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cinture milano Miu Miu did not speakP5Hf









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發表於 2015-12-25 04:24:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
□ Morning News reporters Xie Leitong and Xun Yuanlu thrift
A lovely little 4-year-old girl, just because naughty, disobedient, parents were actually sticks education up to six months. Until early January this year, the children suffer again after more than 12 hours of corporal punishment was only sent to the hospital dying, covered with scars make emergency room nurse can not help but cry.
Because of injuries,chrome hearts lunette de soleil, the little girl eventually died unfortunately. Recently, the Minhang District Procuratorate on suspicion of maltreatment of young female evil chapter Yat approved the arrest.
Children often hear cries
This is called Miu Miu girl lived with his parents in a rented room in Minhang District. After receiving the report, the police immediately to investigate. Miss Zhang reflect neighbor, 俞俊夫 women moved since the first half of last year, basically every day curse Miu Miu behind closed doors, but also played with a wooden daughter she kept crying, his face often hurt small Miu Miu. "January 6 at 7 pm This year,peuterey outlet online, the outdoor temperature is very low, both the daughter shut rain in our neighbors have accused under wet and rustled trembling child was only brought into the house . "Miss Zhang recalls.
"That woman often take wooden sticks, plastic rods and other tools are playing childish breath, however, and general hand man hit the child." Ms Lee said the neighbor, 俞俊夫 women who are not afraid to fight child never saw the little girl who often He was beaten black and blue. The landlord Wang Yi Zhang mother have asked the children why this cruel beating her daughter,moncler, but she always says naughty disobedient child is to fight.
Evil mother interrupted a steel broom handle
27-year-old Zhang Yi Jiangsu Shuyang people, primary school education, in July 2008, she and her husband, Yu Jun to 4-year-old Miu Miu from Sichuan to Shanghai, staying Venus village farm house to live together. According to Zhang Yi, he said parents do not get close to Miu Miu, rarely called "Dad,woolrich donna, Mom," naughty and do not understand the rules.
Thus,fendi occhiali da sole, Zhang Yi believes children need good discipline, Yu Chun are too. However, Miu Miu to ignore parental education has taken the attitude,ceinture gucci, so few words and introverted Chapter Yat very angry,felpe hollister, often pick up the broom handle to beat her, Miu Miu escape to where,adidas sito ufficiale, where she would catch up. But let beaten consequences Miu Miu more estranged parents, Zhang Yi temper and therefore become worse. According to her memories, she had used a steel material of a broom fight Miu Miu: "broomstick finger thick, 1 meter long,site mizuno, I tried hard to beat in Miu Miu buttocks, arms, until I was interrupted by a broom handle rebar This time she was like a disobedient child. "
The child died after a long corporal punishment
In January 7 at noon, 俞俊夫 Miu Miu women eat after school to teach digital reluctant to eat. Zhang Yi gave her a plastic stick her on the ground to digital written, Miu Miu did not listen,collana tiffany, Zhang Yi to beat her with a plastic rod root. Soon, Miu Miu,moncler femme, said pain in the ass, body cold, Zhang Yi poured a cup of hot water to her, she did not drink,hogan interactive uomo, just standing blankly bed side. 2 pm, Zhang Yi to go out to buy bread home two, Yu Jun breaking point for her daughter eat bread, but Miu Miu is not included in the mouth to swallow. Until 5:00 pm,chapeau nfl, Yu Jun to bathe her daughter, her mouth still steamed.
Zhang Yi temper again: "! See you do not listen, I stood outside the door to" Yu Jun, a little heart, fear frozen,asics soldes, then took her into the house left standing. Until 22:00 o'clock, Miu Miu did not speak,coach bracciali, the couple took her home, locked himself to go out, before returning home the next morning. At this time, Yu Jun found her sitting on a cardboard box,louboutin femme prix, breathing heavily, his mouth still mouth bread. Yu Jun to pull out after it feels wrong daughter, busy took a small quilt wrapped in Miu Miu body, holding her to a hospital immediately. Can a medical examination found the child had stopped breathing.
Currently,louboutin homme basket, Miu Miu real cause of death has yet to be concluded after forensic experts to autopsy. (Text characters are not his real name)
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