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Core Tip









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發表於 2015-12-5 08:50:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Core Tip
Recently, a summer camp called "China Youth generals growth plan" starts at around publicity, its Guangzhou registration point declared, "growth plan" is the former "sea and air training camp." "Training Camp sea and air," the host company, but had an outbreak of a current outbreak, hype and other issues, twice their licenses revoked. Camp on the market no one questions why frequent supervision, this reporter conducted an investigation.
Many "consultants" have denied links
The company is headquartered in a military compound, the reporter asked for an interview refused
"Direct contact with all kinds of combat equipment", "visit the Olympic venues, the Olympic champion received" a few days ago, a "China Youth generals growth plan," the ad, frequently appearing on Guangzhou and other media.
"Generals growth plans,woolrich outlet," the fine print promotional material, printed with well-known military expert ZhangZhaoZhong celebrities and some of the army's head. On another page, printed with "China Youth Advisory Panel Whampoa Military Academy", including the "People's Liberation Army, director of strategy research center" Li Bingyan Major General and other government officials and military circles.
In order to verify the authenticity of the promotional material, the reporter managed to contact some "advisers" on the brochure.
ZhangZhaoZhong known military critic, told reporters that he had never heard of this camp and circumstances related companies, it will not participate in any activities of its organization. As for appearing on the promotional material visit the company's own photographs, ZhangZhaoZhong said a person in charge of the company was in touch with him was demobilized soldiers, on behalf of the armed forces of a department invited him to attend a seminar defense construction,http://www.vnotcb.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=2541, after the way to visit the office before and after less than an hour, he does not know is to participate in summer camp activities I have not met with any student.
Liberation Army Daily senior editor, Major General Li Bingyan that they never heard of this camp, we will not participate in any activities of this company. For the material mentioned in the "People's Liberation Army research center strategy," said  PLA has never been such an institution, only military co-ordinate the establishment of the National Defense University Institute had a strategy research center, work center currently temporarily presided over by him,chaussures louboutin, but also immediately To re-election, as far as he knew, this strategy research center of the camp and the company does not have any contact.
Professor Li Shuangjiang PLA Art Academy, famous ensembles and singers Crimean National Defense University professor, military historians have said Ma Jun, and the camp does not have any relationship.
Many "consultants" Why is appearing on the promotional material, have denied a relationship with the summer camp, the reporter went to "China Youth generals growth plan" summer camp sponsored by the company headquarters, hoping to understand the relevant circumstances. Since the company is headquartered in an army compound, reporters can not directly enter several telephone requests for interviews, are in each department staff have refused at the camp activities.
Parents questioned: "air and sea" change "Growth Plan"?
Last year enrollment "Training Camp" failed to materialize this year, free to join,http://bbs.hefei163.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=328882, "Growth Plan"
Content on the "generals growth plans," let the people of Guangzhou Liu feel uneasy and puzzled. Because of its content, style, and past "National Youth Training Camp sea and air commanders" very close, promo text,http://www.51ml.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=4056, pictures,woolrich outlet online, etc., but also everywhere, "sea and air training camp" of the mark.
Liu told reporters, shortly before she received notice of the original "sea and air training camp" Guangzhou agents,barbour pas cher, registration fee paid to the children last year, she will not be returned, in exchange, the child can be free to join this year's "Youth generals grow plan".
Sharon presented, last year, she gave the child reported the 10-day "sea and air training camp" Sea Wolf group, at a cost of 10,600 yuan. However, due to the Tigers Training Camp II group A flow of the epidemic outbreak,http://www.201516888.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5193, child's team plans to depart after this and ran aground, the tour organizer has not returned.
Yang Ming, who lives in Guangzhou (a pseudonym) last year to pay more than 11,000 yuan registration fee, let the children participate in the "Training Camp sea and air." Later, a current outbreak occurs, children are isolated for a long time. She contacted the person in charge of Training Camp Zhou Shijun claim compensation, Zhou said the issue will be properly resolved. Training Camp also said sales person in charge of Guangzhou Wong, will coordinate the issue of compensation, but has not yet been resolved.
A few days ago, people phoned Yang Ming Wong, said the Yuexiu District of Guangzhou City Shuiyin have a "China Youth generals growth plans" entry point, the company is registered in the name of Zhou Shijun Zhou Shiqin sister, she can go directly to the registration point resolve the issue of compensation. Because of the recent busy, Yang Ming has not been contact with the registration point, she said,http://www.zzzz.cm/thread-42747-1-1.html, would not let the children participate in such camps.
