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發表於 2015-12-8 06:16:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Arrow "guidance" to change the high or low a prescription change is inconsistent with the doctor's advice on testing documents
Leaving doctors with the force Pi exposure hospital several major problems exist: no disease seen disease, open yin and yang prescription, do not fight on the B-report
Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Diao Cha and Shi Mindao hospital doctor is this - do not say you did not ill, I saw you sick
With the power only to the hospital for months, Liu Feng (a pseudonym) chose to leave.
"I can not stand the torture of conscience ......" Liu Feng said he later graduated from the clinical, wanted to "heal the sick",woolrich outlet milano, to be a respected doctor, do not want a few months, "to see it is to Patients blatant deception. "
Liu Feng provide a large number of recordings, videos and prescription and other evidence shows that several major problems in the hospital examination, treatment exist: modifying the test results; yin and yang prescription cheat social security; no disease detected in sick and so on.
During the Chengdu Business Daily reporter interviewed two other hospital staff also stand up to testify against Liu Feng said is true.
This doctor
Why resign
In early July this year,woolrich outlet, Liu Feng in the hospital work force Pi with the Chengdu Business Daily called: "I can not stand the torture of conscience ......" Liu Feng to the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Ti Gongliao and Tai Liang video, audio and image data, report Pi has opened three years with the force of hospital longstanding forgery, modification laboratory test results, forged B-test documents, but no surgical qualification for surgery and many other issues.
"If you do the inspection, the hospital will be your original normal data, change the high or low to change, and then come to the conclusion you sick, then you Zaiquan hospitalized. Treatment, the hospital you use cheap drugs, but in Medicare reimbursement, when writing is much more expensive drug. "
Liu Feng told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily reporter, in addition to the above violations, according to the hospital there is no X-rays on the handwritten fake X-ray inspection results, no surgery qualification surgery and other acts of illegal operations.
Liu Feng said that these violations are under the direct behest of the hospital, Acting President  conducted. "Do not do according to his requirements, he will deduct your salary, or let you leave." This argument has also been confirmed that another staff member of the hospital.
In the tangled a few months later, Liu Feng chose to resign, "I can not stand the torture of conscience."
In addition to Liu Feng, the hospital and another two staff members in an interview also expressed "conscience."
Doctors broke ①
Forgery, modification
Laboratory test results
Not sick sick of a check
Liu Feng provides two videos, both Pi dialogue with the president of the hospital proxy  and has to leave the hospital, a medical worker.
In the video, we talk with Dr. Ding hospital medical staff questioned the testing equipment to detect inaccurate data. Dr. Ding responded, "You can not say, actually my heart also said that patients like chronic bronchitis emphysema, indeed, so heavy patient check blood, just over 4,100, the co substandard medical practice? I do not You need to check, in my experience, at least in the blood of about 9000 to 10,000. "
The medical staff asked: "You will not let me forged medical records, right?" Dr. Ding responded: We have people who will not let you do that. That does not call fake, but at that time played a hold, she was not any back, just change a few numbers. Save Laboratory renovated Well, regular, and with two people. "
Video, Dr. Ding bluntly: "May the wages for the wisdom did not give her patients call her modification, repair the admission low,moncler outlet milano, relatively high discharge changes?."
Laboratory Technician: "into abnormal, go prescribe"
In July this year, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zeng Jinru and Gai Yiyuan laboratories, witnessed only one laboratory technician at the hospital on the computer test results demonstrate the process of change. "With computer editing, you want to give it to change another job change high." The inspector said as he demonstrates, a copy of the electronic version of the blood cell analysis report abnormal data to properly select the sample through the computer, and then choose today sample, click on the patient, "through the sample editor,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/./joyful.cgi, directly to normal or not normal, it is entirely possible to manually modify." inspectors said that after the change in the computer, we can immediately the paper reports.
As for the total number of patients to turn over data, the lab technician said, "changed the report in the end how much I do not know, anyway, patients are basically false", in order to achieve the desired outcome indicators,louboutin soldes femme, Ding will be "hand-holding" test how staff fraud, "and called this a high point for me, that gave me the high point. There are some I printed out the list (test results), (he) would give me beat up and down (arrows), and called re change the high or low, the report re. "
Check list: detection of blood in urine specimens
Chengdu Business Daily reporter received more than 20 prescriptions, check list and other relevant medical information from the hospital's hospital insiders. Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, a doctor at the hospital saw a single test July 12, 2015, the above display patient is a 29-year-old female, fill in clinical diagnosis is:. "Pregnancy," the doctor said :. ". First names are not standardized diagnostic specimens second is written 'Urine', the following item is checked test blood and urine, with urinary routine blood tests,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/bike-55w-h4-4.html, it is impossible." In addition, the doctors said seventh HCG test single name wrong, hospital check list is written, "the promotion of human chorionic gland hormone (HCG)", the correct name should be "human chorionic gonadotropin."
