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but are actually violated its charges was sentenced according to law.









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發表於 2015-12-12 18:02:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
BEIJING, Dec. 24 Wenzhou Electric (trainee reporter Zhao Xiaoyan correspondent Lu Xuan) Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Lucheng District People's Court concluded the 24th most personnel involved in over the past decade, the largest amount of money involved, together with major complex crime syndicate suspected case . Wu led by underworld organizations registered a company in Wenzhou, the local monopoly engineering construction, remove obstacles to the organization to commit extortion, affray, forced trading and several other charges. Lucheng court today released a 196 judgment, Blackie leader Wu collar criminal for 25 years, 24 other people were also jailed.
Beginning in 2008, Wu as the Mafia "sponsor" to draw all seven local Zhang (male, 32 years old, intentional assault convictions), Chen (male, 47 years old, there is crime convictions affray), Zheng (male, aged 60), partner to undertake all seven street infrastructure construction projects, and then to win over Lin (male, 42 years old,http://japan.rsa.com, robbery, rape convictions) was added, to undertake the project by the gang began to have a certain economic strength, Start fixed key members.
The second half of 2009, to monopolize all the infrastructure construction projects are within seven streets to get more economic benefits, Wu, who began to draw, control and social idlers released prisoners, seven are six village streets, through the each village set up designated representative under way to establish shareholder representatives to violence, coercion, bid-rigging and other illegal and criminal means monopoly infrastructure construction projects where the village.
So far, the group formed, headed by Wu,http://www.5200mj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=18836, Zhang, Chen, relatively fixed syndicate Jeong, Lin is a key member of released prisoners and actively participate in social idle staff members and general members.
Since then, Wu, Zhang, Chen,scarpe hogan, Jeong conspired company founded by Lin, Chung agency company to pay 43,000 yuan of registered capital,http://rmzdb.blog.hexun.com, capital verification report and other related matters. The agency set up by Cengmou temporary deposit in bank accounts in the name of the defendant Wu Zengmou subscribed two million yuan to Zhang, Chen, Jeong were subscribed on behalf of 100 million, a total registered capital of RMB payment 5 million yuan.
In January 2010, the syndicate incorporated Wenzhou sea are company and began in the name of the sea are foreign companies to undertake projects to business as a cover of legitimacy, a "black protect their business, to business support black." In the same year on January 22, Jo will be 5 million yuan registered capital of the company is withdrawn from the sea are the basic account.
In order to ensure that they can monopolize the local construction, remove obstacles to all seven Wu street grassroots bribes to send the form of "dry stocks," the original seven town police station director Chen (already sentenced) bribe, divide Six totaling 220,000 yuan to give Chen. To achieve all seven streets on sable, old painted village, Zhang Village, including Village of acres engineering slag embankment, Wu instructed Lin, Chen bought several tea box, respectively, into 100,000 yuan, Seven were the original town mayor Kang (already sentenced), secretary of the four villages, the village head Hu, Hwang,moncler outlet milano, Qu A certain, Qu B a (all handled separately) bribery 100,http://www.sendaimeiten.com,000 yuan each.
To manage triad members, the underworld organization with a clear hierarchy and division of responsibilities. Wu is the ringleader of the organization, but also the sea are the company's legal representative, the chairman of the organization and its operation, activity plays a decision-making role command,piumini moncler sito ufficiale, has absolute authority, and the actual control, dominate organizational assets. Zhang, Chen, Lin, Chung is the organization's management personnel, responsible for daily coordination and management of the organization.
In addition, they maintain strict internal discipline: Qaeda leader violation of the provisions of the members are free to abuse, to contribute for the benefit of members of the organization to reward members of the criminal organization benefit disputes and losses caused by the sea are the company responsible for compensation.
