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the gang sell health care products called a "cell nutrient solution"









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發表於 2015-12-21 19:39:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Beijing Times (Reporter Zhou Xin) the name of free medical,http://www.luckbo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2137576,nike tn pas cher, health care for the elderly under the guise of soliciting lectures, took the opportunity to sell high-priced health care products. Purchase price of less than 10 yuan a bottle of "cell nutrient solution" sell 500 yuan. Recently, the Haidian police destroyed a health care products sales fraud gang Detention 33 people, 23 people in administrative detention.
By the end of 2014,piumini woolrich sito ufficiale, BeiTaiPingZhuang police station received the alarm area an old man, said he in the East Area health clubs to buy the nearly 10 million health care products, did not feel after taking effect, doubt deceived.
Police asked that the old man had received a telephone health club, claimed to offer free medical examinations for the elderly. Thus, the old man came to health will be made a free medical examination, to be "doctor" diagnosed with a variety of diseases,http://099.58tys.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1690867, after the clerk's recommendation has purchased nearly 10 million health care products, but no effect after eating.
Dunshou after plainclothes police investigation revealed that the gang is just a cover for the elderly free medical examination, the actual purpose of the elderly by exaggerating fabricated illness,http://periscopewebvideo.com/user/73924/fbconnect, cheat the elderly to buy high-priced health care products and other items. January 18 this year,http://www.groundriddim.com/h/cgi/news/news.cgi, police launched operations, was arrested more than 60 suspects.
According to the police, the gang sell health care products called a "cell nutrient solution", the single purchase price equivalent to 10 yuan, but the gang members but to the price of 500 yuan sold to the elderly.
Talking about the specific effect of this food, the suspect Liu said, the cells were specifically what ingredients she did not know,moncler outlet italia, but she said the elderly were able to replenish the blood cells of oxygen content, can effectively alleviate cardiovascular disease. Clubhouse selling air purifiers, water purifiers,moncler outlet milano, bedding and other items have also been raising prices,http://www.middleeast.org/read.cgi, ranging from a few thousand dollars to more than a million.
When the police asked the sales manager of a value of 10,000 yuan bedding have what ingredients and efficacy when the manager said within the bedding contains a comprehensive minerals,http://jp.cchr.org/global-locator.html?search=Taiwan,doudoune moncler soldes,http://contest.japias.jp/tqj1998/10098/yybbs.cgi, to blood circulation, help sleep. When asked how the synthetic mineral matter is, the manager said only know a gem mine extracted, what specific components of its own not know.
Currently,http://www.postyourflasher.com, the group has 33 people on suspicion of fraud by the Haidian police criminal detention, 23 were in administrative detention for fraud. The case is still pending.
(Original title: 10 per bottle sold to the elderly nutrition 500)
Edit: SN182

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