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發表於 2015-6-22 11:23:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Chen Xia shadow has loved sleeping bed, Yang Xueyun specially prepared to give him a 1.8-meter-wide bed. Jinghua Times reporter Huang Qing and Zhang Shuling taken away in Russia brother Huang Li through video phones.
"Chen Xia shadow" case after 3 times 3 times judgment ruling, Chen Huang spent the summer shadow and the best life 19 years in jail and prison, Lin Lifeng then died in prison. May 11 the case for retrial, the prosecution case "facts are unclear and insufficient evidence" and recommended that the court commuted, which gives three families hope. Although not yet received acquittals, but Chen Xia Ying, Huang's family has begun actively preparing for the return.
Because this case is involved with the three accused and a victim families in the case before the retrial hearing, what changed? May 11 to May 12,aDdLPBlGwX, reporters these four families were interviewed.
□ Chen Xia Movies parents
Son has been packed room
Yesterday morning, the reporter arrived at Mawei District Riverside Jincheng Chen Xia shadow home. This is a large three-bedroom, light and spacious living room, great room,air max milano, Chen Xia shadow of his father  the reporter introduced by a southeast about 20 square meters room, happy to say, "This is the summer movie room." Then, he will Reporters taken to a south-facing room, "the time of marriage, the bathroom of the house to give him with."
Chen Xia shadow of mother  said this summer shadow suite is Chen's sister married to an old married couple to buy, have bought for 11 years, but Chen has not been to this summer movie house. Chen Xia in the shadow of the room, on the windowsill, on a table arrayed stacks of redress materials lying in bed but also some black calligraphy written on yellow banners, yellow vest. Yang Xueyun being folded piece of these items, "The case materials were written by his father, we will be saved, and other summer shadow home, but also let the children know the family,tyI10B7W51, the media and the lawyers' efforts."
said that since the summer film was taken away from home for 19 years have not been the New Year, "people Chinese Lunar New Year firecrackers, the couple I usually eat, what the New Year is to eat, never had a good year, the rice well, The shadow summer dishes on the table, looking very sad. "
Although few New Year at home,JVTGm99KTu, but take advantage of the Chinese New Year gathering of relatives and friends, Chen Huanhui Fuqing went back home a couple or a few times, "one saw the young child, think of summer movie, sad." Yang Xueyun wiping away tears, she said, born the same year and the summer movie cousins, children are 12 years old, "the shadow of the summer time we were detained, the child becomes a middle-aged man." said that when Chen Xia shadow grandfather died, Chen Xia shadow only 12 years old, when my grandmother died, Chen Xia shadow 26-year-old grandmother has been looking forward to Chen Xia shadow could come back before the death have to give Chen Xia shadow left 100 yuan,hollister france,vK3IYOlVqL, said, "I'm afraid I can not see grandchildren." .
And then come back to the Founding wife
Yangxue Yun said in a court hearing before the meeting convened by the lawyers to court five days that he basically did not sleep, "happy, excited, and a little worried." But that night after hearing that he slept very fragrant, "from 23:00 slept until 5:00." She smiled and said, is to appear in court the prosecutor saying "facts are unclear and insufficient evidence to recommend revision," reassured her, "I slept for 19 years, the best of sleep."
Although the case has not been sentenced, but the couple are determined the case will be vindicated, the child will be home soon. "This has been the case 19 years retrial, the court judges,3Stk7li1O5, prosecutors and lawyers who are considered 'trend has been very clear', will no longer appear to maintain the original judgment of the question!" Chenhuan Hui believes that the case is the wrong case to the public security lessons, courts and procuratorates should correct the error. As regards the issue of state compensation, Chen Huanhui called the most crucial thing is to restore freedom as soon as the summer movie.
Speaking in the future, Chen Huanhui couple said, "after the summer movie came out, we better let him talk to learn a car." Chen Huanhui couple said, watching other people's children will be driving, they have to let the summer movie to test a driver's license, "then is to find a job, no work too hard to find wives." said, "We are this child zone, in spite of many factories, but summer movie just came out, went to this age, it is estimated the work is not very good looking."
Chenhuan Hui said his most worry about is the son of the marriage, "I gave Xia Ying said, your mother was too tired, we must find a good wife, Xia Ying said, his parents agreed to accept." Chen Huanhui that very filial son, they hope the daughter as well as "good, sensible, will educate a child."
□ Huang brother
The first time back to the old one ancestors
Yesterday, the 35-year-old Huang Qing Back  fishing town house located in Fuqing City, Qi brigade after Langguan village, ready to "Xing all right," the message that has been buried in the ground's father, grandmother and uncle.
