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發表於 2015-12-31 14:43:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Provincial law reporter Tian Li Xuan
"May 2008 to the end of last year, Wenchuan, Beichuan 10 pole hit the court concluded a total disaster cases involving all types of 1.7 million pieces." Yesterday, reporters learned from the High Court, in the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake 31 people missing court system in our province, 91 people were injured, 22 of the trial complex building grassroots courts, 98 people's courts collapsed or become dangerous. Conducting disaster relief,http://www.xzcy961.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=241911, reconstruction,woolrich outlet milano, while the province's 18 court established convenience service station in the disaster areas inhabited settlements, disaster-related legal issues were consulting,louboutin soldes pas cher,http://www.xq0757.com/read.php?tid=1030726, answering. More than 180 "Yuanba court",http://community.epic-sro.com/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=122758, "tent courts", "car courts" assizes 300 times, slow relief to stricken areas litigation costs of 26 million yuan.
In the disaster area to steal the man was subject to heavy penalties
Maofang Lin just apply to Shifang Jinhe phosphate drove more than a month,http://mpa.sxufe.edu.cn/../admin/index_face.asp,nike tn pas cher, it would face "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake. Although at the time the wellhead was sealed by the earthquake, but he and his co-workers was lucky to escape from the gutter. Before professional rescue teams rushed to the scene,http://discuz.qyedt.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=255552,  and workers have been busy saving lives from the rubble heap.
Then, in front of four messy, desolate, Maofang Lin will be playing the collapsed houses,nike air max 90, supermarkets idea. 4 consecutive days, Maofang Lin Pirates of the cumulative total of 1.9 million yuan worth of money and cigarettes, digital cameras and motorcycles. On the 16th morning,http://bbs.1666q.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=36891,  the stolen goods packaged bundle in the back seat of a stolen motorcycle, ready to leave when the rider is caught by the police.
The first play after the earthquake disaster involving this case, on June 3, 2008 in tents in the hearing,  confessed to their crimes. At the crucial moment of relief,  but steal affected people's production and living materials, the court severely punished for its theft row, sentenced to 7 years and 6 months imprisonment and fined 20,piumini woolrich,http://karamja.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=395047#p395047,000 yuan.
Vice-president jailed trapped supplies
As Guangyuan Guangyuan, vice president of Chinese medicine, Hong Yuan volts after the earthquake in the first eight days after the staff in the unit with the Guangyuan receive relief medicines, installed car, volt Hongyuan let other staff sit units ambulance back its own separate drug escort trucks. Midway,http://szhuiyaw.com/news/html/?159789.html, he first domperidone and other four relief drugs hidden in the driver containing a home. An interval of three days, he will transfer these drugs to her brother's clinic. After identification, the batch of drugs worth 1.7 million yuan.
V  use his position of vice president, in charge of receiving relief after drugs, with the secret means of interception relief medication, have been identified as serious cases of corruption court crime, it should be 7 - 10-year sentencing range. But volt Hongyuan good attitude, and the stolen goods have been recovered, but also appropriate sentences. Trade-offs, the court sentenced volt Hongyuan 7 years in prison.

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