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have children drowned









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發表於 2015-12-23 11:11:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Three boys drowned in these waters, after the incident, the site put up a "no swimming" sign.
Three migrant workers' families, a night have lost a son. July 21,http://origin-japan.renesas.com, Jiangsu Yizheng, three boys about to enter junior high school together to go out to play, the next day, was found drowned in a river a few kilometers away from the outside of the Yangtze River in the park. The police ruled out homicide.
Grieving families that, the park has the responsibility of management in place, but then they were told that the park and no clear management side, find the relevant units or departments responsible. This allows the families were very shocked. "If we are to prosecute the case,http://www.porto-healing.com, I do not know who the report." Express reporters yesterday at the scene saw the river put up a new sign, "no swimming."
□ Express reporter Chang Yi Wen / photo
Police at the scene judgment, when three children playing in the water at the shore may have a first fell into the water,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, the other two rescue fails, the results are drowning death
Three teenagers are classmates
Play together result out of the accident
Couples did not return all night
12-year-old Hu Qingxiang three drowning is one of the youngest boy. A year and a half ago, he came with his parents from Shangqiu Yizheng rural school. Without the accident, just over a month, he is the one who started high school freshman Xupu up.
His father, 34-year-old Hu civil rights in Yizheng open crane, also in this working mother.
July 21 at noon, Hu civil rights go to work,nike tn pas cher, his wife and son at home. A little afternoon, Hu Qingxiang his mother would go out to play, you ride the electric car to go out.
"He used to be a regular ride to the Xinhua bookstore reading, so it did not ask him." Hu Qingxiang's mother said. 19:00, Hu democracy returned home and found his son is not, a little worried, because his son out to play before, and certainly will be home before 17:00, the electric car back to my mother, because my mother for a ride to kindergarten 3 years and a half Little brother.
After dinner,http://xcwx.youla791.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=88709, Hu went to the son of the civil rights of students Wang Kang home. Wang Kang's parents Huai'an, waste collection, father, mother, a waitress at the supermarket, the couple only this one child, only 13 years old this year. Because the two children are classmates, the two separated by only a mile, so often play together.
Wang Kang's parents said they went to another 14-year-old Li Renchun students go home to play. Li Renchun a Yunnan people, parents work in Yizheng. Three children, will be promoted to high school in September this year Xupu.
"Went to Lee, said the three children went out, riding two electric cars, a bike." Hu said civil rights, although we are very worried, but I thought the three boys together, maybe going to be okay. But they still go to the police station reported the matter, I went to Internet cafes to find a circle, until the next morning and returned home.
Three families lost son
The next day around 10:00, Hu Citizens Municipal Public Security Bureau received a phone call, "she said let me in the past, have children drowned,http://gookuma.seesaa.net, see if it is my child."
Hu civil rights to the police station, police said, the same day 8:00 receiving the alarm, found a boy from drowning in the Yangtze river in the park. But Hu saw a photo of civil rights, not their own children, but the shore is very much like the clothes and keys. He must notify the father of Wanger Long Wang Kang, Wanger Long come upon immediately recognize his son, immediately crying out loud.
Initially, Hu civil rights thought, when Wang Kang accident, his son and  scare, afraid to go home. Just when his heart luck, the same day around 15:00,  corpses floated up, position in place beside Wang Kang float. Half an hour later, in the same piece of water, police used rolling hooks salvaged Liren Chun's body. Police immediately involved in the investigation.
"Ruled out homicide, is drowning." Yesterday afternoon, Yizheng City Public Security Bureau to investigate the matter, a person in charge told reporters that the time of the incident there were no witnesses, I do not know how the three children fell into the water, but according to the site judge, three boys playing in the water may be at the shore,air max 90 pas cher, there is a child to drowning, not rescue two other children, the results are drowning death.
"They can not swim." Parents of three boys said. They also denied that his son drowned in swimming, "three children were wearing pants and sandals, if it is to swim, how could also wear this?"
  on site
No warning signs
Three children died, three families are grieving, it is difficult to accept this fact. They noted that the incident did not railing river, nor erect warning signs. In the incident the day before the child fell into the water park at the security put up near the sign: "no swimming" "prohibit fishing."
Yangtze River Park is located southwest of Yizheng City, away from the city two or three kilometers. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter found here, which is a built in between the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River Levee an open park. Nearby residents said that before here is the beach, covered with reeds, and schistosomiasis, and later transformed into a park, the evening to walk a lot of people. Park area of about 100 acres, from the main embankment to the river, up to 500 meters at its widest point,http://www.christophe-wallemme.com/web/spip.php?article73, the park there is a hotel, but yesterday did not open the door. Accident next to the river embankment, about one kilometer wide and thirty or forty meters. Child drowning waters near the south coast, the shore is a cement stairs, waterside erected two new warning signs.
Park has two exits east exit booth has security on duty, export will have to pass a wooden bridge on the west side. On the day, the three boys are coming from the west side of the outlet, the car stopped at the door. In the park, the reporter saw uniformed security guard patrols the chest with the words "Landes property." "Our company in Yangzhou, the park of a total of four of us." Security beam master, said three people on duty during the day, at night there is only one person, in addition to watching their tasks outside the gate,scarpe hogan, but also on patrol in the park, to prevent people from destruction facilities. "If someone fishing, swimming, will go to stop." However, since the park is too large, it should turn around 45 minutes, while the day of the incident, the security patrol did not find that the three children. "There was also a warning sign, but then pour the water out of sight." Beam master said.
