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Gongmou after attending the first day of exams









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發表於 2015-12-16 15:30:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The doctor told after two hours can not sleep. Yangqin Hua surgery nearly 12 hours, can only try to open eyes
Disagree girlfriend as clothes, college entrance examination after the end of the first day
Injured head,louboutin uomo outlet,http://www.kkr-nagoya.jp, back, hands injured right thumb was cut off, sent 12 hours before rescue Queensland now out of danger, the police have locked the suspect
They occur due to a small point girlfriend dispute, this year will take the exam and Gongmou Yangqin Hua Ze high school students have failed to complete their life in the most important answer. Gongmou outlet for the girlfriend, select the first day of college entrance examination in the afternoon, about chopped their alumni Yangqin Hua. Injured head,scrape hogan, back, hands injured right thumb was cut off, sent 12 hours before rescue Queensland escape.
Relatives hope to convince the suspect to surrender
9:00 last night, local police informed the assault cases. He informed that at 18:46 on the 7th, Huize County Public Security Bureau 110 command center received a report that a large Huize Lingbi near the entrance road was a fight. After a lapse of one minute,http://web.jinbo-web.com/4219/news/html/?89165.html, the center again received a report that one student was chopped in Huize First People's Hospital.
After receiving the police command, Huize County Public Security Bureau in Huize Admiralty sent a police station in the nearby patrol officers arrived on the scene,Piumini moncle, 18:50, patrol officers who arrived on the scene did not find a fight, patrol officers and command center convergence, and rushed to the Huize First People's Hospital.
18:55 the same day, patrol officers found the injured are undergoing treatment. Police in the hospital to understand the basic situation. Learn to accept the rescue of the injured is a Huize 8 in 08 students in the class Yangqin Hua, and six other people in the "knowing tapas" restaurant for dinner, was a man shout out after chopped. Police injured to the hospital to understand the injury and the injured area and so on.
Meanwhile, the Admiralty additional police personnel rushed to the hospital for further investigation, the deployment of technical personnel survey the scene, police Mopai organization. Police find other classmates in this snack bar for dinner, but the investigation did not progress.
The police locked the suspect have relatives in Huize city, the police have to find his relatives, trying to convince relatives to do the work, so he went to the police to surrender.
Gongmou girlfriend had let it be:
To test it fails, all test fails
Police learned through other channels, shouted from the snack bar is  Huize a 7 in 08 students in the class Gongmou. Last March, the sophomore Gongmou to schools that "not read", and later transferred to Huize indene busy high school student. But the school also holds Gongmou Huize one in, also passed the examination, in line with the entry requirements, so this year will be one in Chak apply to take the exam. The police investigation, the first alarm time from the time of the incident 26 minutes.
Initial investigations showed that the cause of the Department of Gongmou girlfriend events and  girlfriend altercation occurred due to a piece of clothing. Gongmou girlfriend had let it be: "What not to test, not test everyone."
Gongmou about people suspected of chopped Yang.
Gongmou after attending the first day of exams, absent yesterday, the police did not find him now.
When Yangqin Hua leaving, the school repeatedly discouraged
Huize a principal  said, boarders, during the college entrance examination will be required to participate in a Ze entrance examination this year's room and board are in the school, school buses package more transfer students exam. School for travel time, location, vehicle and related teacher in charge have made clear, detailed division of labor. Send candidates, then get off on other aspects of the candidates and the candidates have inventory. If boarders requires parents or relatives to arrange accommodation, it requires students and parents to write a written application, otherwise, during the examination are not allowed to leave the school without permission; if I need to leave school candidates must apply in writing by the candidate himself, the class teacher to sign an agreement before You can leave, otherwise the consequences by the candidates themselves. May 27, Huize convene a plenary graduating class of teachers and students to participate in the General Assembly, the requirements of students and schools signed letters of responsibility for safety management examination, and examination integrity aspects related undertaking.
7 pm, when  the campus, school-related personnel repeatedly discouraged, requirements can not be allowed to leave the school, but failed to convince him, and finally he left school, one in the west in Huize Lingbi road, "knowing tapas" restaurant for dinner. Out of school just to eat a handful of students. After the incident, the school actively cooperate with the police to carry out investigations, and sent two teachers to the hospital to take care of the injured Yangqin Hua.
After the incident, the police contacted the four secondary school principals to Huize Admiralty police held an emergency meeting to request students during the college entrance minimize out, also reported to the police and asked the Huize specific issues.
