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catch arrest suspects









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發表於 2015-7-12 16:23:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
People CG painting: Ma Jin
Recently, Dingxi City Tongwei Public Security Bureau after careful investigation, successfully destroyed a Ministry of Public Security supervision of cross-border trafficking of women and criminal gangs, arresting seven suspects, including one called Burmese women; detected 13 cases of trafficking in women, rescue Burmese women 13.
A multinational investigation letter pull women trafficked Myanmar
Located Tongwei, Alexander Goushen Loess Plateau, long drought, in such an economy is relatively poor and backward place, as out farmers, can get married and have children in the local is not easy, but to marry a foreign wife, like a fairy tale. However, such a thing, actually in this remote barren place miraculously happened. According to the local masses, horse camp, Changhe and other towns have appeared in foreign woman married to the village farmer thing. This abnormal behavior immediately aroused Tongwei Public Security Bureau's attention.
September 7,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi, 2011, Tongwei Public Security Bureau of Interpol brigade received Yunnan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade Zhenkang an investigation letter, he said a few days ago, the streets of Myanmar Zhenkang Public Security Bureau received at combating human trafficking The multinational investigation letter, saying lives  Myanmar Yangon hole region 26-year-old woman Mary industry Min Soe (transliteration), are trafficked to China in Gansu Province two years ago, now the women and Tongwei Jinping Village, the 3rd one Guo called tris (homonym) who fathered a 8-month-old son, and provides contact numbers,http://forum.cs16.ro, hoping to assist Tongwei police rescued. After investigation, the police will be targeted in Tongwei regular town.
September 8, Interpol captain package Han Chau town and squadron commander Weiguo Sheng Chang-depth investigation by Paimo they often shady town united village community Zhu want Chorographers find a foreign woman, who is police in Yunnan Province investigation letter requested rescued Burmese women Ma industry Min Soe. When the police tried to rescue, Zhu Chi's parents wanted to cry and kick, obstruct rescue, was caused by local villagers and the booing crowd. Police investigators worried about deterioration of the situation, the leaders agreed to consult, the decision to Zhu Chi and Mary want to bring to the Public Security Bureau industry Min Soe detailed inquiry.
Originally, in August 2009, Ma industry Min Soe water encountered in Myanmar about a 30-year-old, called "A immortal" Burmese women whose claims to help her find a job in China, 1000 yuan monthly salary. Ma industry Min Soe believed the other two Burmese women in thick plum, Bao Bao Qi follow "Ah Sin" sneak into China from Myanmar, Yunnan, after the entry "A Sin" and a Chinese man rendezvous, in the man's led, they came to Wushan County, Gansu Province. Later, he was taken to Tongwei often think Zhu Chi town to sell his wife, deep plum trafficked in Fuyang, Anhui, still have contact with her, Bao Bao Qi is missing.
After much work to do, September 10, Zhu Chi finally want to say Ma industry Min Soe was sold after his house. In early 2009, he met Tongwei list rowe open "dollar store" Hermit Wu Zhang Bao Gang,http://www.hongriyul.com/news/html/?156605.html, Zhang Bao Gang claimed that he could give him, "describes the object." After the early September 2009, Zhang Bao Gang's "dollar store" in payment of 45,000 yuan, Zhu would like Chi led away Mary industry Min Soe.
Outsmarted when the September 11, Interpol captain and squadron commander Weiguo Sheng package Han Chau list rowe rushed to arrest Zhang Bao Gang. Originally, Zhang Bao Gang was left six months ago, he disappeared. Subsequently, both of them went to Zhang Bao Gang Wushan County Tsui home village head Zhang Village to understand the situation, and disappointed. According to Zhang claimed that Zhang Bao Gang has three months to go to work in Xinjiang, the specific location is unknown. Tongwei Public Security Bureau then decided to Cheung Po Kong as online hunt for objects and sends the letter Xinjiang police investigation, assistance in pursuing Zhang Bao Gang.
Interesting Yau Yat Chuen fall trafficking suspects in Xinjiang
Over Burmese women are trafficked, it has caused the provincial, city and county leaders attach great importance. September 14, 2011,louboutin prezzi, the Provincial Public Security Bureau of Interpol Corps held a "2011? 9? 8" detection Coordination trafficked women in Tongwei Public Security Bureau. The meeting decided that the Tongwei Public Security Bureau is responsible for the primary investigation, Tianshui City Public Security Bureau police detachment, Dingxi City Public Security Bureau police detachment,hogan interactive uomo, Gangu County Public Security Bureau, Public Security Bureau in Wushan county public security organs to fully cooperate with the investigation program. After the meeting, Tongwei Public Security Bureau immediately set up headed by the Secretary Yue Gang, political commissar Chenhuai Jun, deputy director in charge of Criminal Investigation Kong Dejun, deputy head of the task force, deployed rich experience cracked Interpol investigation in full swing, catch arrest suspects, rescued trafficked women.
