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and the two began living together illegally. January 2009









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發表於 2015-12-3 19:09:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Regal said: "! I have money, I should have been awarded child custody" Little Three, said: "No! I love the children, the children should go to me!"
Southeast Network August 6 (Strait Herald reporter intern Chen Jie Cai dream correspondent Best French / text Tao Mo / Chart) Recently, Siming District, a wealthy sued the third, ask the bastard to his own upbringing, the results of the first trial sentenced to losing. The judge said, "money is not necessarily able to get custody."
The wealthy 49-year-old is home with his wife and children, but also have grandchildren who have been when grandfather, but with a smaller than their 16-year-old woman started an affair, but also secretly gave birth to two children.
Regal affair gave birth to two children
"I better economic capacity, two children should be brought up by me!" I'm always very rich, he has at least three companies, a trading company, an advertising company, as well as a catering company.
I'm a total of three companies, in its heyday had a few million dollars a year income. He said the company revenue is good, his money several hundred thousand dollars a year for Ms. Liu.
He and his girlfriend Miss Liu was met five years ago in Xiamen, when Ms. Liu was only 20 years old, and I'm always has over Lent. Although the total forest was already his wife, but he and Ms. Liu still living together, the two of them age difference of 16 years, considered a "year-end parties love."
In 2009,doudoune moncler pas cher, Ms. Liu Lin Zongsheng next to a daughter; last year, she was Lin Zongsheng a son.
"Year-end parties Love" enemies fight for custody
Today, this love affair come to an end, which is the beginning of the prosecution of another former lover, must fight for custody of the child.
For the reason for the split, both sides argued. He's always said, mainly because of the last two years the company operating some problems, revenue decline, therefore, to Miss Liu's money did not before. Therefore, the two sides had a falling out.
However, Ms. Liu denied this. She said,nike tn pas cher, in fact, because I'm always home with his wife and children themselves,http://www.radio-gresivaudan.org/spip.php?article1768, even have grandchildren, plus he was busy with work, rarely with her life, and rarely accompanied her and the children around.
Miss Liu said, after the youngest son was born, almost regardless of the total forest. Therefore, the two feelings fade, lopsided.
Last July, Ms. Liu and her two children back home in Sichuan life. A few months ago, Ms. Liu first total forest court, she sued, it's a total of 18 years before the two children to live independently, to pay 8000 yuan per month alimony.
Recently, the court ruled in favor of Ms. Liu's request. Subsequently, the total forest will also be Miss Liu to court,http://www.ito.dz/spip.php?article74, he requested the court to award custody of the two children of their own.
His family has grandchildren also want to have children
In court, the two sides against each other. He's always said he economy stronger,http://bbs.25wang.com/thread-6608-1-1.html,piumini woolrich, to give children "a better growth conditions."
However, Ms. Liu did not agree to hand over child custody. She said that after her daughter and son was born, has been living with their own, and they have a steady job in his hometown, is also a professional white-collar income, raising children with economic conditions and living environment.
Miss Liu said that although the total forest good economic conditions, but it has been legal spouses and children, and even has a grandfather when his grandson on his own also busy, how can we give the two children born out of wedlock Better growth conditions?
In this regard, I'm always countered that Ms. Liu and himself before cohabitation, also had a marriage,http://www.okaki.ne.jp, but also birth to a son, and this will affect her take care of two children. However, Ms. Liu said she and her ex-husband born son had returned custody of her ex-husband, without her care.
Towards the end of the trial when, Miss Liu urge the judge not to send their children to award each other. She said she later gave birth to two illegitimate children, in the total forest persuaded a sterilization operation, loss of fertility is now, no longer a baby. Therefore, the two children she particularly wanted to stay in their side.
Recently,hogan outlet, Siming court verdict, the two children of all awarded Miss Liu upbringing. (Paper party pseudonym)
Judges say
Motherhood is more important than money
"Money may not be able to get custody. For younger children, the motherly love is more important than money." The judge said that while the rich have more money, but does not depend on who owns the custody of financial capacity. In fact, her mother awarded custody of the two children, for their healthy growth are more favorable.
Since the two children are still young, especially small son also less than two years of age, and postnatal care has been the mother custody, so follow the mother of two children living more conducive to growth. Therefore, the judge that, while the total forest economic ability, but he has a spouse, have children, and grandchildren, his family situation is not conducive to direct raising two children out of wedlock.
Therefore, the child lives with Miss Liu is more conducive to their healthy growth, while total forest if you love children, you can also pay alimony, the exercise of rights of access ways to take care of two children.
