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發表於 2015-12-3 11:34:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
A child riding a bicycle family, put green scarf come off. Our reporter Zhang Jie Photo
Xinhua Xi'an October 19 (Reporter Lin Juan, Zhang Chenjun) recently, Xi'an, a primary school for some students to wear "green scarf" incident caused no small concern in the community. Public question: Why red scarf derived "green scarf" incentives to why anti-rating label? Xinhua News Agency reporters Jiu Cishi and Jin Xingle investigation.
Poor students should wear "green scarf"?
Raised public concern is an experimental move Experimental Primary School of Xi'an Weiyang, the school reportedly given poor performance of first-year students wearing green scarf, good performance of students wearing red scarf, naughty, bad students learn was wearing a green scarf,louboutin soldes, the teacher asked the school, school can not be solved, otherwise they criticized in the class. The school said the move was motivated to motivate students, parents think this is for poor students posted "label."
Poor students should wear "green scarf" identified,moncler homme? This triggered immediate social concerns.
Famous writer Zheng Yuanjie micro-Bo said: a good education so that each student has dignity in schools. Please Xi'an Weiyang First Experimental Primary remove "poor students", "green scarf" around his neck, worn by the principal to each "green scarf" kids apology. I inventory of my friends now,hogan outlet online, kid is not "poor students" really small.
But there are also sound indicates you should investigate carefully before comment. Concerned that: you need to verify before scolded clear. Shanghai also had before "green scarf" because enough 7 years old to enter the Young Pioneers, but a lot of first-year students is not enough in the first half-year-old. So when many schools to meet students' desire for a red scarf, there are incentives, they let wear "green scarf." So the first experimental primary school "green scarf" in the end is a good distinction between poor students, or I mean the former?
The school called "green scarf" is actually "Miao Miao team" is intended to encourage students to make progress
At 12:05 on the 18th, it is the Xi'an Weiyang First Experimental Primary school at noon time. Reporters saw, dressed in green uniforms of first-year students under the leadership of the teachers lined up, singing out of the school gates, among them a lot of people wearing a bright red scarf chest, and "green scarf" has disappeared disappeared.
Class 2, Grade student Wangyan Jie (a pseudonym) told reporters that her "green scarf" has been back to the teacher. She said, "the teacher said 'green scarf' we like to grow up as healthy Miao Miao." And when asked why not wear a red scarf, Wang Yanjie some shy: "Because I am doing is not good, so I have a good performance when the teacher It will give me red scarf. "
Wangyan Jie's father Wang told reporters that some parents believe such a move hurt the child's self-esteem, while some parents think that "this is a lesson for you baby, after you give you a good performance of the natural red scarf."
Another child's parents to pick the very fact that it is some frustration,http://yqjie.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7928, she said, "my own kids I know, she usually does not seriously study, did not wear a red scarf I expected their baby class 47, only 25 one wearing a red scarf. "
Why do some children wear a red scarf, and some children put on the "green scarf"?
Xi'an Weiyang First Experimental Primary School teacher brigade counselor Yan told reporters that the school between October 13 date to build team organized a "red scarf chest Gone, The Sunshine Boys in action" theme activities, according to the wishes of students and class teacher Recommended, the first 50 young pioneers to absorb another 40 players identified as Miao Miao. Miao Miao players wearing green logo, the implication is green to symbolize hope, healthy growth, continuous efforts, intended to inspire children with practical actions for early accession to the Young Pioneers organization,http://www.e3688.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=169207, to become a glorious young pioneers, and there is no difference for students treat.
Yan said the teacher, the school a total of 90 first-year students, not all at the same time to join the Young Pioneers, generally divided into two semesters. Performance is not the only criterion of selection, the school requires that each first-year student application form to fill into the team,moncler sito ufficiale, and proposed a "class, concentrate on listening, respect for elders, love the young" and other customary requirements of 84 words, to encourage students to this standard par. "Our differentiated according to students, from multi-dimensional evaluation model to develop a series, the purpose is to let children have healthy overall, better health and happiness on their growth path." Yan teacher said.
After the move caused widespread controversy, the school acknowledged that because the school is not enough sufficient preliminary research, not strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Young Pioneers constitution, nor to report to higher authorities, the practice of defects.
Shaanxi small working committee halt "green scarf" resolutely opposed to the practice in violation of Team chapter
Reporters learned that the investigation, Xi'an Weiyang First Experimental Primary School is located in northern suburb of Xi'an, was formerly a public rural schools. Schools in 2008 was identified as the pilot reform after the local unit, the school proposed a "do characteristic school" concept. This is the first year of primary school students into the team yet wearing green scarf practice, it is considered one of exploration.
Xu Jianguo, president of Xi'an Education Association believes that wearing red scarf is a serious sacred act, despite wearing "green scarf" the starting point is to inspire children to grow up, but a red scarf, green scarf allows simultaneous red scarf "sour", and become a treatment, an honor, not conducive to children's cognitive and respect for red scarf. Incentives of the school, we must grasp the sense of proportion, in widely solicited opinions on the basis, coupled with prudent choice.
For Xi'an Weiyang first experimental primary school so that pupils wear "green scarf" attempt, Shaanxi Province,louboutin donna, deputy secretary of the group,http://club.zhanzhang9.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=36494, segment director dragons small working committee believes that this approach serious violation of the "Chinese Young Pioneers Team Chapter," the the provisions of the provincial small working committee firmly opposed. Shaanxi Province, a small working committee will carry out the Young Pioneers sign identifies the use of inventory within the province, to prevent such incidents.
Paragraph dragons, said: "Of course we encourage grassroots Young Pioneers counselors teachers, according to school characteristics of students, according to the students' growth law, designed to meet the children some of the characteristics of some of the activities to attract children, the form can be innovative content, but we on behalf of an organization's use of signs identified in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of our Young Pioneers, in strict accordance with our small working committee to identify the use of standardized signs to perform. "
Director of the Central Communist Youth League Xuanjiao Chu Gu Shuhua juvenile unit, said: "We are in violation of these provisions of Chapter team approach is certainly less firmly opposed to the National Working Committee of Young Pioneers logo regulate the use of a clear request to join the Young Pioneers is no differentiation requires that all. The age of six years of age, children can into the team. "
At present, Xi'an Weiyang First Experimental Primary School of the practice has stopped, "green scarf" fully recovered, the school has held a special parents, explain to parents explain misunderstandings.
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