition service members, Chu also served Shijingshan District real estate mapping team outside the industry, operator, are responsible for Shijingshan District days of his office Taishan Tourism Project A block demolition work and demolition work area mapping defrauding relocation compensation.
They issued false demolition by the household survey data, inflated demolition area, demolition will not have qualified Leo Chu's daughter Zhu Liming identified as being a means demolition, etc., together defraud 678,625 yuan compensation payments. Tie share of 318,490 yuan; the rest of the money 360,135 yuan to buy a set of resettlement housing, the house owned by Zhu Liming all,louboutin pas cher, after the payment of 300,000 yuan Zhu Liming was won possession.
Between September 2009 to February 2010, the defendant won, Li,http://www.nj-bridge.com/ad/Review.asp?NewsID=486, Chu also been premeditated, and by day they are responsible Shijingshan District Taishan Tourism Project A Lot duties demolition work and demolition work area mapping facilities,http://ted.pekori.to, taking issue false demolition household survey data, false mapping diagram,http://web.com-com-com-com.com/2042/news/html/?1471.html, will not have the qualifications of the demolition of relatives Wangshou Zhong Chu also been identified as a means demolition, etc., together defraud 2,591,024 yuan relocation compensation funds.
Won possession in which 2,http://www.shlfw.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=31406,255,854 yuan; the rest of the money to buy a set of resettlement housing, the house owned by Wangshou Zhong all, after the payment of 460,845 yuan Wangshou Zhong also won possession.
To help buy replacement housing, multi-operator benefits received by the demolition area
Between September 2009 to February 2010, the defendant Chu also use as Shijingshan District Real Estate Surveying Team work outside the industry, responsible for Beijing's Shijingshan District office days Taishan Tourism Project A Lot demolition area mapping work convenience, acceptance Wangshou Zhong if asked, to help the affected people do not have the qualifications Wangshou Zhong at a lower price to buy a set of resettlement housing.
To this end, Chu also received in December 2009 Wangshou Zhong given commissions 80,000 yuan.
Between July 2009 to April 2010, Chu also use as Shijingshan District Real Estate Surveying Team work outside the industry, responsible for Beijing's Shijingshan District office Wuli lump 02 block demolition project construction group surveying and mapping work to facilitate and accept the trust , is committed to helping the affected people Cao Zhiying more computing demolition area. To this end, Chu also received 200,000 yuan Cao Zhiying given commissions.
Between July 2009 to January 2010, the defendant together with Li won Shijingshan District use as demolition demolition services, working on office days Shijingshan District Taishan Tourism Project A convenient block the demolition work, won the demolition Wu Liwen obtain commissions 80,000 yuan, take fake certificates and other means to help people with disabilities get relocation compensation Wu Liwen more.
Above 80,000 yuan was won, Li sharing.
Courtroom demolition, project managers, cartographers collaborated
10:15, won, Li, Chu also brought before the court, the three career just in people of all ages from the age point of view, if not the incident, Chu also retiring in next year.
Three defendants entered the courtroom, relatives and friends of the gallery, causing a commotion, a lot of friends nodded and waved hello to the defendant.
Won before the incident, Li, Chu also are Shijingshan District demolition demolition services staff, Shijingshan District demolition services demolition project managers and mapping team in Shijingshan District real estate operator outside the industry.
At the beginning of the hearing,louboutin pas cher, with the identity of the demolition of the rich who won recognition for charges of public prosecution.
Prosecutors said the nature of the demolition team was state-owned institutions.
Won said that when the 2009 household survey measuring their own houses, cartographer Chu also tactfully asked if he could buy a cheap house.
Won said the demolition area by mapping teams out, cooperation between both sides, so help us to see the answer.
Won said several times since then Leo Chu questioning, he arranged for Chen relocatees demolition objects as fiction "Chen family has more than 80 square meters of illegal buildings,woolrich outlet italia, I put Leo Chu Chen family place to go as a daughter, daughter to Leo Chu arrange a more than 80 square meters of housing ...... "
Won said that Chen's appeal is to get the demolition of houses,http://hernia8.umin.jp,moncler outlet italia, the daughter of Leo Chu Chen arrangement does not affect the family's housing allocation.
In the demolition assessment, Chen Chu also responsible for measuring home demolition, the two sides tweak with values, Chu also appeared in her daughter's house.
Since then, Chen get evicted more than 500 million relocation and resettlement housing money, Leo Chu daughter get more than 60 million relocation compensation and resettlement housing.
In order to successfully end of things, they handed over more than 30 million project manager Li then won Chu also claim the price of 3,000 yuan per square meter to pay 300,000 fee, then this money will be won in the bag.
Soon, Chu also then help relatives Wangshou Zhong to house, that he won to save face, to find an ownerless small yard, won also drew a diagram related to the housing structure, and then to the mapping team, do the same lie to the demolition section.
Thereafter,louboutin soldes pas cher, the main small courtyard get no more than 80 square meters of housing and more than 2.5 million relocation compensation, the won will be commission and compensation totaling 2.7 million appropriation.
No regulatory assessment of arbitrary demolition
From the won's confession, the demolition work is primarily responsible member of the household survey for the relocatees, and the relocatees to talk about the compensation package and sign an agreement, and the project manager Li Tie is leadership won, won after a series of work, work through Tie audit, it can handed, with no other regulatory processes.
The surveyors are per household, demolished houses to conduct site surveys, in the demolition process, and there is no standardization of regulations and related regulation.
As the won has said, in the demolition of the assessment process, illegal land occupation area can be considered or may not belong to the category of ownerless house demolition members also belong to the scope of the freedom measure, surveyors who collaborated with the demolition, and then give the project manager acquiescence, a move back room and millions of compensation easily at hand, in addition to operating matters commissions or service charges hundreds of thousands.
Prosecutor: random selection of demolition Members
In addition to helping with industry peers operating housing to be a tacit understanding reached between the member and the relocatees demolition understanding, assessment a few more meters,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the demolition will be able to get a few million members acknowledge evicted from there.
According to prosecutors statements, the demolition team should belong to the state-owned institutions, but in terms of the selection of members of the demolition, but it is very casual. Won said that in 2009 he has been no fixed job, in 2009 called the demolition team was temporary, and thus began his "road to riches." As of press time reporter, the trial continues.
Text / reporter Wang Wei
(Original title: demolition surveyor who collude to deceive the demolition section will no qualified person identified as being demolished with the help of others to buy replacement housing Defendant: demolition process is not regulatory)
Edit: SN123

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