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lying in the hospital money for treatment









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發表於 2015-12-29 10:39:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Ni Qiong selling female storm attracted passers-by crowd, but also alerted the police. "Strait Metropolis Daily" for map
○ Chongqing Youyang migrant workers from working in Fujian Zhou Xinggui accidentally falls, the streets selling female wife anxious to save her husband
○ about the incident, more than 3,000 strangers to him within five days of donations 1.27 million yuan, far exceeding the cost of treatment
○ Zhou Xinggui decided early return to the community to come up with 600,000, of which 300,woolrich outlet milano,http://castor.divergences.be/spip.php?page=forum&id_breve=122&lang=en/,000 to donate to help the mountains baby home youyang
Chongqing Morning News reporter Wang Shan-depth reports
Chan Chan intern reports
Recently, the 36-year-old  made a significant decision: 600,000 yuan donated to social withdrawal from bank account. Among them, 300,000 donation to Chongqing home.
Donated 600,000 Zhou Xinggui is not rich, he is working outside of Chongqing nationality of migrant workers for many years. In more than 10 days ago, he was even in dire straits. So much money come from? Behind  is a heart-warming story.
December 11,  broke when working in construction in Fujian Minhou Tahu injured, lying in the hospital money for treatment, five days later, desperate wife streets "selling girl to save her husband,air max 90 pas cher," caused concern, five days, extending more than 3,000 people a helping hand, 1.27 million yuan love money orders fate  reversal happen overnight.
Donations several times in the face of medical expenses, Zhou Xinggui decided to donate the money to go, let love continue.
70,000 yuan surgery nowhere to find
Yesterday, Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, has just finished surgery Zhou Xinggui borrowed wheelchair, pushed his wife went to the bank, canceled the bank account used for many years.
Working away from home for many years, a person working to support a 5, Zhou Xinggui this bank card account for many years, had never been more than 5000 yuan deposit, but now,http://qulingfeng.sys209.hljdata.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=33087, digital card deposit is 1.27 million. He said that this is the pen astronomical. Bank card cancellation until a few hours before, there are stranger remittance towards this account, the amount of 50 yuan, ranging from 100 yuan.
Zhou Xinggui surviving, with "Dabeitaixi" to describe their 13-day experience.
December 11 morning,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, at dawn, located in Fuzhou Cangshan car into a village, he picked up Zhouxing Gui and his several folks on this trip, they want to more than 100 kilometers outside of Minhou County Tahu work every day, to Ruo Yeung a resident levy. Accident occurred at 10:00, altitude falling steel from  side slipped from his Yexia 3rd floor, directly thrown to the ground.
Seriously injured was rushed unconscious  Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region, admission, right arm fracture, a rib fractures,http://q.mamacn.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=13172314, lung hit cause blood pneumothorax.
Emergency hospital for lung drainage surgery done, export bloody, 4 days after admission, Zhou Xinggui paid more than 10,000 yuan cost spent, and more than 4000 yuan owed cardiothoracic surgery treatment fee, to accept the right upper arm fracture surgery, fee is expected to need 70,000 yuan.
When the family once again contact homeowners and contractors, the two phones have been shut down, is lost to the state, will soon face a withdrawal of Zhou Xinggui, irritable excitement.
Street selling female wife to save her husband
After the incident, 34-year-old wife Ni Zhou Xinggui with three daughters Joan waited at the ward every day, once faced with the plight of her husband to make her despair.
14 morning, watching the pain almost comatose husband, Ni Joan made that she has endless guilt thing: she was carrying not one year old daughter, went to the hospital nearby print shop, then ran to the downtown area, in Fuzhou General Hospital bus stop next to a row kneeling four hours.
Her hand several color flyer soon attracted the attention of people, red headline prominently reads "seeking to buy the child", "boss flee due to injury, no money for treatment, and is willing to sell the child, save my father."
Ni Joan cry caused onlookers, we sell children's behavior is fast stop, it was the scene for her to donate money, some people asked her for a bank card number. Leave after noon, leaving one no stranger rushed to the hospital, donated 20,tn reuqin pas cher,000 yuan in cash.
15, Fujian "Strait News" carried a report on the matter, causing social concern, mixed media, accusing voices coming together and compassion, the urge to move a lot of people accused of Joan of Ni, the sympathy the plight of one of its , lent a helping hand.
Zhou Xinggui niece and brother rushed to the hospital, "save return to save people, how can you sell a child?" Faced with relatives of the accused, Ni Qiong very sorry. The same day, "disappeared" landlord and foreman came by Minhou Dahu Township Government, coordinated by the Great Lakes to the police station, two over sixty years homeowners said, "that the cost will not deadbeat", and promised to pay 39,000 yuan in cash, as the cost of surgery.