A time when the National Day eve,escarpin louboutin, Interpol captain package Han Chau led by vice-captain Wei Kong screen and the ad hoc police Weiguo Sheng, abandon the National Day holiday break,http://www.zhuzhou.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, drove to the Xinjiang Hami escorted the suspect Zhang Bao Gang. September 30, Xinjiang finally came good news: the suspect Zhang Bao Gang on a train destined Hami Hami was arrested by the police. Police were nonstop, starry night and hardships, at midnight on October 2, Zhang Bao Gang escorted back tongwei. In the evening, the package Han Chau, Wei Kong screen and Weiguo Sheng, who despite escorted journey Lawton, Zhang Bao Gang Tushen night. At first, Zhang Bao Gang always avoid police questioning, evasive, evasive. After police patiently communicate, talk, do the work, dawn hours, Zhang Bao Gang finally confessed trafficking of Burmese women after all.
The 38-year-old Zhang Bao Gang, is a farmer of Wushan County, Gansu Province Tsui Township Zhangjiagou of. Usually idle, worthless, he had done a small business, eventually nothing because of poor management. In 2006, Zhang Bao Gang listen cousin Zhang Shibao, he said he bought a woman from Myanmar, let him contact to find the next home. Zhang Bao Gang think the opportunity to make a fortune, and decided to take the risk to break the moral and legal bottom line. Over the years, he trafficking in women more than 10 people by a cousin Zhang Shibao to Wushan, Gangu poor mountainous areas, to make a profit.
Police investigators realized that alone Zhang Bao Gang and its cousin the strength of two people can not organize, sell such number of foreign women,nike air max, behind a given case there is more behind the scene, the police decided to Cheung Po Kong as a breakthrough, to root out the case. By some thought, he decided to start the investigation from the police clues Ma industry sensitive shuttle provided. In conversation with Mary industry Min Soe, the police found clues of things. Thus, "Ah Sin" and the mysterious man was included in the sight of the police investigation.
Department of Provincial supervise the handling of the early clues smugglers
More than 10 Burmese women abducted, the case is significant,http://mm5188.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1337851, Tongwei Public Security Bureau when about progress of the case and made a report submitted to the Provincial Public Security Bureau to Dingxi City Public Security Bureau. Provincial Public Security Bureau decided: to expand the scope of investigation, deployed police from the province, city and county three columns expand the investigation, arrest suspects, rescued trafficked Burmese women. October 13, 2011, Ministry of Public Security "crackdown" special action office will be the case as the nation's "crackdown" special action No. 268 the case.
After many cracked and persuasion, Zhang Bao Gang finally confessed his Burmese women trafficked detailed process. According to the account, he trafficked Burmese women nephew Zhang Shibao Wei Jun-wei, and a man named "Ah Sin," the woman trafficking from Yunnan to him. Wei Jun Wei October 1983 was born 20 gift  Gangu County Village an ordinary peasant family, after graduating from elementary school, he was working in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other places, and then removed from the China-Burma border. In 2006, Wei Wei, the Burmese army Ame women trafficked to Wushan, a few million profit, from less than 30 years old, he became a criminal. "Snakeheads." Later, he met "Ah Sin," and her cohabit together. "Ah Sin" often in Myanmar water, streets and other places, in order to give local women linked to China to work, matchmaking grounds, the trafficked women cheat into the Chinese territory. Then, the trafficked women to 4-50000 yuan price sold to others wife Wei Jun-wei made by Zhang Bao Gang, Zhang Shibao, Chang-year-old Bao et al.
A premeditated and organized transnational human trafficking gangs gradually emerged in front of the police.
