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發表於 2015-12-28 10:08:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Comic / Wang Weibin
Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Tong Cunrui and Li Zheng
Sophomore girl and her boyfriend to take a taxi home after a fight, after the boyfriend texting "Come and save me," they lost contact. Yesterday, Sina microblogging this "girl missing for help friends" microblogging, is forwarded thousands of times within a few hours. Local police said, "pay a lot of time and manpower." Find the girl. But the result is that the parties to find a taxi girl classmate talk, text messaging is intentionally fabricated, after they shut down, the purpose is to scare her boyfriend.
Seeking girls "missing" friends diffusion
Yesterday 9:43, Sina microblogging users "elf Mimi," Bo said, "This morning around 6:00, a woman in Xinxiang, Henan Institute of Science and take a taxi, approximately ten minutes after getting off, location it is not clear where, after the two men met, I feel is not right, give her boyfriend made a last distress message, then we lost contact! "
Microblogging features are also described in the woman's dress, she said it hopes intentioned users to forward and @ plain Evening river Xinxiang net local media.
As of 2 pm yesterday, the micro-Bo has been forwarded thousands of times friends.
Fabricated text messages to scare her boyfriend
2 pm yesterday,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, 50 minutes,moncler pas cher, the friends they made micro-Bo said,doudoune moncler pas cher, the girl has been found.
Subsequently, the deleted all its micro-Bo on the contents of the girl. Yesterday 16:35 Xu, which in turn issued a "To Xinxiang police and the media as well as a public apology letter users":
"I was issued today what the parties,http://www.postyourasian.com, first of all like to thank the enthusiastic attention Xinxiang police, the major media and users, and now people are safe and sound. Secondly we need to give an apology, I am sorry to say, today's error is caused by us impulses caused a profound understanding of their mistakes, I'm sorry! "
Yesterday afternoon, the Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhan Zhuan and Lian Ji Bian bluffed little girl thing,moncler pas cher, she said he is Henan Institute of Science and Technology sophomore, summer did not go home, in the school to participate in a competition.
Phone she broke down in tears,http://framasoft.net/spip.php?article1959, "I was wrong, forgive me, OK? I will not dare." She said that he got into a taxi to go talk to the students, made up to see a strange man's message sent to her boyfriend, then shut down. "I just wanted to scare him."
While her boyfriend Zhang said, microblogging is issued to let a friend to help, "the power of microblogging is not big it? Do you want to find someone through the microblogging."
Dispatched five police cars, a dozen police looking for girl
After the girl found, Xinxiang City Public Security Bureau official microblogging "Xinxiang police online" Publish situation notice that morning, police received help, said the Henan Institute of Science and a girl angry after a fight with her boyfriend home,http://car.wswin.com/thread-1291353-1-1.html,doudoune moncler pas cher, threatened.
After receiving help, the police immediately ordered 110 Freemason police station to investigate,louboutin pas cher, while police launched microblogging users find strength together.
Freemason police through official microblogging "Freemason police line" announced: for the morning police said his girlfriend was kidnapped party of police intelligence, police deployed around freemason five police cars,http://www.ciscoclub.com.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a dozen police officers, and make unremitting follow-up survey, and ultimately to identify The informant was due to his girlfriend quarrel bloom and go, personal safety has not been any threat, the fact that there no was kidnapped. Police were false alarm situation, exaggerating the facts, resulting in a waste of police resources, freemason police had made a deal with criticism of their education.
Subsequently, "Xinxiang police line" thread Comments: microblogging to help in the process, the media, friends and the majority of users devoted a lot of time and love,http://www.tuiuw.com/plus/feedback.php?aid=365, let us see the power of justice and positive energy. Again, we have difficulties, we will go all out to help the police.
Children also know the wolf story
15:01 yesterday,http://www.postyournipples.com, "Xinxiang police line" has made micro-Bo said, "In order to ensure the safety of female students, we pay the police a lot of time and manpower, but the truth of the matter is a college student's lies and mischievous, You have any ideas, we like to hear. "
For this humorous incident, after the truth, many users have lamented the parties "too naive, too much."
"Drop a jade stone": overdraft integrity of the whole society!
"Media Fred": you say this thing do not know sister, ah, such a joke or not drive as well, we all learn a lesson from it!
"Freedom of laughter wind": Zhashui these kids do, sooner or later will be like the wolf, as will be a major event in!
"Defend the students": white on her college, and not as kindergarten children, the children also know the wolf story.
The School of Journalism at Renmin University of China Professor Yu Guoming opinion, because angry girl with her boyfriend bad temper understandable. But if you know the use of social communication will spread influence,http://bbs520.3vjia.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=9085654, the choice of public media must be careful.
He believes that if the spread because of personal reasons a waste of police and other public resources or public sympathy, the parties should take urgent measures to eliminate the impact.
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