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Research escaped









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發表於 2015-12-2 12:52:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Young throwing beloved husband has not seen his wife and children face away. MENG Ling'll be watching every day of the wedding she and her husband,louboutin outlet, stroking his unborn child tears. Star reporter Luanjunxueshe
MENG Ling 28-year-old can not face all ...... her husband Li Ning has occurred in the birthday invitation by a friend out to celebrate, a group of assailants armed with lethal weapons attacked innocent Li Ning, head and abdomen because he was seriously injured, and finally, freeze life in 28th birthday today. Li Ning's friends Research the car parked in the district continuously scraped twice, twice Qimou find Property Office, July 1, 2010 in the evening, they again came to the property office, the other party has got a group of people holding a weapon , Research escaped, unfortunately, come to Li Ning's head ...... he left his parents, leaving behind deeply in love with his wife, leaving behind not yet born, not enough time to meet with a child. Let MENG Ling anger and understand is, when the other party to participate in this event a total of seven people, two of them in jail, three men are still at large, MENG Ling considered most responsible person in charge of property and Meng Wang Zhiqiang was released on bail.
Tragedy struck
Two hours away from the anniversary of the birthday variants
"Who are the rough father? Sometimes see the baby's eyes, a slight movement would betray them look bold appearance, ashamed to express their love will be demonstrated most vividly in her baby. I believe that every men are true. I seem to see the bulk of Comrade Li treat small baby smiling eyes of children. "
- From May 20 MENG Ling's blog. & Nbsp; ("Lee big" is MENG Ling Li Ning's nickname for her husband)
Lives in the town of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, North claimed in a blog Meng MENG Ling Andy, her husband has been killed in a month's time, she described her husband was killed and their existence through some questions of post "happy,piumini moncler, so screeching halt" on the Internet The amount of reading has exceeded 200,000.
MENG Ling was pregnant six months, the reporter carefully read her blog, each blog can tell that she is looking forward to the coming of new life, dependent on her husband. On the blog there is a distribution map, a father reading a book sitting on the grass, the child lying on his father's shoulders, and his son were both slight smile, now, this chapter has made MENG Ling sad, because she knew that her husband no longer do these.
August 23, reporters came home when Li Ning, MENG Ling was packed with friends and family ready for the baby room, the room stood a small bed, a wide variety of toys placed on the bed under the bed. Home computer open on the screen and screen savers are using all kinds of baby photos.
This is the husband left MENG Ling first 54 days, first in her husband leave days,http://www.boss888888.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17597, in addition to crying, she did not know what to do, but, for our children's health, MENG Ling had suppressed their grief, she knew, For children, she still has a long way to go, in order not caused the death of her husband, she do as well.
July 1, 2010 is the birthday of Li Ning, 20:00 more, Li Ning's friends Research the other four individuals came to the home of Li Ning, Li Ning invited to go out to celebrate his birthday, when MENG Ling was pregnant four months, the body is not convenient to move Back upstairs lounge, which became a separate farewell.
21:00, MENG Ling Li Ning wanted to call, but the phone has been no answer, MENG Ling was like, may be her husband did not hear the phone ring, did not worry too much, MENG Ling said: "Now think about it, when Li Ning . it should have been in the hospital a & nbsp; "
Between 9:30 to 10:00, MENG Ling ready to sleep but can not sleep anyway, she once again call the Li Ning's phone, long after,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3523, a friend of Li Ning, pick up the phone, his voice has brought a glimmer of a tearful voice, said only one sentence: "You do not ask, and I'll give you a & nbsp;." Then,http://www.puyoubbs.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, who hung up the phone.
MENG Ling had glimpses of this time something happens, but I do not know what it was, had anxiously waiting at home.
After 20 minutes, MENG Ling mother unexpectedly received a phone call asking lining of blood. MENG Ling said at the time they are a little Fameng, but adjust a bit, immediately thought her husband must have been a serious problem, should now be in the hospital, certainly in a coma, or else someone will ask how blood type, but also by the family it .
Let MENG Ling grew more and more afraid, "I was immediately desire is to see my husband and saw he was good, just think of who is scaring themselves & nbsp;."
Directly after MENG Ling and her mother both went to the town of North Hospital of stairs, saw Li Ning's uncle is squatting mouth floor crying, Li Ning's friend silent, in a ward MENG Ling saw lying in bed Li Ning, the blood on the head and ears, there is an incision on the belly. MENG Ling said: "I can not believe I left two hours husband would become like this ......"
MENG Ling and her mother knelt in front of the doctor, the doctor begged then save Li Ning, the doctor did a cardiac massage, Li Ning gave a shot, hung up the bottle, the time to around 12:00, the doctor nurse Li Ning body detection equipment and bit are pulled down ......
MENG Ling at this time have realized that her husband left their really is, MENG Ling said that in addition to crying than he himself does not know something, pumping almost cried several times in the past.
Incident cause
Property square knife wounding dispute
Li Ning runs towards the west, went to the edge of a cell door EDB stopped, I would like to hold on to the past, Li Ning, Li Ning has fallen, his eyes peering at me but could not say a word. - Witnesses recall Ryu
"I had known each other, as I myself can not go & nbsp;." - Li Ning's friends Research
The source of the entire event is Li Ning's friends Research the car parked in the town of North new passenger cell,moncler pas cher, after being cut twice in succession, and the property of some conflict. In order to better restore the truth, the reporter found Qimou parties, and witnesses Ryu and Mr. Han, who together restored to reporters at the time of the incident.