Several units
He said "We are not in control"
Police: The park is bull management
"Children are the things in the park, the park management side there is mismanagement of responsibility." Parents of three boys think so, they require the units responsible. "But the police department told us that the Yangtze River Park is not a park, there is no unit responsible for the child's drowning with no relation to any department or unit." For such a reply, parents who can not accept.
Yangtze River Park is the construction of Yizheng City Construction Bureau, then management is not also made them responsible for it?
"Not our management." Yizheng City Construction Bureau office official said very sure. He said that the park may be with City Construction and Development Co., Ltd. related.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter went to Yizheng City Public Security Bureau deputy director, surnamed Jiang told reporters that the matter because it involves three minors unnatural deaths, the public security departments attach great importance, but the investigation found that difficult to find relevant units or department responsible.
According to reports, the Yangtze River Park is 2006 by the completion of Yizheng City Construction Bureau, "Although the name is Park, but with the park in the traditional sense is not the same." The park is open and free,http://bbs.qxzml.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=89487, is actually a public recreation area . The police investigation found that although the construction side is the city construction bureau, management is carried out long.
"Green is the garden department management, because the park has a hotel, parks and green on to the hotel. Clean river is the urban management department management. In addition there is a park Yangtze flood observation post, the city construction and development of the company's assets . "Jiang, deputy director, said park management is so complex, which makes it difficult to head unit or department management responsibilities attributed.
Well, the property company is currently in the park service unit which invited? "May be the city construction and development company." Jiang, deputy director said.
Yizheng City Construction Bureau and the Municipal Public Security Bureau are referred to the City Construction and Development Company Limited. Yizheng Municipal Propaganda Department official said that the company was established last year, last October from the Construction Bureau points out.
Chien-fa Company: We can not blame the accident
Reporter then found online Yizheng City Construction Development Co., Ltd. home page, in the bottom of the main page "Photo Gallery" column, the reporter saw the Yangtze River Park has a total of 29 pictures, but no text description.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter arrived at the Gulou West Road Yizheng company, surnamed Wang (sound) of the responsible person, he knows the Yangtze River Park drowning of three boys do, "is very simple, say a little extreme, if the public Children play in Nanjing Xuanwu Lake, drowned, is not the park looking for compensation? "
Mou said that the predecessor of the park is the beach, and later transformed into a public recreation places, "can not speak with us had nothing, the Yangtze River flood control observation posts built our units are our assets, we have the obligation to care protection." But As for the park where return pipe, his answer somewhat evasive, "the composition of the Yangtze River Plate also City park system,http://ir.lib.ncku.edu.tw, as the park where you should go to Nanjing tube, you should be very clear."
He told reporters that Nanjing park have management department. But Wangmou only repeated, "observation post is our asset." As for the property of the park is which unit invited Wangmou said do not know. Subsequently,scarpe hogan, he said it is a meeting, hastily hung up the phone.
It is understood that after the incident, the relevant departments of the municipal government expressed Yizheng three unfortunate family can give humanitarian assistance, "three million like it." Jiang Yizheng Municipal Public Security Bureau deputy director of the view that the death of three boys, "speak up Some brutal, but they are minors, as a parent guardian, bear some responsibility. "
But three families on the amount of aid can not accept, "they each offered to more than 50 million, which allows the government is also very difficult."
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Frequent occurrence of similar tragedies
1, June 12 afternoon, tragedy occurred in the vicinity of the western end of a small road, Nanjing Shi Yang Yangzhuang a demolition site, two children drowned in a site only five or six meters of the pond. The boy called David Beckham, 6 years old, parents from Anhui, in Nanjing do reject the acquisition. Girl named Xiao Qian, 4 years old, parents from Hubei, also in Nanjing to work, only this one daughter.
2, June 23 evening, the 14-year-old boy drowned in  Suzhou City Point Town village ridge new monasticism new roadside puddle. His family said, is to save the drowning child playmates only misfortune. Rescued the girl's father, also confirms this view. Chai Shilun road construction side of the family to seek explanation, responsible for the engineering of the City Transportation Traffic Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. related personnel denied.
Migrant workers, please take care of their children
July 24, Oolong Lake Park in Nanjing, a public see the water's edge a few children play in the water, they sell watermelons remind parents carefully, but they are busy business, did not come to call the child away. Soon, the accident occurred, a child drowning. Fortunately, the guy jumped out of a passing water to save him up.
But Yizheng three boys were not so lucky. Experts said that the children of migrant workers accidental injury cases are common, some scholars have done statistics, in the same minor personal injury cases, the victims are children of migrant workers accounted for a large proportion.
The reason, on the one hand migrant workers generally work intensity, long working hours, child custody produce omissions, but due to limited economic conditions, no one around to take care of the elderly. Secondly, many children are left-behind children, a holiday only to town, not only the lack of experience of urban life and the environment unfamiliar, sometimes encounter a traffic accident or a drowning accident. The migrant workers are mostly staying in urban high or humble workers dormitory,doudoune moncler soldes, where the presence of a serious security risk and safety corners, but also prone to accidents.
Experts advise, summer kids accidental injury is relatively concentrated period of time, please parents who do not effect.
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