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there is no sector specific management









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發表於 2015-12-10 04:47:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Times reporter intern reporter Zhou Chun Chun Wen Wang Lingfang
Times Miss Yao is a staff member of the Hangzhou West Lake cruise companies,http://www.j-plan.com/company, the day before 16 o'clock, "Mei Cha" on the 1st cruise ship docked her work in two parks marina side, facing the tree on the sidewalk camphor. Miss Yao standing on the bow position, accidentally saw her grief scene:
Camphor tree, a middle-aged man stepped into the fence, actually shot the trunk shoot squirrels eating peanuts falls to the ground, with both feet in it who, after struggling to break free squirrel jumped into the trees, but the end result of his injuries too again heavy landing, lay motionless ......
Man stepped into the fence
After shoot down squirrel standing on the entire tail & nbsp;
Camphor tree accident occurred around is delineated Lake Management Office squirrel feeding one point. The 1st cruise docked two parks marina, but two meters from here.
Miss Yao stands about 1.65 meters,http://www.zhuzhou.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, short hair, neat and tidy. 16:00 yesterday, just under the boat dock, she immediately came camphor tree, and so on for a long time also did not see the shadow after squirrels, lost extremely she whispered the words: "You see, here not a squirrel , before this point in time, they will come out to feed, it is certainly frightened yesterday, today ran away. "
Happened in at 16:10 on March 5, Ms. Yao said that she was standing on the bow happened, the incident will be seen clearly.
She said, squirrels lay hands man about 45 years old, tall with her nearly as high,moncler]http://tsuruo.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/after/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1]moncler, foreign accent, wearing a dark beige suit. Men also stood beside a tall extra baggage of women should be the man's wife, when the man hands, she was cheerfully gnawing a corn on the cob.
"It was only a squirrel camphor tree, climbing it upside down on the main trunk half the seats, is fed single-minded tourists eating peanuts." Ms. Yao said, suddenly, the man jumped into the fast rate with fence inside, picked up his left hand toward the front of the squirrel sweep. Squirrels suddenly thrown in the men's feet, the man hastily with both feet "firmly" slam the squirrel.
"He left foot stepped on the tail and butt joints squirrel, and the right foot on the squirrel whole tail, stepped aside while happily shouting 'catch up! Catch it!'" At the same time, men wife laughed.
After the break tree squirrel hopped
But because the injury was too heavy and heavy fall & nbsp;
Seeing this, Ms. Yao said that he completely stunned.
"Laughing, the man bent down while trying to catch squirrels, about the feet loosened,http://www.colepicasso.es/spip.php?article159, squirrel took the opportunity to escape,piumino moncler outlet, all of a sudden jump to the man's left shoulder." Ms. Yao said, panic disorder squirrel jump again this amused couple, their laughter attracted a lot of people watching.
After the man left shoulder squirrel stay a while,hogan rebel, and then leap, jump on the edge of a meter tall camphor tree branches, then motionless alone.
"I was a radical, quickly ran to see, I do not know how it has been shut eye. Lasts over one minute, jump up to another branch squirrel, probably by a surprise, this actually injured squirrel from a tree fell off. "Ms. Yao said, squirrels never fell to the ground after the movement, the couple also then leave.
While leaving Miss Yao did not expect that, around some children saw squirrel did not move, actually have to pick up the fence of stones hit it, until parents stop.
The crowd had a kindly aunt, saw a long time does not move after the squirrel, stepped into the low fence, went squirrel around, want to hand it back to the tree, but the squirrels never move ......
Ms. Yao said he initially was a man on the boat,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/waiwai/dw-5600lp-1jr.html, but there have been tourists on board, so I can not walk away,chaussures louboutin, and later a colleague on board, she can find time to go look at the situation camphor tree squirrels. Because there is no time to stop the man's behavior, her two days have been very guilty, sad.
Cute squirrel suffered such eventuality
Sign condemned man hurt Squirrel & nbsp,louboutin femme;
On the day, Miss Yao will encounter squirrels posted online, this microblogging hot topic on the Internet, as of 9:30 last night, has been forwarded 2778 reviews 627, we are all condemned man hands hurt squirrels.
Yingzhiiiiiiiiii: Squirrel good poor ah. China should set up an animal protection law, these people should be arrested. No quality, really terrible ah!
