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a new hope. I want to go back to stay with Mom and Dad









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發表於 2015-12-25 09:20:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Video loading, please wait ... AutoPlay & nbsp; play the girl was abducted and raped forward and backward in red holding a family reunion parents crying. Arrested suspects Yangmou Wen.
After months of careful deployment and painstaking investigation, the police arrested the suspect in Yunnan
■ Ventura: Express reporter Chen Haisheng Peng Cheng
Correspondent Li Jiajing Zhangyi Tao
Yang Minghua
July 2014, red (a pseudonym) was finally home. Abducted Seven years later, she again set foot on the piece of childhood gone, now overgrown with weeds way, everything both familiar and unfamiliar.
Betrayed by her boyfriend and his uncle, but the "father" of rape, attempted, suicide drinking poisoned wine; "husband" died, and was sold to a second family ...... seven years, suffering go hand in hand, remember past yesterday in Guangzhou She still bitterly difficult level:.. "I hate to sell me, hurt me hate, hate people who ruined my youth, my life has been ruined by them I did not do anything wrong, why did he do this to I?"
Little Red is Wenshan Guangnan people, because of poverty, in 2005, only 13 years old,http://www.teamlecture.fr/spip.php?article47, she with her parents to work in Guangdong Taishan. 2007 introduced by the cousin, arrived in Guangzhou Baiyun District, a red handbag to work, the factory has a lot of relatives and friends, when he was 20-year-old cousin  Church is one of them.
During the work, the red and  produced affair, when red was 15 years old. They get along for some time, said Yang Mouzhong family disagree with their romance, asking him to find another pro-cousin marriage. Inexperienced deep red at this time of love and dependence on , we can not accept such an outcome.
"Then he said, wanted to take me out and took me to Yunnan to go, to find a little better job, always with me." Was carried away by love red, desperate to follow Yang Mouzhong elope. "As long as the two of us can be together on the line. I just want to be with him. And he was willing to abandon his cousin with me, why do not I go with him!"
Do not tell their parents, even to go to work in a factory pro cousin did not notice soon, followed Yang Mouzhong red to the Guangzhou Railway Station. Where she met Uncle  of Yangmou Wen. "During the vehicles, he suddenly said to go get something to eat, so I wait for his." After Yang Mouzhong excuse to leave, Yangmou Wen took out a bottle of water to red, so she drinkin like.
"I drank two of the three ports, then feel groggy, I stumbled as he brought to Yunnan." And other red woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in a dark room. "I do not know how to get there myself, I'm afraid." Alice stood up and wanted to go out, just went to the door, he was grabbed , slammed back to bed.
Alice wanted to resist, Yangmou Wen picked up a knife from the table, "he threatened me and then move on to kill me, kill me say in where no one knows, when I'm really very afraid, they did not dare to rebel. "frightened little red bed a move can not move.
Alice said she did not know to be in the dark room for a few days. One day, Xiong  and another man, conspired to sell the red Runan County, Henan Province a surname Tang family. Yangmou Wen acquired the stolen money is 5000 yuan.
Since then, the red began a nightmare of life.
Tang's wife became red, but she had no personal freedom. "Just go to when they were hit with a needle, then locked in a small room." Alice said Tang in the first three months, she felt groggy flies, not out of the room every day, only in the face of a television, all the food and clothing and other supplies are provided Tang old lady, and even helped the old lady clothes are washed. She completely lost contact with the outside world.
"Tang's father is an alcoholic, violent alcoholics, drinking wine every quarrel,air max pas cher, also hit anyone, I do not like him." In the Tang, the red no less subject to beatings and humiliation. Unexamined past three months, the red that you do not see a little hope. She could not get rid of imprisoned life, she fell into the abyss she wanted to commit suicide to end the pain.
"I saw that a bottle of scorpion bedside wine, took over the drink; I also broke a mirror to cut my wrists." Alice wanted this once and for all, I did not expect timely Tang's mother returned home, then notify the family sent her to the hospital. Stayed one night in the hospital, the next day go back to the Tang red, all harmful things for her are hiding.
The day after, the red felt life without a little bit of sunshine. Tang's father noticed her mood after they bought a sheep, let the lady go red every day followed by a sheep, then he rode in the back followed.
At this point the red just turned 16 years old. Don red family found not pregnant after, he took her to the hospital for a tubal surgery. Little Red said, after the return to Tang, Tang's father raped her virtues. "He said I was not from it, not after a good day for me too, if pregnant, may be deemed to be his son born."
