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Another staff member said









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發表於 2015-12-24 11:54:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
July 1, 2014 8:00 pm, when a pregnant passenger in Beijing Metro Line 13 Huoying station waiting, unexpected drop site. Fortunately stop train emergency brake, pregnant women rescued by security staff of the site,http://wondrousjapanforever.cocolog-nifty.com, then taken to a nearby hospital for examination and treatment. Source: Oriental IC
Yesterday, more than 8:00, the 13th line of a train station when entering Huoying, a pregnant woman collapsed on the platform and falling platform, train drivers seeing the emergency brake, at a distance of 1 meter to stop pregnant women, the two sides almost phase hit. Later, the station staff will be rescued and taken to hospital for pregnant women. Doctors said the fetus after inspection no serious problem, but remains to be seen.
"A woman suddenly falling platform,moncler pas cher, too dangerous," Shaw recalled that the passengers yesterday 8:05, I saw a woman fall in within the site,http://www.54qingdao.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the number of passengers rushed forward view, "That woman probably more than 20 years after fall of consciousness is awake, we let her hurry to climb, "between words,http://www.nudistgallerie.com, within a train into the station, passengers hurriedly beckoned to the driver,http://ir.lib.fukushima-u.ac.jp, the driver brakes after seeing this,http://aclej.mshparisnord.org/spip.php?article39,louboutin soldes pas cher, came the track" creak "sound of friction, the train finally stopped at a distance of 1 meter in pregnant women.
Liu said another passenger, the staff immediately rushed over and track power off,louboutin soldes femme, people rescued the woman.
11:00 yesterday, the reporter went to Huoying station, although the installation of the platform screen door,air max 90 pas cher,http://www.colepicasso.es/spip.php?article242, but did not put into use, the rail station there is one meter tall mesa. Screen door on both sides of the words "are debugging, pay attention to safety," and the words "Write use, do not rely on" the.
Huoying station chief duty Keung confirmed to be true. Keung said the incident occurred this pregnant women collapsed, fell down from the platform, after its staff will come up in the cab until ten minutes after being taken to hospital 120 ambulance.
Another staff member said, is now in the commissioning phase screen door did not work properly, every day 21:00 to last train for debugging,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, specifically the use of time is not clear.
It is understood, pregnant women afterwards were sent to the Changping District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for treatment. Doctors said that when pregnant women get over trauma more serious, "teeth out, Kepo mouth,doudoune moncler femme, chin and forehead are injured." She has cherished six months pregnant, done B ultrasound,http://www.zgccxx.com/bbs/read.php?tid=190794&ds=1, fetal inspection no serious problem, but also need to continue to observe. Later the woman left the hospital. (Text source: Beijing Times)
(Original title: Beijing subway platform train a pregnant woman fell two meters outside the emergency stop (Photos))
 (Edit: SN089)

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