Qimou living in the new passenger cell, so he stopped the car in their own downstairs, but most recently, the car twice been cut bad, Research found the person in charge of the property to do, and the occurrence of some of the conversation conflicts property to do even alarm at the police mediation, Qimou leave the property to do.
However, Research on the way to pick up Li Ning birthday received a call from the person claiming to be called Meng, to discuss and solve some things Qimou property, so Qimou its agreement to the property to resolve.
After receiving the Li Ning, Research drove near the new passenger cell, the car stopped at the Board of Education towns across the north, Research and his wife to get off the property negotiations, Li Ning and Liu Han in the car.
Qimou told reporters that he and his wife went to the residential property door and saw a gang of about 10 people, the group has a shaved head, began to shout abuse after seeing Qimou, Research is an understanding man dragged a property booth inside,http://www.1y2m.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=123, but he listened to skinhead hammering away went out theory: "I'm not looking for the things you say you curse the property doing & nbsp;??"
Before finish, Research was kick fell to the ground, he got up and ran, chasing people back out. Together with Li Ning, Liu said in the car, when Li Ning himself and get off, he saw at least two people have got a knife, he used both hands under the umbrella Huala knife did stab himself,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, but his inner thigh was smashed about a stone, then he ran away.
He saw Li Ning runs towards the west, went to the edge of a cell door EDB stopped, he wanted to hold on to the past, Li Ning, Li Ning has fallen, his eyes peering at him but could not say a word. Ryu anxious, hit 120 twice but did not understand address, Qimou drove around to Li Ning,http://www.szread.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=118541, Li Ning with several people to the hospital.
Reporters get to say, in Mr. Han has also been confirmed at, MENG Ling told reporters, Li Ning knew dispute between Qimou and property, Qimou also told reporters that Li Ning after the car did not know, the property acquired with their contact, "knew each other, as I can not go."
Subsequently, the reporter went to the new passenger cell, the door of the booth of an old man told reporters:. "Town North would not property companies such units, all residential developers are looking to hire plot to get away," he said, property and developers are in charge of relatives or friends.
Experts say
Suspected of intentional homicide as more appropriate
Afterward, the reporter interviewed the China University of Political Science Dr. Li Jun criminal law, he told reporters: view from reporters about the merits of this case as intentional homicide more in line with the legal relationship. Although the property aspects gathered a group of people, they received instruction is not to cause death, but also the tools of crime is the murder weapon from the point of view of their preparation, it can cause death, but the suspects should also be aware of this. From the modus operandi of view, Li Ning who appeared two fatal, one is brain, one is located in the chest and abdomen, the suspect should be knowing that two injuries can cause death, still practice,, it means very cruel, and achieve the result caused deaths, shall intentional homicide conviction.
Meng Wang Zhiqiang and on post-trial bail issue was, the reporter access to the relevant provisions of "People's Republic of China Criminal Procedure Law":
(1) may be sentenced to control, criminal detention or additional punishment;
(2) may be sentenced to imprisonment or more severe punishment, but implementation will not occur bail social risk;
(3) it is necessary to arrest, but suffering from serious illness, or are pregnant, breastfeeding her baby, not arrested;
(4) the suspect, the defendant in custody cases, not in the legal custody of the investigation, prosecution, the first instance, second instance settles, the need to continue to verify, hearing;
People's courts, people's procuratorates and public security organs decide to criminal suspects and defendants released on bail, shall order the criminal suspect or defendant to provide a guarantor or pay a deposit.
Yesterday, already six months pregnant and still MENG Ling's parents nearly 60 years running between the various departments. She told reporters: "I am very clear that in order for my husband's death, Li Ning recover a say,Piumini moncler outlet, there is still a long and difficult way to go, but I will stick to it, however, I also let her husband under the nether world . rest in peace & nbsp; "
Star reporter Luan Jun school special correspondent in Haitao Wang Zhuo intern
Families doubt
Premises liability were released on bail
"Things have happened because of the property, Johnny should be the primary responsibility of people, how can he bail, these people are recruited Meng, Meng inescapable responsibility in this matter,chaussures louboutin,http://www.3-movie.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=1, how can ? bail it & nbsp; "
- MENG Ling Li Ning's wife questioned
In the period after the death of her husband, the MENG Ling sat in the house every day is kept crying, then he gradually got some news, Wang Zhiqiang, head of the property and the plum tie Li Ning has surrendered the knife.
Subsequently, on August 2, to Qimou call Meng surrendered.
In this case, MENG Ling think the event has been great progress, there is the primary responsibility of plum, Meng, Wang Zhiqiang have surrendered, shortly after her husband's death might be able to get a statement, and she has even started and Research family lawyer thing.
August 9, MENG Ling received a phone Meng and Wang Zhiqiang has been released on bail, and MENG Ling said: "Things are happening because of something property, Johnny should be the primary responsibility of people, how can he bail these people are recruited Meng, Meng bear in this matter can not shirk responsibility, how can bail it & nbsp;? "
MENG Ling told reporters that at present detained in the detention center, only two people, one is a plum is Wangda Qiu, Wang Zhiqiang, Meng was released on bail, and three people are hunting them.
Subsequently, the reporter to the town of North Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate interview, the two departments have said the case is still pending, investigators can not disclose the situation to the media.

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