Soon, Tang and his son conflict, playing the aircraft. Not long after, Tang died. Tang family wants to earn 5,http://www.xuyiguo.net/news/html/?648896.html,000 yuan to buy a red back, it changed hands to 22,000 yuan will be sold to the nearby red Shangcai a family surnamed Wang.
"Wang people do not threaten me, nor what I have done." Alice said, Wang's son Wang, 26 years old, due to bronchitis, never married. After she was sold over into a Wang's wife. But all actions have been closely monitored, and even to see neighbors, are accompanied by her mother.
After abducted, red has always miss their parents and family, always thinking about home. She wanted to escape, but not knowledge and ability to go where even the family can remember where.
Praying eager Wang family commitments red, as long as they have two children, you can let her go out to work. "To hear them say that, I just think life have a little hope." Alice said, perhaps God's blessing, in 2009 and 2010, she gave birth to two boys, respectively. And Wang family members honor their commitments, agreed to follow the red Wang to work in Shenzhen. But they also proposed to do first red ligation surgery. "They let me do a ligation surgery, just wanted to cut off my posterior." But in order to be able to go out, or do a little red.
2013, red with Wang to work in a factory in Shenzhen, restore freedom of thought she had been returned to their parents, but could not know where. "In recent years, my memory is really very little things about the house, I do not know where my family."
Red anxious to live in Shenzhen. A year later, she met a fellow Yunnan, to know where her hometown. With the help of villagers, the last July 1, the red without telling Wang, secretly followed the car back to the fellow from Shenzhen, Yunnan.
  【Go home】
Alice said that when she got off to see a sign that says "Wenshan Guangnan County Nanping Town", before we know finally back to that part of her hometown.
Over the past seven years, the home has changed. But also recognize red village that path. The above path covered with grass, very few people would go, she walked on it, and my heart weird smells, complex unspeakable emotions, so she could not help but burst into tears on your head.
Home. Others have built a new house, and the red tile-roofed house or the year. But she looked very intimate feel. "I have changed, dialect at home I can not speak, can only speak Mandarin." When red came home and found their parents and grandparents are not at home, the family of a person at all.
"They are out of work. I met a aunt,http://www.njbyb999.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=20921, she asked me why I came back seven years, and said that my parents had an accident, but fortunately did not die, or I'll see them again." Red place from aunt that parents are working in Yangjiang, Guangdong. After two days spent at home, the family bought a ticket to help a cousin,http://www.zhiyajiaju.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=36028, red alone to Yangjiang.
July 5, 2014, for red is an unforgettable day. After a lapse of seven years, she met parents again in Yangjiang. "When I saw the father of the moment, I do not know what to say to my father, I only have to hold my father cry, I said I'm sorry Daddy, why people do this to me, I think of you for seven years."
Little Red is remorse. She said parents when a car accident, she could not around to take care, do not do to her daughter's responsibility. When home again reunited, she felt at home very strange. "Mom and Dad likes to eat, what to eat my brother,bracciali tiffany, I do not know, I feel that I do not understand them." Loss of care and live seven years, the red endless guilt.
Let red heartache that she abducted seven years, his father and therefore hate the mother full seven years. "I'm at home, my father loved most. Then my mother also came to Guangzhou to work, but not a plant, not long after she went back home." Alice said her mother to go home a week later, she was Yang Mouzhong abducted, and his father thought his mother know this, he has been resentment of.
"After seeing the parents,moncler sito ufficiale, I do not know whether or not the police. But I do not want to miss them." Alice said,http://www.renhong-bio.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=273876, her youth has gone, she would prefer to die, I do not want their parents were injured. In order to return an innocent mother, in order to allow Yangmou Zhong et al deserves, she decided to police.
Guangzhou public security organs to take over the case when, for the first time from the victims have been abducted after a lapse of seven years. Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol police officers under the circumstances provided by the victim, using a variety of information systems carried out a lot of in-depth investigation, found  another case involving trafficking cases was sentenced to five years, just when the investigation of the case was paroled, Yangmou Wen (Yang Mouzhong uncle) in 2007 after trafficking victims, has been hiding in his hometown in Yunnan.
Guangnan County is located in the southern mountains, very remote, harsh natural environment, the village is only a narrow passage simple mountain, foreign workers enter will be very conspicuous, but  no fixed abode, idle, found a sign of trouble, immediately fled the mountains to the village, which gave investigators arrest caused great difficulties.
After careful deployment and months of painstaking investigation, this year, May 21, in the rugged mountain landslides at any time waiting for the police several days in a row, finally found  in sight,doudoune canada goose pas cher, and the rapid implementation of the arrest, which was successful captured and successfully escorted back to Guangzhou.