Until recently, the Liaoning Provincial Industry and Commerce Bureau 12315 Command Center issued student summer consumer alert to remind beware summer camp, training camp and other activities in the consumer trap. Warning noted that in June this year, Dalian enrollment information appears in a "generals growth plans," Training Camp. It is worth noting that this the "generals growth plans," the appearance of text, content and pictures with the previous year more than a similar case.
Two camps in the end is not the same thing
Reporter site visits, the Beijing-Guangzhou two different opinions registration point
Reporters at the registration point Guangzhou Shuiyin to see that group of people urging parents to sign up when constantly explain: This year's "Youth generals Growth Plan" is the former "sea and air training camp," "We do seven consecutive sessions, only just changed its name. "
It is reported that "armed Training Camp" in May 2004 the camp now, too many parents out joint complaint of false advertising, hype and so on, to this end, with Zhou Shijun as the legal representative of the organizers had used the words "Beijing school official Team Education Advisory Co., Ltd. "," school official team Beijing Cultural Exchange Center, "the name of the two institutions, but the license was revoked twice the Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau. In accordance with "Company Law" provisions, as a result of illegal business license revoked, ordered to close the company, the company's legal representative, and personally liable, since the company, the date of the enterprise business license revoked within three years, may not serve other company directors, supervisors and senior management personnel.
For details about "Youth generals growth plans," the specific circumstances, a few days ago, the reporter to the identity of the parents, arrived at Peking University to the south door of the Beijing summer camp registration point.
According to the contents of the leaflets,http://www.gewange.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=10811, the camp organizer of the Institute of Educational Sciences China Academy of Management Science, Undertaker are: "China Youth Whampoa Military Academy" magazine, "Business Military" magazine (Peking University HSBC School of Business host), China Teen Whampoa training center, Beijing HUICAI Sega International Culture Media Co., seven juveniles (Beijing) Investment Co., Ltd. education.
When a reporter asked the relevant qualifications company, the sales staff showed reporters documents relevant qualification contractor unit. Reporters saw, seven juveniles (Beijing) Investment Co., Ltd. business license on education, the legal representative / responsible person Zhoushi Qin, the date established for the May 7, 2010.
For students to participate in summer camp can be seen on celebrities leaflets, sales staff said, will be based on the curriculum, it is possible to see, but not all seen. Sales staff also said that their company to organize such training camp and the camp has been six years.
Reporter referred to "armed Training Camp", the sales staff told reporters that last year's "sea and air marshals Training Camp" and they are not the same thing, is an entirely different company. "Generals Growth Plan" is a project, which the company can do, like a lot of items on the market.
Since then, the reporter in the Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau Haidian Branch website, found HUICAI Sega Beijing International Culture Media Co., seven juveniles (Beijing) Registration Information Education Investment Co.,http://xiangshabbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=24893, Ltd.,doudoune moncler, the legal representative of both Zhou Shiqin. Reporters opened Rainbow juvenile phone company, that last year revoked the license of legal Zhou Shijun, this company is still "Zhou."
Reporters also Tel publicity color pages listed Sponsor "Business Military" magazine Peking University HSBC School of the organizers, a staff member said,http://gzchengli.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=43364, never heard of the camp, as "military business" magazine, may be internal Publications issued.
Guangzhou Huangpu Military memorial site staff also confirmed to reporters, "China Youth Whampoa Military Academy" magazine, "China Youth Whampoa training center" has no relationship with them.
Camps market was mixed
Education, tourism, quality supervision departments have said it could not, have no right regulatory
Last year, for similar "sea and air training camp" These problems exist in the camp market operation, the newspaper has launched the '' sea and air marshals Training Camp "puzzle" of investigative reporting, one year later, this class summer camp sponsored by a variety of companies are still mixed, unsupervised.
Gave the child to enroll in a similar camp parents, Ms. Long said, more than 80 projects and contracts Offered advertising commitments, at least a dozen have gold, had attracted her to the children enrolled project did not materialize.
In this regard, the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Education told reporters, summer camp belongs to extracurricular activities, belongs to the child's social activities, "we have no control."
In addition, the Guangzhou municipal corporation small section to learn that they never held a summer camp, regardless. The Guangzhou City Industry and Commerce Bureau, set up camp and required business registration record in the education sector, but in fact, "almost no record."
In fact, this is precisely the tourism quality supervision departments headache. It is understood that our requirements, travel with a registered capital of not less than 300,000 yuan, and the quality of bonds to pay 200,000 yuan, but most camps are not organized by the travel agency group, Tourism Quality Supervision can not, have no right to supervision, resulting in tissue adult travel there barriers to entry, teenagers study tours, summer camps and other projects have higher security requirements, but there is no clear mechanism for qualified contractors situation.

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