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發表於 2015-12-16 23:39:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Suzhou police seized a "blade to help" tool and part of the proceeds of crime.
"We generally look for long-term doze off on the bus, or clothing in the elderly open to start, cut with a razor blade pocket or bag pocket." This is the Suzhou police captured a thief's confession, this thief was recently a "blade to help," the one in Suzhou frequent crime. The week, "Blade Gang" in Suzhou average person can get more than 10,000 yuan, swollen with arrogance. It is understood that the recent past, the bus also appeared in other parts of the province, "blade to help" figure, in November, Suzhou police destroyed a series of three "blade to help."
"Blade to help" decipher passwords removed ten thousand yuan
Around at 18:00 on October 31, the people of Suzhou Mr. Shen on the 101 bus, find a seat by the window and sat down. Since the last few days of work tired, plus the bus to open up flash flash,louboutin pas cher, the car soon he dozed off. After about a dozen stations, Mr. Shen stumbled feeling "fast getting off", then touched his pocket, opened his eyes subconsciously,http://bbs.dyj.cc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=15312175,hogan outlet sito ufficiale,http://bbs10.zgyanshi.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=6090, scared into a cold sweat.
Originally, Mr. Shen bulging pocket becomes empty, the body of more than 2,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/spark-inc/kit-55wu-h3c-129.html,800 yuan in cash is also missing, bank cards, ID cards was missing. "I was shocked, and then a look of his own left pants pocket was cut open a hole about 10 cm."
"Bank card stolen to steal, anyway, no password also failed to provide the money!" Mr. Shen can not help but feel a little lucky,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "Fortunately, just a little cash was stolen, money bank card will not be a problem," so they do not bother to report. Unexpectedly, a few days later, when Mr. Shen go to fill the bank card business, but perplexing: 10,000 dollars on the card did not! & Nbsp;
"Many victim birthday do use the bank card password, so the 'open blade' thieves steal people's identity card, bank card password easily deciphered, then removed deposits." Police investigators said that in order to prevent password guessing error which led to swallow cards,woolrich outlet, cunning criminal suspects are not directly on the ATM cash withdrawal, but first try the password on POS machines, "In this case, even if a password is entered incorrectly, you can try a few times." Suzhou bus security branch police officer told reporters For there is no credit card deposit, the suspect will be a large number of overdrafts.
On the bus "was open Blade" and not just a Mr. Shen. November 9, Suzhou Miss Xu while riding public bus 52,http://www.tvrochina.cn/thread-158917-1-1.html, suffered the same tactics to steal, lose a cell phone; November 11, the public He is riding a bus when the wallet was stolen, 300 yuan in cash, bank lost cards and other items ...... judged police found after cold, such "open blade" cases occurred frequently in Suzhou city, for the establishment of a task force to combat police cracked.
Task force stroke take away Suzhou 3 "blade to help"
For the recent sudden surge in bus "on blade" case, the task force deployed 10 plainclothes pocketing players in the months of Lu Zhi Ling secret site in Hong Kong, the Netherlands rhyme Xietang Village and other long-term public transport. After several days of tracking ambush, combined with previous hotel on the area bathroom accommodation verification than pickpocketing personnel, as well as the bus surveillance video of judgments, the panel lays out step by step "blade to help" profile.
November 10, when the police check found Suzhou, Guangxi Ji et al. Qinmou precisely monitor suspicious man on the video. Subsequently, investigators and other human activities on Qinmou trajectory tracking, found people with Guangxi Hwang and four. After tracking, investigators confirmed that they are on a bus to take "open blade" gimmick pickpocketing gang crime,piumini woolrich, and Qinmou, who is a gang, Hwang,http://recit.cadre.qc.ca/~cmi/spip.php?article11, who is another gang, the two sides did not sign the cross gang crime. November 11 afternoon, Suzhou City, bus stations and received two "open blade" report. So the task force decided to immediately arrest. At 0:00 on the 13th, investigators Wuzhong Zone in two rooms of a hotel, the Hwang and others captured. Soon, a hotel in Guo Zhen, who will Qinmou arrested. These two "blades help" complete destruction.
According to the review, the two groups account since the end of October, in Suzhou, take the bus "on blade" means frequent crime gang crimes. Police clues win, but also wiped out another "open blade" gang,http://chaos-file.jp/bbs2/bbs.cgi?room=48, so far, three buses Suzhou "blade to help" basically been destroyed.
In fact, including the "open blade", including pickpocketing is nothing new, but also often occur in previous years, this season will have to rebound, netizens are reflected in other parts of the province also encountered pocketing passengers. However, Suzhou and other places like the recent incidence frequency of view, was a little unusual.
Suzhou police found combined with the detection of cases judged, destroyed these three "Blade Gang" more than 10 thieves, they are actually engaged in criminal activities in Guangdong pickpocketing, because the Asian Games held in Guangzhou, local custody and control efforts to strengthen the security of their activities space is compressed and had to leave Guangdong, to find another crime. The Suzhou economic development, but also a tourist city with a large population and mobility, which they considered to be the ideal "battlefield."
Was captured by the thieves also admitted that after leaving them in Guangdong, also to other cities in committing the crime, but each harvest less often, to Suzhou after significant discovery, local people richer, week dry down, "blade to help the" average groan over 10,000 yuan per person.
What kind of person
Easy to be "eye"?
Suzhou bus security branch police officer told reporters that the recent "open blade" cases have a common characteristic: Stolen staff are male, mostly elderly passengers. Stolen clothes officers with an open person, or nap on the bus, mostly after the thief spotted, they tend to find one near the passenger seat,moncler sito ufficiale, look for an opportunity to implement the victim's pocket knife to cut pickpocketing. At this time, members of the public due to wear thick clothes, so difficult to detect. And police also found a number of cases occurred in the suburbs fewer long bus passengers, such as passing on Wuzhong Luzhi,http://kaminagakinokoen.ocnk.net, Park ramps Tong, East Lake Road 518,52,18 line.
How optimistic
Our wallets?
Police remind the general public to be on the front bag backpack in the bus to observe, try not to doze off. In addition, valuables best placed to intervene in his pocket, and cover your hands. Passenger side and found the thief, you can find opportunities to remind people around. (The paper alleged offender pseudonym)
Intern correspondent Shen Shen Hui Xuan Palace
Newspaper reporter at Aviva

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