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there are many users that they can not understand the practice of the mother









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發表於 2015-12-28 22:56:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The children were locked. (Fig data network)
Recently, some users publish graphic microblogging said,http://www.justforyou.com.cn/news/html/?33609.html, 9 pm,http://matomade.2chblog.jp,piumini moncler, Nanchong Langzhong a juvenile because naughty, chained by her mother outside the window with homework. Chained children, is not new words. In just half a day, which quickly caught the attention microblogging, thousands of users to be forwarded comment.
However, different from the past is that the previous protagonist often people with intellectual disabilities, and this time the protagonist is a normal thinking, children as young as 13 years old, he called Dumbo (a pseudonym). Yesterday, reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of Langzhong, confirmed to be true,http://www.shuxindichan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the mother of the juvenile police were criticized.
Friends broke the news: LangZhong mother chained to children
Recently, netizens issued "by her mother tied with chains naughty children outside the window,tn reuqin pas cher," the post on, saying the people of a district near Langzhong gym 9 pm, a teenager by her mother tied with chains outside the window, looks like a child leg There are traces of cigarette burns, it is said to cause a naughty child, secretly put the home electric Juji out to play. At present, the child has been taken away by the police.
Reporters from which the picture see: the chains a little boy caps on the neck, the other end tied to the balcony railing.
"Naughty child by her mother tied with chains outside the window," the post after the online publication, soon attracted the attention of users. In the message, there are many users that they can not understand the practice of the mother, "This is how disobedient child, was so ill, a bit like a 'wolf mother'."
User "if", said: naughty again, that does not mean the child locked with chains, the child is still small, which for the young child psychology would be affected, should choose a rational way.
Single mother: naughty unruly children
"He is too naughty, so really there is no way to do." Dumbo's mother Li Ying (a pseudonym),doudoune moncler pas cher, after she and her husband divorced, with a son rented in this area, 13-year-old son this year, the junior high school. She hit unskilled laborer in a restaurant in the city, at noon, when the children go home to cook, went to work about 17:00, about 23:00 in the evening to go home.
Li Ying said that on the 9th at noon that he came home from lunch break and told boats to remember homework. 15:00 more, when she got up and found the body of the missing key, outside of the cable car also disappeared. She suspected the boats ride out to play. Before long, the boats riding at home, by her mother criticized a lot.
"Because hurry to work, but also worried that he went out looking for trouble, they will come up with a chain tied boats in the house, let it continue to do their homework." Ying said,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/furaha/mo102.html, after which she would ride to work.
16:00, boats were found after a neighbor,louboutin soldes femme, hit 110. "Liying Ping child care when a person is hard enough, we can understand, but this approach is a bit extreme." Neighbor Aunt Zhang said.
Police: has to be criticized on the parties
According to the Public Security Bureau of Langzhong relevant person in charge, the day after receiving the alarm, police immediately dispatched to the scene.
"Arrived at the scene found that the child was chained leash neck, sitting on a drum,http://www.scriptsearch.com/cgi-bin/jump.cgi, summer job on the legs, being buried homework. Upon inquiry,http://cdurable.info/spip.php?page=forum&id_breve=1216/, because naughty children being chained his mother, when the child mother had gone to work. "According to the police out of the police was recalled,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3525, but unfortunately had to break open the chains, the child back to the police station, and bought him dinner. Night around 23 o'clock, the child's mother came to the police station after work.
Police reports, in view of the behavior of Li Ying has violated the relevant laws and regulations, be criticized police for its education. Expert analysis of education to be rational and more communication with their children
On the matter, reporters interviewed Professor Hu Guangwei Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences. "Although many parents child abuse cases happen, there are still many people think, 'No parents do not love their children'." Hu Guangwei introduction, fatherly and motherly love is great, but as parents must be aware that due to naughty children, but with chained child is wrong, we should continue to review and reflect on their own specific way to treat children. The single mother is not easy,air max 90 pas cher, but she violated the right to personal liberty minors. If the mother of the child's education find it difficult to manage,http://www.midasuser.cn/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=8091989, it is recommended to consult specialists. Second child is naughty, as parents, to educate their children should be more rational, more children communicate, communicate, understand the child inner thoughts.
West Reading correspondent Yin Qin city
 (Edit: SN117)

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