Volunteer experience: no disease ill isolated
In early August, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhao Dao and Yi Ming volunteer to come to the hospital to be checked patient identity. He observed doctors Ding Changqing judgment is "gonococcal infection,http://pp.papaxiong.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=117183&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=13148855," urged the volunteers to do a laboratory test, the Ding Changqing said he can personally test. He took a sample slide took out a few minutes later came back and said, "It must be gonococcal infection, but fortunately you relatively light, but moderate, lost days was on the line." Volunteers required to issue an inspection report Ding expressed need. After the inspection, the small window with volunteers to charges, personnel requirements and costs 65 yuan to close a laboratory fee, but after a long time to tinker toll, said no such fees. Finally, under the guidance of the small, charges People "flexibility" to close three other projects laboratory fees, a total of 64 yuan. "64 yuan to 64 yuan Well, at least a dollar does not matter." Ding explained to the volunteers, they do not look at qualifications andrology hospital, so there is no such charges, but he "is to engage in male origin." However,http://www.yumip.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=258, volunteers one hour after the Second People's Hospital of Chengdu were examined, the results have shown that completely normal.
Hospital response: non-standard test equipment operation
Modify test data for problems with the force Pi Hospital Acting President Ding Changqing said, "did not have such a case," the data in question are inspectors do things seriously and operate non-standard test equipment out of the question.
For the test on a single handwritten down arrows, Ding Changqing admitted that his painting,hogan outlet online, but he denied that the arrow is to allow inspectors to fight the high data change or change to low. "I hit the arrow is to be marked, that the results of this test are not allowed." He explained:. "Would have no problem, the results came out a problem, I'm sure going to change overnight, for example a patient she came infusion, one week each kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics use from the results of the indicators reported even higher than the hospital admission of the report, based on my decades of practice experience, this certainly is a problem. "
As for patient test specimens obviously urine, blood was detected, test samples of blood, urine detected a problem, Ding Changqing said, this is the doctor's questions, he did not know. The check list of Handled Dr. Jia said that it is her fault that caused the hook. Chengdu Business Daily reporter Inquiry: "? Each list are on the hook wrong," he replied: "There is a possibility."
As to why there will be no disease detected volunteers gonococcal infection,  said, "This is made out based on his symptoms and slide the result."
Ding Changqing admitted that he was just a doctor, and on billboards hospital, his level of deputy director of the physician. "This is a private hospital, according to my qualifications, I would have is the deputy chief physician of the ...... This is the unspoken rules of private hospitals."
Doctors broke ②
Yin and yang prescription
Patients are treated with expensive drugs cheap medicine
"In addition to the inspection process of transmission of the disease, there are prescription tricky: to prescribe drugs more expensive, when the drug was replaced by cheap medicine." Another hospital insiders A lady to Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Ti Gongliao and Ji Ming patients The long-term prescription orders and doctor to perform a single to illustrate the problem, "long-term prescription medicine hospital records alone is open to patients; the doctor is a doctor performs a single showed nurses, nurse to patient really use the drug if it is not within the hospital staff, very. Prescription difficult to detect the presence of yin and yang. "
Reporter investigation: On 39 yuan of medicine, with nine yuan of medicine
Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Fa Xian, long doctor's advice and medical advice that several patients with a single execution there is a big difference in how a patient 77-year-old uncle, for example, with the cefminox, theophylline, ammonia doctor's advice on how the long-term ambroxol, Xiangdan,http://sokeizai.or.jp, astragalus, levofloxacin, chymotrypsin injection, dexamethasone, Fila Hong amine, a total of nine kinds. In addition to the infusion of saline and glucose used. In Uncle Ho doctor to perform a single, in addition to saline and glucose, but only with ceftriaxone, Xiangdan, astragalus, lincomycin four kinds of medicine.