As soon as possible detection of the case, according to the unified arrangement of the headquarters, the first group of Gansu Provincial Public Security Bureau of Interpol Corps deputy chief Chuang Mei, Dingxi City police detachment of a brigade captain Li Xiaodong, deputy police chief Kong Dejun led Tongwei far Mary went to the border of Yunnan industry Min Soe repatriated home, while taking advantage of Ma industry Min Soe advantages familiar with local conditions, to determine the situation the suspect Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin" and choose the arrest. Coordinated by the Ministry of Public Security, village plum line in strong cooperation with the police in Yunnan, Yunnan Lincang Kang town to start work, look for Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin" falling on the ground. However, the two men seemed to like, disappeared without trace from. It has been leased to Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin," the landlord said the house,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=7132, Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin" more than one month ago after leaving never came back. After further investigation that, Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin" are "hidden" in Myanmar bold, Street area. But Myanmar law and order complex, Chinese police can not enter Myanmar investigation, master Wei Jun Wei and "A Sin" specific movements very difficult. November 6, the Public Security Bureau of Yunnan Province and Myanmar Zhenkang police Ma industry Min Soe repatriated to Myanmar, the panel hopes Ma industry Min Soe provide valuable information back to Burma after, but has been unsuccessful.
The second group, led by a police task force Wei Kong screen Tongwei Public Security Bureau, political commissar Chenhuai Jun,  on October 12 in Anhui investigation Burmese women are trafficked deep plum (phonetic) case. Anhui Public Security crackdown Office sent someone to take charge of the police task force to Fuyang County, Fuyang City, in cooperation with the police in Fuyang, finally saw the thick plum abducted, police eventually be rescued.
The third group consists of Gansu Province Public Security Bureau of Interpol Corps deputy chief Chen Zhongming, Dingxi City Public Security Bureau police detachment led by Zhang Jianmin, deputy chief of Interpol captain package Han Chau, police investigators went to Gangu, Wushan counties to start work. October 21, Zhang Shi Bao captured.
November 2,http://leme.pt/pesquisa/search.cgi, in a strong policy offensive, Zhang Bao-year-old gave himself up the next day; November 5, rescue trafficked Burmese women keke. Kaikai now pregnant, do not want to go back; November 16, Ho Cong Ying Burmese women were rescued; November 25, successfully rescued an abducted six Burmese women. Task force at the time of being rescued Burmese women inquiry, that all trafficked Burmese women and a 30-year-old Burmese woman related. The woman pseudonym Ah Sin,nike air max tn pas cher, Mount expensive, real name Lee Man will, who lives in Myanmar Fenglin city streets, has been living a cohabitation with Wei Wei army life. LI Man in Myanmar will be water, streets and other places, in order to contact local women to work in China, describes the object as an excuse to cheat women trafficked into China. Then, the trafficked women to 4-50000 yuan price sold to others wife Wei Jun-wei made by Zhang Bao Gang, Zhang Shibao, Chang-year-old Bao et al. So far, the majority of the members of the Ministry of Public supervision of the crime, "2011? 9? 8" extraordinarily serious transnational cases of human trafficking gangs trafficking in women for questioning. But police investigators have not the slightest slack, because the principal of the transnational trafficking of women gang Wei Jun Wei and Lee Moon will be still at large.
Qi efforts between China and Myanmar Police sword scabbard cut snakeheads
December 19, 2011, the Provincial Public Security Bureau reconvened arrangements and issues arrest Wei Jun-wei Lee Man will. It was decided by the Gansu Provincial Public Security Department Deputy Chief Chen Zhongming led infringement, Dingxi City Public Security Bureau, mobile technology detachment Huoshang Li, Kong Dejun Tongwei Public Security Bureau deputy director and ad hoc police Weiguo Sheng composition arrest team, went to Yunnan to arrest suspects Wei Jun Wei and Lee Moon will.
The panel in strong cooperation Zhenkang Yunnan Public Security Bureau, to identify family circumstances will Lee Man: Lee Man will, also known as Lu Society, Mount expensive (sound), female, Han nationality, was born April 29, 1981, illiteracy, Myanmar courageous man, who lives in Myanmar courageous County Fenglin city, unemployed, in Yunnan have many friends. In 2008, Lee Man will be her husband died, she and Wei Jun Wei cohabit in Yunnan border or very close to the village from the Yunnan border. Her two children in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China private school, Lee Man will always come to visit the children. According to available information the investigation, Lee Man will be held November 28 through the border to Yunnan Zhenkang hospital to visit relatives in hospital, the panel plan carefully organize the arrest, but Lee has been filled will not leave the country,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=50&page=2, arresting unsuccessful. Recently, the police get an important clue, Lee Man will be to attend a wedding. When it is just south of the border crossings into the territory of the town of umbrella Chinese Kang, the police task force has been waiting a long time caught behind. About four hours later, the Yunnan Public Security Bureau actively coordinated efforts Zhenkang, Myanmar police handed Zhenkang Yunnan Public Security Bureau arrested after Wei Jun-wei.
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