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Regal sue Little Three Sentenced to compete against illegitimate child, the judge said that the money may not be eligible for custody
Wang Hao although his wealthy family, but still with Lin Minsheng next child and a daughter. But his mother and three more indifferent, and even refused to pay for living expenses of two children. By the court, Wang Hao to pay a total of 8000 yuan per month alimony. Who knows, after the verdict, Wang Hao appeal, that the custody of the child should go himself. Why is this happening?
Haixi Morning News (Reporter correspondent Barbara primary parent thinking method) Min Lin (a pseudonym) felt very unlucky that he did not want any birthright, willing to "Little Three", to businessman Wang Hao (a pseudonym) gave birth to a son and daughter. Wang Hao although the money, but to pull to death, the mother of Lin Min Sa turning a blind eye, Lin Min afterwards turn to court, would like to fight for custody of two children.
"Little Three" born child, who should do what it should? Recently, Siming District Court hearing of this case, and ultimately, Lin Min won.
Willing "Little Three",http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=1629, gave birth to a child
In fact, 80 Houlin Min had been married once, and a son. But because of personality clashes, in October 2007, Lin Min and her ex-husband divorced, children awarded her husband, Lin Min do not pay alimony, but you can visit his son.
In 2008, Lin Min met in Xiamen 16-year-old businessman big own WANG Hao, feelings of two people rushed warming, Wang Hao has three companies under the name of Lin Min shot is also very generous. The age gap is not a big problem,http://classetice.fr/spip.php?article266, the key is, the king ho married, and have grandchildren. Wang Hao willing to give up their families, but not willing to Lin Min.
"He so loved me, no birthright does not matter." Lin Min tempted, and the two began living together illegally. January 2009, Lin Min-ho is king gave birth to daughter Xiaofang (a pseudonym), a family of three also "enjoyable" to live for some time.
Regal fell out, but also rob children
In June 2012, Lin Min-ho gave birth to another son of the king of dragons (a pseudonym). But this time Min Lin and Wang Hao's feelings are facing a crisis, Wang Lin Min-ho of the mother and her growing cold. Dragons new born, Lin Min took his two children back home in Sichuan life, children help take care of by their own parents.
"Children are my students, but no matter what, you are their father!" So angry Min Lin, Wang Hao went so far refused to pay the living expenses of two children. January 2013, Lin Min Wang Hao will report on the court, asking Wang Hao to pay child support. By Xiamen Siming court verdict, Wang Hao to pay monthly alimony of two children total 8000 yuan, until the children live independently.
Who knows, after the verdict,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/1pia/etro-ppbag-set01.html, Wang Hao appeal, and the Lin Min court that custody of the child should go himself. The reason is that their own economic conditions, well-off, there is no burden, with a strong ability to raise more conducive to healthy growth of children.
Court decision, the children go mom
"The children told him, no full house, how could grow up healthy?" For Lin Min, the two children that she is all about. She also specialized in Sichuan, home to find a more stable job, is to take the two children to support.
Siming court found that Wang Hao and Lin Min Xiaofang and dragons as parents, the rights and obligations of the two children were dependent. Xiaofang and dragons are young, and has been run by Lin Min postnatal care for dependents, so its life with Lin Min more conducive to their growth.
Wang Hao although economic ability, but there are spouses, children. Wang Hao's family situation is not conducive to raising two illegitimate children directly, but you can pay alimony,doudoune moncler femme, the exercise of rights of access ways to do their duty and take care of the lives of two illegitimate children.
After Siming court verdict, dismissed Wang Hao, Lin Min Xiaofang and dragons return custody.
Illegitimate children the same rights as children born in wedlock
According to "People's Republic of China Marriage Law" Article 25 provides that legitimate children born out of wedlock enjoy the same rights, no person shall be subjected to harm and discrimination. Does not directly bring an illegitimate child's father or mother, it shall bear the child's living and educational expenses until the child is able to live an independent life.
According to the "Marriage Law" Article 36, the relationship between parents and children, not because their parents divorce. After divorce, whether the children are in the custody of a parent, both parents are still children. After divorce, the parents for child rearing and the rights and obligations are still education. After the divorce, lactation,http://web4229.webmall.hostdns.cc/news/html/?23805.html, breast-feeding mothers to raise with the principle. Children after lactation, as the two sides due to raise the issue when a dispute can not reach an agreement, the people's court in accordance with the interests of both the child and the specific situation.
 (Edit: SN010) [see Sina news Win iPad mini]

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