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發表於 2015-12-18 13:49:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Video loading, please wait ... AutoPlay & nbsp; play beating candid teacher detained university teachers videotaping girls bathe play forward or backward beaten man still lying in the hospital
Candid female student standing in a bath is found, accidentally fell while riding a motorcycle to escape, people who heard,u8Xz5I9RHc, there are five people who played photographed yesterday,w47Yh392Jy, the China Daily reported the A12 version of it on the bench. Currently, candid still unconscious, in a five batterer XingJu,vWmc3F1C4f, another four students released on bail.
Candid suspected peeping privacy of others
Videotaping incident occurred in the evening of September 21, candid defense industry in Shaanxi Vocational and Technical College, a male teacher, was photographed two girls are freshmen East Chang'an District, a college street, playing candid person is being photographed four girls with the school boys and school barber shop employee. "When the patient (photographed by) served, left dilated pupils. 22 am emergency arrangements for surgery, brain edema, high intracranial pressure,JEkruepVlJ, persistent fever, still in a coma, not yet out of danger." Yesterday,v8adw7xm4P, Xi'an Jiren Hospital brain surgeon Zhang Tao said, "The current situation is not to say, to wait until the patient regained consciousness after the judgment."
Deal with the matter of public security Chang'an Branch large police station east relevant personnel, was beaten candid teacher once recovered,piumini woolrich, will be arrested for peeping privacy of others faced administrative detention, while five batterer suspicion of intentional injury currently facing criminal detention, school haircut Store employees have been XingJu, another four students have been released on bail.
Beating students are top students
Yesterday,PU84t1bLCb, the girls being photographed person in charge of their respective institutions, four beating students have come back to class, four students in his situation were presented. This school has a tradition of high academic achievers who screened each year to freshmen high school students from military training. "Is selected students will give up the summer,piumini moncler sito ufficiale, training,y7DgWW830R, after passing the examination can become a new military training instructors." This name of the person in charge said, "four hit sophomore students are carefully selected from more than 4,000 students out,doudoune moncler femme, through training, through the top student assessment. "
"We want to carry out military training 22 zipper 21 at 9 am,woolrich outlet, these instructors are sitting in a small playground, arrange the next day's Notes." This is the name of the person in charge said,S8K6mMNoG6, "to hear the dormitory building came shouting catch rogue sound, the part of the instructors ran in the past. "
Students think candid rogue, is bad, because such a "sense of justice", unarmed man then hit 5 candid. "Candid who fled the fall caused the injury is due to motorbike or due to beatings caused forensic needs." This is the name of the responsible person.
4 students think it is just move
Yesterday, China Chinese Commercial News reporters Shi Tu and Lian Ji four students, were the person in charge of "student's current emotional instability, should not disturb" refused. "4 student at heart contradiction Yeah, they feel that they are righteous, why would be taken to the police station a full 48 hours, do not understand how they are breaking the law when I went to the police station, they still trembling. This is something for them to combat too, I fear that they are again unexpected. "
The official added: "these two days many students came to ask me, met on catching the bad guys, we also do not grasp how we catch we dare not catch, I do not know how to explain to the students???."
It is understood that the school has arranged for someone to four students and two girls peeping psychological counseling.
China Daily reporter noted that the school dormitory equipped with shower room, bath room window about 50 cm wide, on the ground floor of the bath room window about two meters from the ground.
Lawyers say
Catch the bad guys should be sent to the public security organs
This five seize candid and beat him be courageous it? Many comments this news of friends said, to fight the bad guys have a degree, you can not beat the man to death. However Shaanxi Friends of Music Lawyer  said: "From a legal perspective, there is no one that caught the bad guys degree, control the seized and turned over to the police, which is given legal rights of citizens, while beating bad guys are beyond the law. boundaries. After all,doudoune moncler pas cher, it does not exist Unlimited Defense he says. "
518 hospital clinic director Zou psychological analysis, people are angry because of a sense of justice will be courageous, but there are many ways to vent anger, seized and turned over to the police is one of the fist is also a report to mature people tend to choose the former Even vent anger will be controlled within the law. Chinese Commercial News reporter Xie Tao Hua
(Original title: Candid female students hit the boys can not figure out how to take a bath in 4 break the law)

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