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發表於 2015-12-3 20:54:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The reporter newspaper correspondent station Jianlin Cao Jinsheng
Incident Location: Xi'an, Shaanxi Province
Incident reason: in the morning, a man died after jumping off a building, sending two men and a woman jumping man medical mysterious disappearance
An illegal pyramid schemes gang 24-year-old Hunan guy Liang fool Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, which is the illegal detention and attempted to pull his occupation. Liang custody is not prepared to take advantage of gang members jumped from the second floor, unfortunately, he falls dead. Taoyuan Lianhu Xi'an Public Security Bureau police station after several days of careful investigation, and finally to Yao and other seven suspects were arrested,hogan outlet, the gang successfully destroyed the illegal pyramid scheme.
People have been involved in criminal cases before dawn burst "disappeared"
April 15 at 2 pm, Taoyuan Lianhu Branch police station received a public warning: the day 1:30 Xu, Xi'an, electric hospital received a patient injured by the rescue of the wounded died, and send The two men and a woman wounded to the hospital in the treatment process abruptly left the hospital, unaccounted for, acting very suspicious.
ID card registration information based on the deceased hospitalized, police learned that the deceased Liang, 24 years old, Hunan Lianyuan people. After Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade forensic examination of the dead preliminary corpse table, found dead skull fracture, left leg to scratch,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi, the cause of death was severe head injury, should be a criminal case, then reported the case.
After receiving the report, Lianhu Branch Secretary Zhou Xiaomin called for the speedy establishment of a task force. Since the case of the incident late at night, the lack of witnesses and the relevant video information, the only clue is limited information on night duty security to see,Piumini moncle, but because at that time the light is dim, the security did not see the two men and a woman were taken to hospital and the face license plate.
Task force investigation by the deceased that social relations, Liang living in Hunan, April 14 1:00 pm only arrived in Xi'an, in Xi'an only contact with a man named  of people over, and the person after the incident Xi'an fled to Guangdong to leave.
MLM dens squatting police found clues emerge
Police task force found that night to send people something taxi driver, upon inquiry was informed that the same day at two men set out and a head injury man was taken to hospital from the West, a village in the city's western suburbs of Xi'an.
In village after visiting door to door investigation,piumini woolrich, police found a family situation living in 34 houses on the second floor is very suspicious. Upon inquiry, the landlord informed that there have been a few people here rent Hunan, after April 15, the door was locked again uninhabited.
Police investigators entering the room found the room curtains closed, leaving many people living supplies and teaching equipment. In a cupboard in the room,peuterey outlet online, and some involved in MLM contents of lectures notes and a lot of ID card; in a small drawer, placed dozens of phone cards and bank cards belonging to the legacy items rental staff, this Office should be a pyramid scheme dens.
Police also found three frontage glass windows in an apparently new put on the ground as well as the remnants of broken glass. Combined with the deceased's death and injuries, police believe it is possible for this room houses the first scene of the incident.
The panel decided to take a passive attitude approach squat. April 23, the ad hoc police will come to take things Liaomou captured. After Tushen Liaomou account, in March this year, she was his son from his hometown in Sichuan Danmou lying to participate in the MLM organizations,http://www.hebcec.org.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=409880, they at this point from the "Meng" responsible. Liang victim is April 14 and "XiaoNi" one up, and more than a dozen people living together in this private house.
April 15 morning, she heard from male dormitory there came the sound of glass was crushed, as if someone jumped from the window, then see "XiaoNi" hurried back to take an alcohol wipe and other items. Then someone told them to move, she and others moved to another village in the city of Xi'an.
According Liaomou explanation, police immediately went to the village Danmou suspect Hemou Zengmou, a European, to a captured.
MLM leaders jumping events appearing in court to explain the whole story
April 24, police in Xi'an Weiyang and Luo Village, the self-proclaimed "Meng" Yao suspects arrested.
Upon review, the suspect confessed to the police after the incident: 14 April 16 am, the victim is the suspect Liang "XiaoNi" Pianzhi a Village in the western suburbs of Xi'an MLM activities. Luo, He, Danmou be searched Liang resisted,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=201005&no=438, controlled by Luo et al. That night, Luo, points to sleep Liang sides of Liang surveillance,moncler sito ufficiale, guards. Danmou Hemou, to sleep in a back side of the door to prevent escape Liang. 11 o'clock in the evening, the victim Liang few people are not prepared to take advantage of the street suddenly broke windows and jumped from the second floor and broke.
With serious injuries, Yao, Hemou, "Xiao Ni" Taxis will Liang sent west to hospital, Liang eventually died after treatment. During the rescue, Yao 3 people took the opportunity to flee.
At present, Xi'an Lianhu police criminal detention of criminal suspects Danmou, Hemou people, involved in fugitive suspects Luomou other four were still in the hunt.
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