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the retirement years of Zhouchun Fang memories. Zhou Long Zhen









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發表於 2015-12-3 05:23:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
January 16 this year, Wang Shuwen lower body paraplegia and wife segment clouds in Hebei home. Wang Qiang often complain mother, put 170,000 yuan to sell his father's lifetime. Mindful of this segment clouds, sky and crying. January 11 this year, Wang Shuwen about 17 years ago was shot experience, tearful. Wang Qiang identity. Although his father 17 years ago has been compensation, and is eligible for various grants, Wang still consider themselves again a complaint is justified. Wang Qiang, a variety of materials for the father of the complainant. Version A26 -A27 edition photography / reporter Liu Gang
Hebei Youth Wang Qiang on July 2 last year, for the father to apply for state compensation, not Qinhuangdao Intermediate People's Court accepted, he even poked four judges, causing two injuries, both minor injuries.
June 27 this year, Cangzhou Intermediate People's Court verdict: guilty of intentional homicide Wang Qiang, Pipansihuan.
This is the origin of 17 years since the murder of a detective. 1994, Wang Qiang Wang Shuwen father to escape gambling pay fines, police shot accidental injury resulting in paraplegia. The Court held that the officer was in violation of firearms regulations, and actively involved in the rescue after the case and agreed to pay 170,000 compensation payments, reached a settlement agreement with Wang, and sentenced her to be exempted from criminal punishment. Wang Shuwen later heard that injustice, began four complaints.
Since 2003, Wang Qiang for the father of a complaint claims for state compensation. Appeals were rejected on the grounds that the Royal has brought compensation, and the case occurred prior to the introduction of the State Compensation Law.
At the same time, the county government, the county public security bureau continue to give Wang a variety of subsidies. Wang Qiang reasonable but may still appeal, and ultimately the murder.
Wang Qiang, often around with a knife, a folding knife 100 dollars. Said his wife, Wang was in town riding a tricycle soliciting, suffered twice robbed, this knife is bought self-defense.
July 2, 2010, Wang Qiang to Qinhuangdao City Intermediate People's Court, with this knife, Lian Tong four judges, causing two injuries, both minor injuries. Wang Qiang poke subject matter, he went to court Submit "to confirm the application for state compensation," the judge was rejected.
Wang Qiang father shot by police in 1994 crippled, although he reached a settlement agreement with each other, receive compensation; but Wang Qiang in the following days, has continued to appeal, claims for state compensation.
An understanding of the merits of the lawyers said, Wang did not provide evidence to demonstrate the mediation agreement was not voluntary, can not prove unreasonable compensation, it is hard to accept the complaint.
Wang Qiang complaints continue to be rejected. Until last July 2, when the appeal is rejected again, then with a knife stabbed Wang Qiang judge.
June 27 this year, Hebei Cangzhou Intermediate People's Court hearing the case, and the verdict: Wang Qiang guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death, suspended for two years.
Appeal fails, stabbed judge
Wang Qiang father drew national compensation, the judge explained Li Li Wang has been unable to apply for compensation; Wang Qiang Li Li and other four judges will hurt
In fact, since after 2008, Wang no longer go to court. Wang and his son petition materials are housed in a green travel bag, usually on a bed under the marriage room.
July 2, 2010, Wang wife came home from work to see her husband's tricycle parked in the courtyard, into the house, he saw the bag from under the bed is turn on the chair. Later father calls, she knew, Wang went to the court.
Administrative court office on the third floor court, around 10:00, the house is only one Li Li. She is in the hospital Qinhuangdao administrative court judge, Wang Qiang had received complaints.
Wang Qiang, handing me his newly written application requesting confirmation state compensation, then confirm the behavior of the public security organs illegal.
Only a little more than one application, Li Li turned a bit, does not receive this material, and to explain why Wang Qiang: a shooting occurred in 1994, and the State Compensation Law promulgated in 1995; the second, Changli County Public Security Bureau Wang has paid 17 million compensation only pay once; and suggested that he look for channel letters.
Wang Qiang police inquiries in the transcripts, said he repeatedly asked Li Li and then look at the material, she did not agree, "I think she is very impatient, I say what she did not listen, I think she did not do when the people thing to do, I have no place to argue, I had learned from her thoughts knife. "
Wang Qiang went to the door, paused, thrust the door. Joelle see him lock the door, then headed for the door.
