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a message appears on a local jade gourd necklace jade market









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發表於 2015-12-24 04:02:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Divert wire hook treasure, jade necklace stolen cultural museums price
Nanyang newspaper (Reporter correspondent Qulian Wen Guoqi toward) last November 28th, in the town of County Shifosi theft occurred, a value of 1.8 million yuan jade gourd necklace was stolen by thieves in just 6 seconds. Zhenping after police found clues arrived in Wenzhou,http://www.fsjouy.com, Zhejiang Dunshou four days and four nights, and finally to thieves Wang. Yesterday, Wang was the arrest, stolen necklace price finally finished the bi Zhao.
Thieves stole 1.8 million yuan emerald six seconds gourd necklace
At 18:00 on November 28, 2012,louboutin pas cher, Chinese jade culture museum staff shifosi County town town as usual, ready to collect when the museum exhibits into safe jade,http://www.handballfan.com, found in a boutique museum worth $ 1.8 million Jade gourd necklace was gone. Then look at the store's surveillance,piumini moncler sito ufficiale,http://www.noshironet.jp/bbs2/light.cgi?res=123%3C/a%3E, discovery 15:54 stolen,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/ebest-dvd/0000000686885.html, the staff immediately called the police.
Monitor display, a middle-aged man as early as 9:00 on customer identity into the Capitol Museum, the museum of fine jade goods showed great interest, and he would talk with the staff. In the focus placed Emerald Necklace area, he sent away the staff, a man for a long time to watch. Afternoon the man again came jade museum, 15:54, while the staff do not pay attention, quickly with a hooked wire into the slit of security glass, the bottom-up the inside of the emerald necklace provoke,http://www.kenshudo.net, flip body from inside a large void above, the necklace out, and then quickly sprang museum escape, the whole crime process took only 6 seconds.
Secret Dunshou four days and four nights like theft recidivist fled
"It was offering a reward of 50,000 yuan had been looking for clues." According to the head of police Liu Zheng speak Investigating the case, then it is difficult to determine the suspects, they changed the idea of the investigation,nike tn pas cher, after taking into account the wind, this person must hurry fence. So from the start channels for stolen goods, jade distribution center in the country - Guangdong, Zhejiang, Anhui and other places to mobilize publicity.
Lunar twenty-eight, came from Cangnan County of Wenzhou City,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/hcace/10814.html, Zhejiang Province, a message appears on a local jade gourd necklace jade market, jade culture museum and the town square is very similar to the stolen necklace. By comparing photographs sent to determine that the stolen necklace. So police investigators rushed there, after four days and four nights squatting secret, the first month in the evening finally appeared suspect Wang captured and brought back to the town square.
After interrogation,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/furaha/mo102.html, Wang confessed to the crime. According to Wang explained,scarpe hogan online, he is from Anhui,air max 90 pas cher, 46-year-old, is a recidivist fled around the theft. Once for theft twice in prison serving a total of nearly 20 years, in 2010 just released. Before committing the crime he has repeatedly check out the location to the museum,http://www.postyourflasher.com, since that crime means clever, seamless, who knows will soon be arrested.
(Original title: police Dunshou four days like "six seconds Thief")

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