"There are two problems." A woman said, "One patient useless drugs, hospital write into, which is to be reimbursed to the Medical Insurance Bureau, because the patient is hospitalized, have health insurance, hospital patients deliberately useless The drug had written into the multi reimbursement; the second problem is that the hospital give a patient more expensive drugs, but the actual implementation, using a relatively inexpensive long-term prescription drugs such as the opening of a single cefminox. and to patients with ceftriaxone is cheap; give a patient the levofloxacin, the patient is using cheaper lincomycin in the reimbursement process, or according to the more expensive drugs to be reimbursed. ".
Chengdu Business Daily reporter inquiries found that the price cefminox 1g injections of 39 yuan,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, while the price of ceftriaxone injection 1g at around 9 yuan; levofloxacin capsule according to different specifications, the price from 9.6 yuan to 37.7 yuan, while lincomycin price of six yuan a box.
Hospital response: unknown
For a list of drugs to Medicare hospital reimbursement and pharmaceutical sectors to patients inconsistencies exist "yin and yang prescription" problem, Ding Changqing not sure this situation.
Doctors broke ③
Forged B, X-ray inspection results
According to the handwritten report did not directly
Liu Feng told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily reporter, although the hospital with the force Pi B-test equipment, but there is no B-operator. "The hospital will not provide patients with B-picture or X-rays, because they do not have photos, X-chip photo results directly falsifies inspection results by hand, handwriting, think of it?" Liu Feng said that he provided to the Chengdu Commercial Daily Reporter some X-ray examinations alone, are the handwritten report card.
The hospital medical staff to provide a report card photo display, 77-year-old Ms. Lee had been in hospital for patients with chest photo, this report card is not attached X-rays, in the "X-ray imaging findings" column, a doctor handwriting, "X-ray Diagnosis" column for handwriting: "Consider bronchial pneumonia caused by these changes."
This report single physician signature Zhou Fu Zhang, while the same publication in the courtyard of the hospital, "Physician Profile", the week could not find the names and photos. "This is not the same force Dr. Zhou doctors, but another hospital with a qualified doctor examine hospital every 'photos', the will to look for him, let him give money to sign." The hospital medical staff told the Chengdu one Daily Reporter. Similarly, in the hands of reporters examine many single test on a doctor named "Zhong Yuhui", but insiders said the hospital, "the inspector on one, do not name the bell."
Hospital response:
X-ray machine is old-fashioned machine, only a handwritten report
Ding Changqing responded that, X-ray machine is old-fashioned machine,http://e-macherie.com, only a handwritten reports; labor relations chapter Fu Zhou, the hospital is being handled, there is no formal entry, while examining physician  also "on vacation."
Liu Feng in another section of the video provided by the hospital, Acting President Ding Changqing said the next step will be equipped with B-hospital operators, the interviewer questioned the previous B-results are doctors themselves handwritten scrawl, Dr. Ding replied: "I scrawl ...... but we have B-machine ah. Nobody operation, which to sign this letter? "
This year in June, due to the hand and neck pain, 72-year-old uncle Yang Xinmin field Pi Pi went to live with the force of the hospital. Hospital saved on temporary orders stated: Yang uncle do blood, urine, ECG and chest X-ray inspection and other projects,http://jsem.jp, 9 days after discharge. But Yang uncle recalled, has not seen the chest.
Doctors broke ④
No surgery was qualified for surgery
Use a pressure cooker to sterilize instruments
"The hospital under the conditions would not be enough, still surgery, which we all know in the hospital." Liu Feng told reporters in Chengdu Commercial Daily reporter, he photographed the pressure cooker on the hospital corner bite. "This is the sterilization of hospital equipment, a pressure cooker, they really use this disinfection."
Liu Feng failed to provide the hospital to Chengdu Business Daily reporter had written evidence of the surgery, but with the following contents in his offer to the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters De Yi and Ming Yiwu personnel and  dialogue in the video:  say "no disinfection disinfection good I take responsibility, did not let others bear. " The previous summer for a surgical operation body odor, Ding said: "summer in principle do, but - I made these two patients infected with the wisdom not to call him an infusion lose three or four days, partly to prevent the sterilization is not? compliance, on the other hand there is a remedy. "
"This is from the side that the hospital is indeed in violation surgery." Liu Feng said.
Hospital Response: useless pressure cooker disinfection
Pi force hospital with no relevant qualifications surgery, but still during surgery. Ding Changqing acknowledged previously underarm odor surgery performed in the hospital, but he denied saying sterilizing apparatus with a pressure cooker, "Our appliances are to Pi Second People's Hospital Disinfection." Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters She Ying and Bao Dao
(Original title: Do not say you did not ill, I saw you sick)

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