Wang Qiang in the record, so described his assailant after:
I took out a knife from his waist towards the knife pierced her abdomen, pierced when she cried, she was forced to Wang Menwai run, I Luantong knife toward her, she would resist, stabbed stabbed in number what position I'll remember. Then she wants to open the security door, I saw her run to hug her neck from behind with his left hand, right hand holding a knife to her neck, cutting the knife toward her neck, despite her injury opened the door and ran out, ran to the corridor, I would catch up to tie the knife toward her back.
In the corridor, the judge YANG Shu-sen, Wang Xinzhong, Songji Fan out to block, were stabbed Wang Qiang. Until more people came forward to intercept, Wang Qiang confrontation against the wall for a while, then dropped the knife, was taken away.
January 16, 2011 afternoon, the reporter called Li Li's cell phone, she did not want to mention that scene. Colleagues told reporters that the day happened to a young judge Joelle cause serious mental and physical injuries, has to rest at home.
Origin: 17 years ago revolver
Wang Qiang complaints event stems from his father in 1994, his father to escape gambling pay fines, police shot and accidental injury resulting in paraplegia
Wang Qiang's father Wang Shuwen, is a paralyzed old man in a wheelchair. Like most of his father, accustomed to the son's fault taking on himself. Wang Shuwen said, simply because 17 years ago he played that case, Wang was committing a big mistake today.
That was in 1994, Wang Shuwen and people co flour mills.
He is Changli County Su Village villagers, in the eyes of the same village, Wang Shuwen is a "capable", he pioneered built bungalow, also next to State Road 205.
1994 winter, Wang Shuwen 7 people gamble in flour mills, caught the police station.
"That night, we caught a fugitive finished northeast, passing the night, someone clutching mills see big ticket roll the dice." January 15, 2011, the retirement years of Zhouchun Fang memories. Zhou Long Zhen, deputy mayor any, concentrating on political and legal work time.
Wang Shuwen is punishable by a fine of 2,000 yuan to the police station, but he did not pay.
February 28, 1994, around 7:00 in the evening, dawn dusk. Wang Shuwen at home saw, Beijing Jeep car with lights from the direction of the county coming slowly.
There are four people on board: appointed secretary of the town, the driver, the deputy mayor and police chief  .
Wang Shuwen fear of being fined reminders, wanted to hide it, open the back door, "going a few steps, gunshots rang."
Zhouchun Fang recalled when the interview with this reporter, said Wang Shuwen chase off the night before, he and  4 people, just dragon store police instructors drinking alcohol out of the house.
On Changli County Court in 1994 of criminal judgments, so revolver after recording:
Zhouchun Fang told Li Hetian fired warning shots. dig while chasing side to carry Fourth-style pistol, at fifty meters away from the firing began, in the catch-up process in Lee firing in the air a total of four times, the king went to the Nansha heap at home village Wang Zhifeng, Li Hetian catch the Wang Shuwen and grab its collar office, Wang twisting, this time in the hands of Li Hetian fire pistol, bullets hit the Wang Shuwen left back. "
Wang Shuwen still remember that moment in the gun. "I clutching his head, kneeling on the ground. Li Hetian left hand grabbed my collar, right hand held a gun to my back. 'Snapped' is heard, feeling a red iron sprayed out from my chest."
Wang Shuwen since bedridden.
The verdict was thus recorded his injuries: "thoracic penetrating injuries, penetrating injuries right lower lobe, pneumothorax, shock, ninth to penetrating thoracic trauma,peuterey outlet, spinal fracture, paralysis, incontinence."
After revolver, Mills nobody, soon closed.
After eligible for compensation also feel unfair
Royal eligible for 170,000 yuan compensation, that the police exempted from criminal punishment, deep sleep sentenced injustice,woolrich online, the complainant refused to vent their anger Za Boli
Wang Shuwen had thought he was dead. He lay for seven months in the hospital. Civil Mediation portion therebetween, Wang Shuwen commissioned wife clouds processing segment.
Wang raised more than 80 million civil claim, including Wang Shuwen of lost income, the Queen Mother of alimony,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, as well as 20 years of nursing segment clouds.
May 16, 1994, prosecutors negligence assault, the prosecution Li Hetian.
August 4 that year, Changli County Court of first instance verdict  that his duties, the "people's police in violation of the arms using police equipment, the use of a pistol ...... cause pistol fire."
Verdict said, "after the incident the defendant Li Hetian timely rescue victims and to surrender voluntarily to the public security organs, in compensation for economic losses, the defendant and the victim Wang Shuwen  and units to reach a mediation agreement, Wang Shuwen payment of medical expenses, living expenses, 170,000 yuan."