Staff Chongqing Municipal Labor Office in Fuzhou Office also found Zhou Xinggui couple, said they would give legal assistance and help coordinate related matters. Just when I thought things  a stop there, what happened next, make unexpected and full of gratitude, but also know what to do.
5 days received more than 1.2 million donation
From the 15th, Zhou Xinggui SMS alert tone sounded constantly, a sum of money the love coming from all over the country,woolrich outlet,http://chinacqw.cn/news/html/?104822.html, on the 15th, Zhou Xinggui received donations of 10 million, the next two days, there are about 500 000 Import yuan donation, donors up to more than 3,000 people.
Contributions up to a sum of 10 million yuan, the Guangdong man did not leave his name, asked how grateful family regardless week, he did not disclose any information about yourself.
At the same time, it also raised the plight of Zhou Xinggui a celebrity attention. "New Weekly" Social Sun crown micro-Bo said, want to help raise 100,000 yuan Zhou Xinggui a Sun crown their first pledges $ 10,000. Soon after, Han Wang expressed pledged $ 10,000.
When money conspire 50,000 yuan, Chongqing Ji star Chen Kun contact Sun crown, said to be pledged $ 50,000. But in know donation it has far exceeded the desired therapeutic, Chen Kun will represent money for other purposes. 17, Henan Ni type clan congregation to raise 100,000 yuan, and sent representatives in Fujian to the hospital to see Zhou Xinggui.
"In fact, on December 15, the first day of a 10-million donation to sink, we commissioned Reporter help message, so that we do not contribute,http://www.m-pep.org/spip.php?article3987, and treatment costs have been enough." Zhou Xinggui says he will not be online, What is more heard of micro letter, unable to get in touch with the enthusiastic users, but each time a reporter, he would request:. "help to tell you, really do not donate the"
He did not expect that, donations are constantly coming in, only five days time, donations has reached more than 120 million.
Wheelchair caring account cancellation
"Reporters and my niece told me that with the spread of microblogging and micro-letters, and this figure is likely to grow, I heard terrified."  that this balance of up to one million yuan of bank cards, a few days ago to make further a man deep in trouble, and soon out of the dilemma, he and his wife filled with gratitude, but also very disturbed, "Everyone is not easy to make money, this is someone earned a dime."
18,  pushed the operating room, surgery was very successful, before surgery, he and his wife make decisions, take part of the money to donate. When a person goodbye media, right up to the two meanings, one, grateful; Second, too much money, really do not donate a.
Zhouxing Gui said that as the post-treatment is unknown, so I wanted to come from donations 600,000 yuan, Fuzhou and Chongqing for the cause of love, of which 50 million yuan has been imported sea are the Red Cross Chest. He hopes the money can help to more urgent needs of the family, which donated 300,000 yuan in Chongqing.
Yesterday, the surgical wound has not been restored, Zhou Xinggui on a wheelchair, let the family pushed to a nearby bank, announced the cancellation of the account of love, as of this time, the accounts received a total of over 1.27 million community donations.
I wanted to help his home in the mountains baby
Yesterday,  lying on the bed, talking is still very laborious. He told the Chongqing Morning News reporters, who work for 11 years, had a very ordinary, very satisfied, I did not expect this accident sent him despair. But did not expect is that there are so many good people do not go down for him a helping hand, to help the family out of the woods, "There are more than 3,000 people to give me money, I heard the sound of remittances SMS tips constantly ringing,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, our family cried many times , I thought there were so many people to help us. "
In 2003, Zhou Xinggui and his wife left Temple located youyang large Iwamura Township home, the first station went to Guangzhou,http://www.0010101.com/thread-22211-1-1.html, Dongguan do mason; five years later, he followed fellow came to Xiamen; in 2009, and the way to Fuzhou. Over the years, the couple to make a living running around, three daughters have been born.
said, his biggest regret in life is too little reading, Temple Township is a township Youyang poverty, he knows the mountains children to school difficult. So, 300,000 yuan donation, he hopes for home education, and hope to help supervise the Chongqing Morning News the use of money.
Although the surgery went well, but  after discharge can no longer be heavy manual labor, for several days, weeks family sitting together discuss the future of life how to proceed. said, until he was discharged, he decided to take his family back to the temple Creek home life, "After so much suffering, I clearly than ever,woolrich outlet, the family in peace together, is the greatest blessing."

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