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發表於 2015-6-22 14:58:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Gollob and Walter Benitez celebrate success signature move Wall Benitez said momentum generated test is too great, not suitable try this at home by introducing (engine) piston and cylinder works,basket nike air max 90, Gollob and Walter Benitez set a "rocket "generated after gliding record Gollob (right) and Walter Benitez (left) of the Mentos mints into a bottle of Coca-Cola Zero bottle" car Coke fountain "phenomenon
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on December 12,basket jordan pas cher,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, a few days ago, keen to study the "Coke + Mentos mints" Americans can have much momentum Fritz? Gollob and Stephen? Walter Benitez announced its own the latest experimental data. This time, they used 54 bottles of sugar-free Coke Zero and 324 Mentos mints, so they made a three-wheeled "rocket car" slid forward 239 feet (about 72.8 meters),nike aire max 90, breaking them record set in 2010.
Five years ago, Gollob and Walter Benitez use "Coke + Mentos mints" great momentum generated success to a single three-wheeled "rocket car" lines. At the time of the testing process uploaded to the Internet, the two men sought after by a large number of users. 2010,http://jxwhg.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=287904,prezzi scarpe louboutin,http://zrpe.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=654806, Gollob and Walter Benitez for a new trial, their "rocket car" in 108 bottles of Coca-Cola Zero and 648 Mentos mints,http://sjh.bbs.windplay.cn/forum-53-1.html?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, driven forward 220 feet (about 67 meters).
Recently, they have created in the case of raw materials halved a 239 feet (about 72.8 meters) of the new record. Turning to the issue, Wall Benitez said their experiment used the principles of (engine) piston and cylinder to work,http://bbs.98xinge.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=56866, so in order to create better results in the case of raw materials halved. But he also stressed that the momentum generated in the test is too large, is not suitable for people to try at home.
It is reported that, Gollob graduated from the Department of Mathematics at Yale University, he is currently a circus performer. Benitez before the Wall was a defense lawyer in Massachusetts, now is a comedian and street performers.
Gollob and Walter Benitez after secret trials Coke and Mentos mints mixed foam produced. This reaction is called a nuclear reaction theory that Mentos mints ingredients speed up the rate of release of carbon dioxide gas in carbonated beverages,http://www.zgynjwx.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=121807, allowing beverage spewing out.
In the experiment,nike air force,http://www.shuxindichan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, Gollob and Wall Benitez is reduced cola bottle mouth, the ejection force more powerful.
(Source: China Daily & nbsp,http://bassreview.co.uk/partner/profile.php?id=2295; letter lotus)
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