Huize County Board of Education personnel rushed to the hospital in time to assist in treatment and rehabilitation, to treat Yangqin Hua, and he was sent to Kunming,http://www.vfxjournal.net/blog/item/create_form/1, the night the big hospital for treatment; Huize also dispatched personnel to assist in a rescue of injured students; EDB and Huize one assist the public security organs; Huize County Board of Education also conducted a psychological intervention teachers and students, and to further improve the security work of the school and other measures to ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination.
Huize County Public Security Bureau to set up a director for the head, deputy political commissar of the deputy head, related to the leadership as a member of the leading group, and set up a task force, divided the site survey group, visited the survey group, the inventory group and lay a trap set, good detection and investigation and handling of cases. Held a school leader at the same time, security personnel will work to increase patrols around the campus, and resolutely prevent such cases from happening again.
Who has not heard of him and feast
There is no emotional entanglements
17:00 yesterday, the entrance end of the students coming back to school. Huize a Middle School (8) class male dormitory,http://www.521space.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2192, Yangqin Hua bed lay a cute teddy bear. "Sent his girlfriend." Roommate Yangqin Hua Ming (pseudonym) said, Yangqin Hua good karma. They had never heard of him and who has what scores.
At 18:20 on the 7th or so, Huize a grade three students in Huize Experimental High School finished in mathematics Back Huize one after two quarters of their classes Yangqin Hua seven boys invited to the school "photograph meal. " Wang Ming said,http://bbs.xuchangbbs.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=213913&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=80939, they went into a small restaurant called "knowing snacks" after the point of good food on playing poker. On the way, a young man about the same age and they went to their table, let Yangqin Hua go out. See strangers meet, we went out to dinner Zhang (a pseudonym) Follow Yangqin Hua out of the restaurant. But Zhang was out, he was a man with a knife pointing to let him go. Zhang not react, the other took out knifed to Yangqin Hua. Wang Ming said, so they heard the cry went out, the other has gone. See Yangqin Hua was chopped, they stopped two taxis, the first time to Huize Yangqin Hua Hospital.
"He has been very clear, but do not know him, chopped his people." Said Wang Ming, 7 per person they do not know that a few people chopped Yangqin Hua. "We did not hear him and who the holidays, there is no emotional entanglements."
Wang said that when they out of school, the school found a few people outside the main entrance to stare at them, but it was not too concerned. called away from the restaurant, is a school outside appeared that a few humans.
Middle School (8) class teacher Baolin Qing introduced a total of 40 students in their class, Yangqin Hua academic performance is not the best. "In the class on the genus level." Exam after 6 pm,  and other students in their class as a unified school rented by bus back to school. "The school attaches great importance to the safety of students, did not expect to happen."
Witnesses shop owner:
The whole process of wounding
Only twelve minutes
Huize one in the school turn left about 150 meters, is Lingbi Road 81 "Knowing snack" location. Yesterday, the restaurant also left a little blood on the door. 18:00, snack bar there are no customers. Boss introduced,http://business.mobilepreneur.com, at 18:30 on the 7th or so, there are seven young man walked into the restaurant, sat down on the corner of the restaurant table. "Give them pour point After food, they sat playing cards." At that time,scrape hogan,http://www.ciscoclub.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the restaurant only two tables of guests. 7 guy to sit down a few minutes,nike tn pas cher, she heard shouting additional table guests checkout. She came to hear opinions on the checkout that tables of guests to say "fight." She looked out, I saw just a la carte lad has been chopped, staggered in a direction toward Huize walked.
And the snack bar is only separated by a wall of electrical repair shop Master Yu said that afternoon, he heard the sound of a fight outside the shop, after they get out, I saw a few guys in the "fight", one of them covered in blood. Soon, the "fight" the people will go in the direction of a run-taek. In addition to blood on the ground in front of the snack bar, and a finger was cut off about 30 centimeters long and a melon.
"The whole process can take up to fight twelve minutes." Haberdashery away from the scene of a shop about 20 meters away from the boss witnessed the whole process of the incident. "There are more than 10 young man in a fight, but I can not tell who is playing who." Shop owner said,http://www.zw-hc.com/service/feedback_look.php?id=117463, "fighting" the time is very short, and many people are confused.
Chief reporter Zhu Xun Yang Hang reporter / text Zhang Yujie / map
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Candidates for about chopped alumni continued: victim said the assailant did not know
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; candidates in high school meal continued to be chopped: County Public Security Bureau set up task force
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