Happiness Happiness @ Cecilia- sauce S: like the city of Hangzhou, I also help them filmed a photo, is really very cute, think there will be such a fate, such a person should be arrested!
zhangaif: this man crazy? Squirrels are cute ah, or Hangzhou scenery it, for such a person really is downright speechless.
Yesterday, @ Hangzhou Tourism Committee also bursts of two microblogging, urged the public to pay more tourists love West side of the little squirrel:
"Tourists Feeding squirrels is one of the most loved West Lake scenery, please take good care of them the same as the love West!"
"West side of the squirrel feeding point already exists for several years, the squirrels may appear in you and me his camera, where many people have memories of love full of tourists, but also the city of a beautiful landscape! I implore you to take good care of them again ! "
● Field
People trust the West Lake squirrel afraid of life
Liked conspire hands to eat
Yesterday evening, the two parks are still crowds, such as weaving, camphor tree, park side, there are a lot of squirrels jump up and down movement of the lively scene.
Whenever there are squirrels under trees around Tourists treat the public like a star,canada goose solde, like, standing on the edge of the fence, holding the hands of all kinds of cameras and mobile phones, to capture the squirrel naive every move. I also squat body,http://p-risky.sakura.ne.jp/cgi-bin/special/wforum.cgi?no=542&reno=no&oya=542&mode=msgview, hands held to not far from it, but it is not at all defensive, just concentrate on eating peanuts and visitors to its good orange peel.
Li Taibo public deftly untie carrying green bags, from the inside and pulled out two egg-sized kiwi squirrel thrown around, "I'm home on the edge, I will come to feed them every day, it has been five years, and now they mouth Diao changed, like to eat kiwi. "
Sanitation Master Jiang Taibo II Park, has been working here for five years. According  estimates, now fixed at two park squirrel living there nearly only, which is twice more than 5 years ago.
"There are wild squirrels, beginning very shy, not love and people close to strangers feed them to eat, always spared much." Had never been seen, only Jiang Dabo run for the familiar face, squirrels will "sell" a face close to his eating.
said that with the increase in visitors to the West Lake, close to people and their friendlies, squirrel terrifying nature gradually changed, "a lot of squirrels also love to eat my heart leans manpower."
These years, Jiang Dabo never encountered someone deliberately hurt squirrels. "March 5 of that scene I did not see, but about 20 days ago,http://www.shokudoraku.com, I'd sweep the six park a dead squirrel Dead quite strange, and no trauma."
Zhou Sister sweep in the West Lake for 15 years, stayed Liulangwenying, also stayed Huagangguanyu, now in the two parks. In her impression that the West Lake Each resort has squirrels, but number two park squirrels most loved, the most afraid of life.
● statement
Lake Management Office:
Squirrel two parks are wild
Sign Mr. Han has engaged in years of pet sales, they recognized him Miss Yao microblogging drawings lying on the ground squirrel is a typical squirrel Huangshan. Huangshan squirrel breeding period around April to September each year, generally breed once a year, each time a small number of breeding, mostly 2 to 5.
Huangshan squirrel two parks,http://www.558668.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=24368, there is no department in charge of management?
Lakeside Comprehensive Management Office Management Section Jiangke Zhang said the park are wild squirrels, they spontaneously gathered here, there is no sector specific management, but also no specialized feeding.
"March 2009, Cory was found in the West side of the squirrel gather more and more, will be in the two parks and five parks, pick up two large open space where each set up a 'squirrel feeding point'." Jiang Chief said that the aim is to concentrate tourists unified squirrel feeding, while allowing the shell and other garbage cleaning.
Jiangke Zhang said that had never heard of malicious damage to public visitors squirrel thing.
West Lake in addition to squirrels, but also the habitat of hundreds of species of wild birds, in recent years they are encountered malicious harm citizens or tourists it?
We asked Zhu Chen Chau Association for the Protection of Birds, he engaged in wild birds and study the West Lake has more than a decade. Zhu Chen Chau memories, malicious damage to wild birds found last in 2009, all these years as we gradually increase awareness of cruelty to animals, have seldom heard a malicious harm an animal thing.
● Related · Ordinance
According to December 19, 2003 by the "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Management Regulations", Article 27 of the Fourth prohibits the hunting of wild animals in the sights or unauthorized harvesting of aquatic plants and animals.
Article 54 said that violation of the provisions of Article 27 of the fourth point would have made the punishment, the confiscation of hunting tools, hunting and illegal income, and impose a fine between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan.
(Original title: The most loved park squirrel was hit by two tourists dislikes)

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