Finally, Li Hetian sentenced to the crime of negligent injuries, exempted from criminal punishment.
August 22 that year, the Royal Court to serve a "collateral civil mediation book", while paragraph clouds receive compensation payments, hit receipt,http://www13.plala.or.jp/white_roots/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi, and on the mediation signed.
"The money was almost equal to the lost set in the Public Security Bureau office." He said in an interview with reporters Changli County Public Security Bureau, responsible person.
September 3, 1994, Wang Shuwen discharged, county Public Security Bureau sent a car to his home.
Since then, news of Li Hetian still do the police keep coming. Some villagers also told Wang Shuwen, he saw  on duty in the county detention center.
Wang Shuwen said they did not know is how the court sentenced Li Hetian, because they did not receive the verdict, in 2002, they received a copy of the verdict. "Prior to cross, the court refused to provide, on the grounds that the case belongs to public prosecution case, but we are not participants in the proceedings."
Wang Shuwen heard that Li Hetian still working, he began to feel not fair, "he interrupted my spine, I can only spend the rest of his life in bed, for me and the family to bring disaster."
In 1995, the Soviet Union Village Zhouchun Fang drove to attend the wedding, Wang Shuwen Yaozhelunyi to Zhouchun Fang's car smashed glass.
In 1997, Wang Shuwen appeal to the county, "Let me go to the court's Procuratorate, the court let me go to the Public Security Bureau." Fury, Wang Shuwen picked up a brick, smashed glass Procuratorate.
The complaint was dismissed, child stepfather "industry"
Wang Qiang father to the courts, the court rejected the mediation procedure was legal; Qiang care for his father to leave school to go home, and for the father of the complainant
Wang Shuwen remember, he was a written complaint from the beginning of 1998.
He complains of problems, mainly for two things: compensation less, and had lost the backbone of 170,http://www.bbsjpm.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1873&fromuid=364,000 no cure; In addition, the process of Li Hetian too light.
But a mediation record Changli County Court show that during 1994, paragraph clouds, said not to pursue  treatment. The conciliation record this record: "In addition, the criminal section, as well as Han requested in paragraph:?.. We will not be held , he himself to think of it as to how the Court decides, we do not participate in voting."
Segment clouds on record in writing "more than agree", and signed his name.
Wang Shuwen in a written complaint, which said, "there is no power of attorney signed by the principal, the principal is not present when the mediation is not the principal's signature."
Changli County Court to find Wang Shuwen former commission procedures, signed by the king above.
The court dismissed the king's complaint that "the original volume of your signature, your client participated in the case were all the mediation process, is legitimate. According to the original mediation shall be deemed compliance with the law, legal procedures, your grounds for appeal can not be established, the original mediation should be maintained. "
Since then, Wang Shuwen people carried continuously to the county public security bureau, the courts.
Wang has two sons.
Wang Shuwen said that in 1994, after his own shot in bed, give them set a house rules: They must study hard. Who go to college who read, pass the test to stay at home, a person must stay home to take care of their parents. That time, 16-year-old Wang Qiang, Wang Bin 13 years old.
In 1997, Wang Qiang to the first results of the town, was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal University.
Bin dick low grade, in 1998,http://www.thomassankara.net/spip.php?article1065, 10 points difference is not admitted to the university. He spent three months at home, the army went after the army admitted to Military Academy, now the force commander.
Wang Shuwen said, had never been seen, Wang Qiang call home, a business, she cried. Since then Wang Qiang do not make good reading, read a 2-year undergraduate, do not read. He did not take the test, automatically drop out, school opening associate degree.
Counselor Liu Qiang Hebei Normal University had sent home. He Qiang remaining impression is that the king is very introverted, did not talk much.
"Withdrawal is because many doors Qiang score zero." As to why a zero, Liu sure.
Wang Qiang brothers know his father was maimed police shootings, but did not know his father had been a complaint.
Until one summer, Wang Shuwen home after a complaint to change pants, wife segment clouds with wash basin pants, blood red pot of water, Wang Qiang just been caught.
After Wang Qiang asked, that what was going on, he decided to help his father complaint.
High Court: Hope service contracting rate v
Wang Qiang from 2003 to the county court, county Public Security Bureau, Qinhuangdao Intermediate People's Court and the High Court, the father drew national compensation
Wang Qiang in 2002 to get married.
Zhang Yufeng, said his wife, married, Wang bought a lot of law books, often self into the wee hours two or three, "there is the State Compensation Law, Administrative Procedure Law, Criminal Procedure Law, as well as judicial interpretations and typical cases."
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