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the other admitted that they demolitions. Ms. Xu helpless reported the matter









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發表於 2015-12-26 20:23:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Anti-theft door is Miss Xu's home. Reporter Fan Liang photo
Culture News Siping (Reporter Fan Liang) "These people are too wicked, while we are not at home, the upstairs staircase to the demolition, so we can not return home!" Siping citizen Ms. Xu said she located the iron East of a house demolitions demolition company was part of what the house subsequently stolen. Police said that the matter is under investigation.
Homeowners say refuse the demolition of harassment
Ms. Xu said she Harvester Road, Siping City Chengdong township government family wings, Building 1, 3rd floor unit 2, there is a property area of 62 square meters house. May 2011, a developer ready to develop Area her home, and relocation notice posted outside the building. Since the relocation compensation failed to agree, Ms. Xu did not sign the relocation agreement with the developers.
She said, after a man claiming to be responsible for the relocation work repeatedly asked her to move as quickly as possible,doudoune moncler soldes, otherwise give her point of "severe" look. Last April, she appeared on the door with a note threatening speech, keyhole also been blocked with glue. Ms. Xu reported the matter, but the police have been inconclusive.
Up to now, most of the building residents have moved out, but Ms. Xu because developers can not accept the conditions put forward by the demolition, is still not removed.
The house was torn down stairs
Ms. Xu said that the afternoon of January 17, is at work,http://www.weekly-net.co.jp, she received a phone friends, asked her if she agreed to the demolition, and how the house was demolished others? Ms. Xu immediately rush home to find residential buildings inhabited by people removed half of their own upstairs staircase was removed, she can not go back home. Ms. Xu couple found the developer, the other admitted that they demolitions. Ms. Xu helpless reported the matter, but the police investigation are inconclusive for several days.
January 22 morning, Ms. Xu and her husband with a reporter went to the district where her home, pointing to a building demolished buildings, he said half of that floor, her family lived, 3rd floor,piumini moncler, there is still the outside security door It is her home, but security outside staircase have all been torn down.
Ms. Xu said that, although she was unable to return home by stairs,louboutin femme, but the thief never windows next door unit into the room, her family lost items worth several thousand dollars. After the incident,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, a man surnamed clothing called her and said it was Huayi Real Estate Development Co.,http://mizuki02.ciao.jp/cgi/diary/apeboard_plus.cgi/, Ltd. Miss Xu house was demolished him, if there is any request can mention, but Ms. Xu subsequently Contact not on him.
Developers say mistakenly removed the stairs
Ms Xu provided the telephone number, the reporter contacted this man surnamed clothes. The other said, did not say the house is the case he brought demolished, he is only responsible for relocation work, is not responsible for the demolition work. He said that Ms. Xu Changchun,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a house was demolished demolition company. Reporters want to provide clothing surnamed removal company in Changchun this phone,moncler pas cher, but he has not replied. Contact the other party before press time reporter again,http://www.kuronowish.com/~yukari/cgi-bin/kontakuto/apeboard_plus.cgi?m/, but it never answer the phone.
, Correspondent telephone contact yesterday morning Siping Huayi Real Estate Development Company, a female staff member of the company's office, said it was not clear what Ms. Xu family,louboutin soldes femme,http://tsubaki60.s111.xrea.com/x/petit/petit.cgi, the question of land expropriation not come into its possession.
Yesterday afternoon,http://bowling.s52.xrea.com/i/epad/epad.cgi?res=6929, Ms. Xu telephone call to reporters, said the Huayi Real Estate Development Company sent a man surnamed talk on compensation issues with her,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3523, but the other who evade house demolitions problem.
Subsequently, the reporter telephone contact in surnamed, the other said he was staff-billion real estate development company, since this building not only Ms. Xu, a move, so the developers make removal company to demolish part of the building body, Results mistakenly removed the stairs outside the house, Ms. Xu, they can be responsible for this error.
As to whether Ms. Xu home because the stairs were removed and lost things, require the police investigation and verification.
In surnamed also he said that at present, the developers are actively working with Ms. Xu family to negotiate compensation issues, but have not reached a consensus.
(Original title: Compensation not agree on the demolition of the house owner refused staircase was removed developer)

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