In the "eldest child" Wu's leadership, the gang swollen with arrogance, in all seven local tyrants: Forced transaction, repeated extortion,http://www.matsue-yado.com/otoku/clip.cgi, affray,http://www.hongzhaopai.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, intentional destruction of property, casino, "Hey field" (referring specifically for drug use venue), evil. They also illegal possession of firearms, buy knives, steel pipes intended for illegal and criminal, in all seven local impact very bad.
October 29, 2012, Lucheng District People's Court accepted this terrible triad-related cases, which is the largest in recent years, the hospital suspected hearing Mafia crimes. After accepting the case, the hospital Criminal Division dispatched elite forces to form a collegial panel. November 9, Attn first apply to the present case, "pre-trial conference," defender party with three new witness testimony.
November 26, Lucheng Court heard the case publicly.
After six days in court, the prosecution and defense fierce debate, 25 defendants commissioned by the 18 defense lawyers lawyers believe that Wu, human behavior is simply a stack of individual behavior, the prosecutor will be defined as "Mafia" can not be established.
Through the trial court found that: Wu, who form more stable criminal organization, the number of more clearly organizer, leader,nike air max 90, key members of the basic fixed. And the sea are a company incorporated in Wenzhou, in the name of the sea are foreign companies to undertake projects to business as a cover of legitimacy, the formation of "black protect their business, to business support black." Wu are set up, led by the organization in line with the Criminal Law organizational characteristics on Mafia organizations, economic characteristics, behavior characteristics and hazardous characteristics, it should be recognized as Syndicates. Haidu company is not Mafia, but the sea is an important tool for both the syndicate amassed wealth, key management personnel are in the sea are the company's organization of the Mafia organization, the leader, the sea is the wealth created by the company controlled by the Mafia to criminal activities in the name of the sea are being implemented by the company is also seeking interest of the Mafia organization.
The court held that Wu is the absolute leader of the organization, the organization and its operational activities have absolute decision-making,woolrich outlet, command authority,http://www.romany.ne.jp, the ringleader of the organization. Members of the organization to obtain economic benefits through organized criminal activities and to support its activities. Violence, threats and other means, many times organized criminal activities, non-evil, bullying and harming the masses, they beat the others, repeated extortion, affray, intentional destruction of property and other criminal activities. All kinds of evil, so that local people suffer in all seven streets had a major impact. Meanwhile, Wu headed Mafia to organize the implementation of criminal activities, the use of shield national staff, connivance, dominate the party, in all seven street form the basis of illegal construction field control, serious damage to the economic and social order.
The organization has implemented the 11 categories of criminal offenses from the criminal case. Wherein the tissue, leading or participating in a Mafia case since capital flight from case 1, case 2 from the casino, affray case 1 onwards, extortion 3 onwards,http://www.szdrhgq.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=39979, affray case 3 cases, 4 cases of intentional destruction of property case, illegal possession of firearms 2, collusive tendering more times, forcing trading case 1, bribe six people, causing incalculable economic losses.
December 24, 2012, up to 196 a verdict announced. People's Court within the first courtroom packed Lucheng District of Wenzhou City. Qiaoxia solemn presiding judge gavel, facing with gangs boss "supercilious good cloud," said Wu and gang members to make sentencing: the organization, the leadership of the crime syndicate, capital flight crime, casino crimes, mob assault, extortion, look-shirts trouble crime, the crime of intentional destruction of property, illegal possession of firearms, bid-rigging crimes, forced trading, bribery Wu sentenced to 10 crime 25 years imprisonment and deprived of political rights for 3 years and fined 232,000 yuan, confiscation of 1 million yuan. 25 defendants, identified as "black" members of the 23, according to the law of their gang members were sentenced to 1 year and 8 months to 20 years of imprisonment ranging and impose appropriate penalties. The gangs of illegal income 10,827,847 yuan were confiscated and turned over to the state treasury, and continue to pursue the illegal income and earnings of the organization. Another Yemou, Shaomou although not members of the organization have been identified for the Mafia, but are actually violated its charges was sentenced according to law. (Finish)
(Original title: Wenzhou sentenced 25 people King Mafia crime case eldest child ten collar criminal 25 years)

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