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you must Kangzhu. To make her at ease









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發表於 2015-12-29 11:11:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Vocational school girl in a small Ling (a pseudonym) in love with a drug dealer, drug trafficking together actually followed him after graduation. He told her that if she sat in prison, he must sell blood fishing her out. This made small Ling moved. However, when they both were arrested,http://kehuelga.net/spip.php?article3144, but he put all the blame on the small Ling body.
17-year-old Ling said he was cheated of his rhetoric.
Suddenly rebellious rich girl
Small Ling's family in very good condition,http://dragon-universal.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=486882, very strict tutor.
Her father introduced her daughter from small to large are very well-behaved at home, came home from school do not go out playing, parents let her do what she can to complete. In the eyes of neighbors, small Ling is very polite, until she was admitted to a vocational high school Yubei.
On the vocational school, a small ling up to become rebellious. She likes the Internet, play games, to play in the community. Once introduced, she met a Jiao Alun (a pseudonym) of the men, who is 25 years old,http://www.m-pep.org/spip.php?article4021, unemployed,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/lens-deli/5-fshlk-6.html, looks handsome. Intercourse did not take long,moncler outlet online, the two lived together. Allen drugs, small Ling also followed with drugs.
After graduation, along with a small Allen Ling life. Allen had a friend in drug trafficking. After not toxic funding, Allen thought of drug trafficking money.
Talk before the incident
Small Ling said he initially strongly opposed to drug trafficking, but failed to persuade him. She mistakenly believed that she Ai Alun, in relation to help Alan to do what he would do something.
Before the incident, Allen also talk to her a heart. He said that if one day we have an accident,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3502, you must Kangzhu. To make her at ease, Allen also vowed commitment: "You go, I was on the outside selling blood, but also make you fish out ......"
Small Ling moved to a mess,scarpe hogan outlet.
On May 31 this year at 3 pm, someone ordered them 400 yuan drug money, they went to delivery. Just to complete the transaction, the police appeared in front of them.
Police in front of their face,scarpe hogan outlet, with electronic scales to their drug trafficking were weighed four Magu net 0.35 g, net weight of 0.20 grams of methamphetamine.
He shirk
"I'm doing things that are nothing to do with my boyfriend." Face questioning,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, small Ling's answer was simple,http://www.veryshun.com/phpwind/read.php?tid=1367976&ds=1, which makes police investigators very surprised. But in the next interrogation, small Ling contradictory answers, the police saw that she was lying.
In the police interrogation of Allen, Allen's answer and small Ling's just the opposite, he pushed all things in her. He said he did not know that a small ling in drug trafficking, when she took drugs he knew, he said he is innocent, is small Ling hurt him.
"I was cheated him ......"
To make small Ling truthful account of the case, the police put Allen's confession to tell her, little Ling hear cry: "! I did not think he is a man I was cheated him ......"
Subsequently, small Ling told the truth.
In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, this year on June 28, Yubei District Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor for the small door Lai Ling contacted the defense counsel, lawyers involved in the case in advance. Witnessed by a lawyer,moncler pas cher, the prosecutor questioned the small Ling,air max 90,http://www.phileweb.com, and her legal education and mental communication. & Nbsp; & nbsp; Chongqing Evening News correspondent correspondent Li Gong Zhen Chen Guodong
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