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發表於 2015-6-22 13:43:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
(Reporter intern reporter Jin Hodgkin pigeon) night, fast asleep, was suddenly awakened by a group of young men beat up after a meal, the house was demolished ruins excavator. This is a common experience yesterday morning north Gang Zhai three villagers.
Alone keep a group of men burst into the house at night
This year 60-year-old villager  Gang Zhai five groups said their village after land acquisition, he has not signed the demolition agreement and developers. But his house, but they never tenant to rent, leaving him a man kept a herd of dogs and chickens in the janitor.
said, the evening of May 11 that he had to sleep in the building 4 layer only him alone. About 23:30, he suddenly heard a bang doors sound,http://www.inongzi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=39911, but also accompanied by the roar of the machine. He quickly put on a good coat, out of the house. When a group of young men armed with sticks broke into the yard, "scared I did not even dare to wear pants, dressed only in their belts and went to the roof." He said he later hid the roof, ready to call the police,louboutin pas cher femme, but was soon rushed to the dozen men grabbed. These people used sticks to beat him in a row about it,nike tn pas cher, put him on the shelf to a white van.
"They drove pulled me wandering," said Zhao Changxing, the last group of men at a hotel in Fengcheng Road, next to his left, until 4 o'clock yesterday morning he returned to the village, only to find their house already demolished ruins. Because of injuries,nike pas cher pour homme, he was admitted to the Chang'an Hospital yesterday.
"Those who hit the side of the side of demolitions."
That was beaten more than one person Zhao Changxing. Yesterday,http://puyoubbs.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the same lying Chang'an Hospital emergency department observation room villager Zhang Changning Zhai Gang,http://www.idbren.com/thread-13136365-1-1.html, head Although bandaged up, but you can still see the blood has coagulated.
father Zhang Zuhua holding bruise right arm, said their family did not live in the old house, it has been moved to the district opposite the old house. Zero o'clock yesterday morning, he had to sleep, his son Zhang Changning Internet access in the room. "I received my brother's wife Xuefeng just a phone call that someone in the demolition of our old house." Said Zhang Zuhua, learned of the situation, he quickly ran out of the cell, the son also followed him down the stairs.
"After the out, I found a group of people holding a stick in his wife hit me a brother."  he said his son was afraid of being beaten, pushed his son back to the cell, but the son was folded back. To help him when he was knocked to the ground just peaks brother's wife, his son picked up a brick from the ground,http://021hetao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=257512, you want to push back a group of people playing just peaks. "Those who took the stick began to beat my son." Stick hit his son's head, when the body, he and his wife had just  pounce protect his son,air max 90 pas cher, has endured a stick on his arm, but his wife because the head by hit the spot a bit unclear mind.
"Part of them are playing us, there are some people in the demolition excavator drove our house."  he said, in a very short time, his family and his wife's brother family house demolished ruins.
After being sent to Chang'an Hospital, just   wife was diagnosed with closed head injury, blunt chest trauma,  son was diagnosed with closed head injury, multiple soft tissue contusion. Cuicai Li Xuefeng's wife had just been diagnosed with a right forearm contusion. Zhao Changxing was diagnosed with closed head injury, scalp hematoma,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, multiple soft tissue contusion.
It is understood that the demolitions in the evening, just Su Qin, Zhang Changning, Cuicai Li, Zhao Changxing 4 of wounds in hospital treatment, Zhang Zuhua, just Xuefeng,http://0771r.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, just peaks son Bo just 3 soft tissue contusion.
Zhai Gang village committee director: "Ask several departments said they do not know."
Yesterday afternoon,hogan outlet, Kong Su Guang Zhai village head said before, he received early in the morning the villagers gave him about this matter, "received their phone,http://bbs.tt919.com/read.php?tid-262522-fpage-80.html/read.php?tid-262522-fpage-80.html/post.php?fid=319?fid=319, I and the city changed (village reconstruction office), street do have contact, said they do not know who did it. "
Su Guang said before, two years ago, began to transform Zhai Gang, "handed over to a company called Beijing KWG development company." Su Guang said before, was still in the village headquarters relocation specialized posted a notice, generally meaning that when demolition All documents must be sealed by the village party branch and village job, "but people (development company) simply ignore us."
"Yesterday I also call to them to develop the company's chairman." Su Guang said before, the company chairman Yan denied this, "he said he did not know who did it." Su Guang said before, "I told him, police have started investigating the matter, and finally he agreed to give the villagers to see a doctor. "
As of press time last night, reporters repeatedly linked Yan,http://www.23jk.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=281247, but the phone still can not connect. Meanwhile, reporters from the Economic Development Bureau of Public Security Fengcheng Road police station learned that the incident that night the police arrived on the scene Alarming, initially identified and relocation related, has been involved in investigating the case.
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