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to be performed 26 years to apply for parole for life imprisonment.









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發表於 2015-12-23 20:00:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
BEIJING,http://bbs.zhiyoo.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,hogan outlet, Oct. 9, according to the US "World News" reported that the US 87-year-old ethnic Chinese carpenter Lu Zhiming (James Che Ming Lu) murder case, sentencing in Los Angeles Superior Court on the 7th. The judge sentenced the deliberate murder of 55-year-old wife, Lu Zhiming Luo Xueying (Michelle Lu),http://kubikino.ne.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/sekikawa/visit/main.pl?PAGE_N, should be sentenced to 25 years to apply for parole for life imprisonment, use of a deadly weapon to kill an additional year of imprisonment, attempted murder sentenced to 16 years stepson,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/news/nationworld/world/modules/锟絟ttp://www.springlering.com/include/PEAR/aska.cgi, two counts performed simultaneously, to be performed 26 years to apply for parole for life imprisonment.
July 26, 2009, and just returned from Shanghai to the United States six weeks  son had guitar After visiting friends and relatives to return home dining. Kyrgyzstan had recalled that when his mother wanted to finish cooking dinner meal together to invite Lu Zhiming, but no one answered the house. Since Lu Zhiming shoes are in the house,louboutin soldes pas cher, it is judged that he did not go out.
33-year-old Ji has said that after dinner he went back to his room to view the computer. 12:15 or so, go to bed. After the footsteps come up from the basement,http://old.sis-statistica.org/magazine/spip.php?article163, through the kitchen, living room to the bedroom his mother, after they heard the sound of several more muffled and mother in bed springs issued.
Before long, he was shocked to find that someone opened the door himself. At that time he has not had time to wear glasses,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but lying only two or three steps away from the door away from the bed, and instantly recognizable to their handheld Hatchet cut came just stepfather Lu Zhiming.
Kyrgyzstan has been seeing a weapon in the hands of his stepfather grabbed the running for the door, he ran to a neighbor knocked on the door for help to the police. Because it had Ji Yingwen not fluent, oral communication barriers, a neighbor who refused to Kyrgyzstan claim Kyrgyzstan last resort has had to fight with blunt English 911.
Zeng Ji said, while taking advantage of his mother and stepfather himself asleep in their next unsuspecting pain killers. Los Angeles County women patrol Digne Rimardz and his party four or five police officers arrived on the scene, Lu Zhiming immediately take the initiative to the police admitted committing the crime.
Lu Zhiming also told police that he and his wife quarrel before. After police handcuffed to Lu Zhiming,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article2899, Lu Zhiming trembling, shortness of breath. The  the front bed wearing pajamas,doudoune moncler femme, forehead and neck and chest injuries, pajamas and sheets full of blood.
Lu Zhiming day white hair,doudoune moncler pas cher, wearing an oxygen mask, dragging behind oxygen bottles, in a wheelchair, the verdict commentary by the translator. After the judge read the verdict, Lu Zhiming immediately taken away by bailiffs,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000916789.html,tn reuqin pas cher,http://tigristiger.net, will spend the rest of his life in prison. (Sun Ying)
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