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Chengdu police reimbursement of stolen vehicles site









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發表於 2015-12-8 18:30:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Chengdu police reimbursement of stolen vehicles site (newspaper profile picture)
Newspaper opening news hotline (028) 86969110, to listen to you talk on the "incentive fee" view
Yesterday afternoon, after more than two hours of maintenance, Mr. Zhao bought less than five months BYD F6 sedan,http://www.thiefmissions.com/search.cgi, from the 4S shop opened out.
The car's front bumper, lock control systems have undergone a major overhaul. "I thought this car, no longer chasing not come back." Zhao said.
November 22, when Mr. Zhao Wenjiang eat, parked in front of the hotel car stolen. December 8, Chengdu Guanghua Zhao told police the car had been recovered, you can go pick up the car. "They also told me to pay a million incentive fee." Mr. Zhao said.
"This incentive fees are charged in accordance with the relevant provisions of the general paid by the insurance company." Yesterday, Guanghua police station, a police told reporters WCC, the provisions in the province, according to whether the stolen car across the city, recover provinces, ranging from the amount of reward.
Diuju did not buy pilfer insurance company exclusions
November 22, Mr. Zhao driving bought near BYD F6 sedan, from Guangyuan to Chengdu Wenjiang services. 7 o'clock that evening before, he went to dinner with friends at a restaurant Wenjiang, the way the car stopped at the door.
"Will eat up more than one hour, when the car had gone out." I find car stolen, Mr. Zhao Wenjiang Cloud River to the police station reported the matter. Skynet surveillance video provided by the police showed Mr. Zhao car 8:13 at night, by a man drove away, "the car has more than 10,000 yuan in cash,canada goose homme, cameras, laptops, as well as bank cards and a lot of documents."
After the report, Mr. Zhao has contacted the insurance company. But the car is not insured pilfer, the insurance company refused his payment request.
Police make demands to take the car to pay 10,http://cutyayu.sakura.ne.jp/cabbs/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=113&page=,000 yuan reward fee
The next few days, Mr. Zhao repeatedly linked Yunxi police station, but the case has been no new progress, "I felt the possibility of a car is unlikely to come back."
December 2, Mr. Zhao received a call from the police station in Chengdu Guanghua, said the car has been found,http://www.vegeta.jp/cgi-bin/recipe/noahbbs.cgi, now parked in a police station in Ya'an City.
I heard the car was recovered, Mr. Zhao Guanghua quickly came to the police station. But what happened next,chaussure louboutin, let him quite unexpected:. "Police asked me to pay 10,000 yuan,http://www.chisa-club.com/cgi-bin/support/mail.cgi, as the detection of the case of incentive fees"
"The police find a car, it is the responsibility lies, why charge for it?" Zhao although somewhat puzzled, but decided to pay the fee, "After all, the car can get back, lost a lot smaller."
8:00 the evening of December 8 before, Mr. Zhao Guanghua police station, who took over from the car keys. And the car articles, in addition to several bank cards and documents, have disappeared.
□ statement
Police: indeed our money,barbour france, is executed according to the provisions of
The police solve the case, why do we charge a so-called "incentive fees"? Yesterday, the West China City Daily reporter a telephone interview with a named Yang Guanghua police station the police. Mr. Zhao said,http://www.zhuolikrone-1344006.adminkc.cn, when he paid the money, the police on the scene.
"The money does have to close, but it is definitely performed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department." Yangxing police told reporters after the general recovery of the stolen car, was active units respond recovery vehicle and robbery insurance personal reward, "he charged 10,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1,000 yuan, is in accordance with the market price of the car, after a rigorous calculated figure."
□ doubt
Pilfer did not buy the owner of the incentive fee?
Yesterday, the West China City Daily reporter's inquiry to the relevant provisions of Yangxing police mentioned the full name "notified on Strengthening and Regulating the insurance stealing motor vehicle tracing return to work", Sichuan Province and Sichuan Province Public Security Bureau Insurance Association jointly issued.
"Notice," said,http://earth.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp, "the public security department to recover the insured vehicle robbery insurance company or the owners return,http://gbook.shirley.nu/index.php, the insurance company should be rewarded. The specific proportion shall recover the actual value of robbery of the vehicle (ie, income from the sale price) calculations. principle within the city recovered 10% bonus; this province recovered 15% bonus; inter-provincial award recovered by 20%
Reed. Award funded by the public security organs to return stolen vehicle to receive, in collaboration investigators solved by the internal public security organs, the main reward meritorious staff and provide clues to solve the case of the staff. "
"Notice" be given incentive fees paid subject to the provisions of the insurance companies. But Mr. Zhao did not buy pilfer, this incentive fees out exactly who is going to do that?
"Proposal insurance companies and vehicle owners to consult the parties. If the incentive fee paid by the owner, then the owner of the premise is voluntarily paid." Guanghua police station, a police said.
□ lawyers point of view
Owners can not bear the cost of the pen
"The" notice ", between the public security organs forensic investigators with the insurance company claims, played a guiding role." Yesterday afternoon, Chengdu British lawyer Rui Liang Teck Meng said that the "notice" pay-mentioned subject For insurance companies, "for the loss
Lord, the "notice" is not binding. "
Liang Teck Meng advice: "If citizens are not satisfied with the administrative act of an administrative organ,moncler sito ufficiale, such that the fee is unreasonable, may apply for administrative reconsideration appeal to the higher authorities for review by higher authorities."
Our hotline you talk about the "incentive fee"
For the recovery of stolen vehicles,tn requin pas cher, police charged a predetermined incentive fee, do you think should not be closed, or should I collect? Do you have any better suggestions?
Today, the WCC a hotline (028) 86969110, would you please talk about the "incentive fee" view.
WCC intern reporter Li Xin Liu Yu Yan

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