Huang Qing, told reporters after the trial, the trial of the case he will be called to tell his mother, the two excited I could not sleep all night, "Today we like eating a reassurance, Fujian Province Procuratorate also our justice , now just waiting for the Fujian Provincial High Court decision gave us 19 years of belated justice, let us reunite. "
Huang Qing said that once the case was handed down,b5rc6t306s, Huang not guilty, he would arrange to fly back from Beijing to Fuzhou, mother and mother meet, first with his brother to the hospital for a medical check-up, his blood pressure, nursed back to good to be in the hospital, "Even though he is so strong, the hair came off, I see first re-seed my hair." "Huang Xing in jail for so long, his head was dull, he must first and brothers together, and slowly the run."
On the question of compensation, Huang family mean,8785ETQBHx, "At that time,louboutin homme pas cher, the government how to lose, how to pay, specifically to listen to the views of Huang Xing, but now the most important thing is, let Huang came out a little earlier."
I want to skip the fence to embrace his brother
Huang Qing said that this year 40-year-old Huang is the family boss, the second Huang Li, now Russia, while he worked hard in Beijing, 64-year-old mother Wang Jinmei, along with their own lives together. "We are brothers and three good takes a person like," said Huang Qing, three brothers a bed to sleep,ralph lauren pas cher, slept until 1996 Huang was arrested, and then he and Huang Li, a bed to sleep, "until Sao brother married. "
"So when I heard the prosecutor recommended that the court commuted the time, really so excited, so excited, when what I really want to skip the court fence, to embrace my brother." Huang Qing remember those hearings said that before her brother always said that he caused the collapse of the family, he owes a lot at home, "I want to say to him, brother, you do not owe, you owe only a third brother,louboutin homme pas cher, 19-year-long absence hug. "
Huang Qing said he was also devoted to far in Russia brother Huang Li hit a pass video phones. Huang brothers discuss the future development of the phone, Huang Li suggested that Huang should be with him to Russia to develop, the brothers still have to live together, "he age is a big, I have hastened to marry a wife, find one pair of good for him, for the family good woman. " Huang Qing Huang Li brothers even talked to Huang in Fuzhou thing to buy a house, "must be in Fuzhou to buy him, we are native Chinese people, home in Fuqing, older, or to return to Fuqing."
□ Lin Lifeng father
Agony for 19 years
May 11, Lin Lifeng Lin Xinrong father did not come to attend, Lin Lifeng mother Zhuanghua Ying and Lin Lifeng uncle to attend the case. In the afternoon, when the court heard the prosecutor recommended that the court commuted, Lin Lifeng uncle suddenly unable to control emotions, he ran out of the courtroom, crouched under the wall cried, ran out of the courtroom  followed. "Children are innocent, summer movie, Huang can happily take it,DfbnQ9msKW, but my son did not." Zhuanghua Ying Gang told reporters said a word, he burst into tears.
May 11 afternoon, Lin Lifeng's uncle told the case with SMS  the trial, talking about the second trial of view,  said, "I struggled, since 1996 as a man in pain, I inner pain, is not a person can bear. " He said that 19 years ago, Lin Lifeng from the first day of the accident, he was not a day without torment, especially in the first two years, every year to redress the grievances have gone out 200 times. "I was suffering an accident suffered by Lin Lifeng, you can write a novel about the."  said Lin Lifeng died in prison, the case after the verdict, he must be held accountable relevant personnel, "This is the deliberate creation of injustice , etc. to get the verdict, he would be held at all costs related to the responsibility. "
□ victim father
Has said it will continue Murderer
Since the Ming killed  father began drinking, and too busy deli and then run home.
Tang Guoliang been concerned about the circumstances of the case for retrial, although May 11 court reporters could not tell if he entered the court to attend, "but others must be in Fuzhou," a friend said Tang Guoliang, May 11, also see the face, but until now she could not be contacted Tang Guoliang.
The case before the court for retrial, Tang Guoliang told reporters that if the case was sentenced to three people guilty, then he will continue Pupil.
May 11 hearing of the case for retrial, Tang Guoliang commissioned a lawyer to appear in court, the lawyer in court alleging three defendants admitted taking part in the kidnapping and murder,  home should be compensated economically. In this regard, Chen Xia Ying, Huang said he did not kidnap murder, nor any compensation be made. "If I can go out, the families of victims living in difficult, I am willing to help them look." Said Chen Xia shadow. And Huang Qing is excited to refute the attorney's advice to still Huang Xingqing white.
Jinghua Times reporter Zhang Shuling
(Original title: "Summer Movies, Mom had made up the bed waiting for you to come home.")
Edit: SN146

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