Originally this thing near the end, but when the red back to Yunnan, we found that the local police station has canceled her account, she can not do identity, "At that moment, I feel he is a black households. But my account of this I wrote my name on. "
Yesterday, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau police detachment commander Xie said that under the premise of respecting the wishes of the parties, their accounts and other issues, the public security departments are coordinating the relevant units properly addressed.
In addition, there is one thing that is very tangled red. For several years along the Wang, with little red hearts mercy, imploring the public security authorities not to arrest him. Red believed that the Wang family to her a pretty good; secondly, her two children have to take care of people, can not do without a father. But for this family,http://starcitybbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5727, but I never want to go back to red.
July 2014 fled from Shenzhen, red and Wang although telephone contact period also went to Shenzhen took a few things,http://xdqvs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17581, but for her, this means that the trafficking and family more painful memories, she wanted to make a clean break re-living, after all, only 23 years old.
■ Police advise
Lack of self-protection is easily deceived girls
Guangzhou police said that in some cases women were abducted, underage girls, there is a longing for love, the feelings of others credulous, and then follow. In this process, is involuntary fall into the so-called love to go inside, this time it is easy to bring the suspect can take advantage of the machine. The suspect is a targeted, purposeful, say the network is now more developed, chat on the network, easily trust others, to a place to meet, which is actually a trap laid the other, the lack of self-protection awareness In this regard underage girls more prominent.
This year, the "crackdown to do" according to the actual situation of Guangzhou Shui-related cases, adjusting work thinking, innovative six mechanisms trafficking cases investigation has established "a long three guarantees" responsibility system, involving Po daily alarm verification, missing Online verification staff "green channel", of unknown origin and a series of children's DNA comparison crackdown working mechanism, promote the city's anti-trafficking work smoothly and achieved remarkable results. Such cases occur only case in Guangzhou, from the currently available data, has shown a downward trend.
How to improve anti-trafficking awareness, Guangzhou police anti-trafficking summed up the following tips:
One: Women do not blindly go out to work, find a job through informal mediation, do not believe the tabloids and illegal advertisements posted everywhere, not by strangers to help find "high-paying jobs," the confusion.
Two: when dealing with strangers, do not listen to the rhetoric, not freeloaders, do not accept small favors.
Three: the initiative to provide travel opportunities strangers, or lied instead of relatives and friends to pick, do not easily get on the train.
Four: Online Dating should be carefully chosen, to maintain the necessary distance, not easy to disclose personal information, meet friends and strangers to remote places to avoid.
Five: Parents should enhance awareness of prevention education for older children, taught him the child can speak (her) family, bearing in mind the home address and telephone number.
Six: teaching children not to believe in the words of a stranger, do not just accept the stranger to food and toys.
Just be happy future
Even bread and water every day
Reporter: Do you hate those people?
Alice: I hate to sell me, I hate people who hurt me, who ruined my youth. My life was ruined them. I did not do anything wrong, was sold for seven years did not see their parents feel really hurts.
Reporter: 7 years, have tried to seek help or escape it?
Alice: I would like to Mom and Dad, I committed suicide, I do not have hope, but without success. I do not know where my home,http://bbs.jule365.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=113981, and sometimes want to escape, want to go back to see their parents, but do not know where to go. Help even more afraid, because I was afraid that if there is a case, they kill me or how, no one would know.
Reporter: For the birth of two children will go back to see it?
Red: Sometimes I wonder if I really came back, my two kids how to do? But if they are perfectly healthy bodies, children have grandfather, grandmother, father to take care of them, I would not have thought, I still want to come back home, my Mom and Dad brother and sister enough.
Reporter: What are the future plans?
Red: Sometimes I really feel out a new path, a new hope. I want to go back to stay with Mom and Dad, there is a treasure that I can take care of me, I can marry him, if he is the kind of insincere person, I would rather stay with Mom and Dad around. I hope very simple, I hope life, if I can have children, then there is a child, there is love and love their own people, even if the house is not a high-rise buildings, even if it is a log cabin,Parajumpers Pas Cher, even if bread and water every day, as long as happy.
Reporter: What do your family say it?
Red: with parents do not live together for seven years, I do not understand them, do not take care of them, I really fail. My sister also told me that after I'm gone, she should not have to bear a lot of pressure, she said a little hate me, I did not do a sister's part.
Reporter: What advice can you give us?
Red: As a girl like me can not be confused, because trust, that he will protect you, as long as two people can be together, go where you can, this is not possible, I feel that I am now a lot of people distrust, I am very afraid of strangers, in the evening when I would not dare go out.
Edit: SN146

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