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illegal profit-making activities have a major suspect. Accordingly









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發表於 2015-12-12 09:43:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Suspect crime scene and identified the stolen goods.
Recently, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, according to the police cracked the supervision of the Ministry of Public PW game together large illegal business case, arrested the culprit Cheng Jiang and other 22 suspects, destroyed 10 illegal operation PW game network dens, seized for the crime of server 17 sets, seized illicit money involved more than 300 million. & Nbsp;
Local police said the large amount involved in this case,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, the number of people, rare in the country. Because of this, the prosecution is not only involved in the investigation in advance in accordance with law,tn requin pas cher, and guide public security forensics, also accepted the case after investigators set up a special group, a 24-hour review of arrest system, review of arrest for all cases,http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3523, contractors have gone through in a day. & Nbsp;
Currently, the four suspects have been filed in Wujin District Procuratorate indictment, and 14 people were arrested according to law; the other four involved in, one was released on bail, three people were obviously minor crimes are not treated as a crime.
"Little man" pull "big boss" caused by the case of major Ministry of Public Security supervision
In February, Changzhou Wujin District police patrol in the daily online, and found a suspicious clue: live in the town of Wujin District Benniu Sifu Zhang publish advertisements on the Internet, to attract gamers to its run of "Breeze handed down "Play and other games on the game server, and sold through the Internet,louboutin homme," Storm handed down World of Legend "game virtual currency (gold),http://www.democratie-socialisme.org/spip.php?article3389, illegal profit-making activities have a major suspect. Accordingly, Wujin District police immediately file for investigation, carried out a series of secret investigation and evidence gathering, and soon put the suspect arrested Zhang et al. & Nbsp;
Zhang, who confessed, they are just the country tens of thousands of PW game operator a member, by buying the game engine,http://www.51yam.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, download games logger, running pirated "World of Legend" game, after recruiting players for sale "ingot" to make money. Zhang, who also points to the relationship between the PW games business networks, they are just the lowest level of "Sifu operators." These "little guys," the account, all point to a prominent "big boss" - "Frozen studio." & Nbsp;
So who is the "big boss"? "Frozen Studio" and where? After combing Changzhou, Wujin district levels, network monitoring department half a month of time, in order to "frozen Studio" boss Jiang Cheng PW games, led by King cybercrime gangs gradually surfaced. The gang to the Internet as the carrier,http://zx.jc10000.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=23943&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=538258, to provide set up "World of Legend" game, PW-stop service, ranging in Sichuan as the center,http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/2pcs/r0681.html, the National Radiation. Meanwhile, the staff structure of the gang,http://www.kuronowish.com/~hitotsudake/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi/, specific division of labor, capital flows and profit-sharing have become clear. & Nbsp;
After the incident, reported by the Wujin District Police layer by layer, causing great concern in Jiangsu Province Public Security and the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Public Security in early April to supervise the handling of the case. To this end, Wujin District police on April 15 set up a "4? 15" handling group, the district procuratorate also time to send police officers to join.
PW illegal business teams have the particularity of 18 arrested at the same time the net
April 18, according to preliminary clues, "4? 15" handling group is divided into 18 arrest teams, went to Sichuan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu and six provinces of 18 prefecture-level city investigators waiting. & Nbsp;
Due to the special nature of the illegal business, PW game, "on-line" and "offline" is to contact the network and the server has to use some management authority, as long as one is caught, to the point of contact of the appointed time, This person did not appear in the online, others will be alerted. This requires that arrests be more synchronized, with many uncontrollable factors. Leshan, Sichuan went to arrest "One People" Cheng Jiang's squad was almost rushed to empty. & Nbsp;
At 4:00 on April 21 more minutes, "4? 15" handling group headquarters issued a directive to close the net action. Cheng Jiang rain nearby residence to arrest people waiting for hours to act quickly, entered into on the third floor corridor, go down from the top of a young man, arresting people one will recognize it precisely Cheng Jiang, immediately stepped forward its control. Arresting officer found him in the way the river that day from Chengdu to Guangzhou flights. Originally, Cheng Jiang has been and friends,moncler sito ufficiale, ready to go to Guangzhou,Veste parajumpers, "playing" a few days, if the arresting officer hands a few minutes late, he would leave the territory. In Cheng Jiang's residence, arresting officers found some remittance, he uses computer also keeps the relevant records in peacetime and "offline" link. & Nbsp;
Meanwhile, other teams are also news of success arrest, payment platform of "big brother", the boss advertising platform, and several "agents" have been arrested.
PW circles "imperial dream" broken home related sites closed down 70,000
Cheng Jiang suspect 30-year-old, bespectacled, lean young and make it difficult to face the world with a network of crazy money "One People" link. & Nbsp;
According to Cheng Jiang confessed, he was involved in the Internet industry in early 2008, in the course of business hooked on playing online game "World of Legend" and was first exposed to the PW. Looking more and more players in the game can not indulge in self-PW, Cheng Jiang smell a "business." In his own words, "I wanted to make their own PW engine, a share in the PW field, make some money." & Nbsp;
Every day the Internet bubble of Cheng Jiang, there are times through a forum, spent 20,000 yuan of money to get a set of "World of Legend" PW source code. But when Jiang Cheng tried to develop PW engine and logger,http://www.health8.com/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, but can not succeed hundred test. By chance, Cheng Jiang met computer expert, with the Chengdu Hwang after 80 (large). Through contact,peuterey prezzi, Hwang promised to help. After two months of attempts, Hwang developed a good run effects engine and logger. Cheng Jiang took a famous name for the logger - "imperial logger." & Nbsp;
Beginning in July 2008, Cheng Jiang et al official sales "imperial logger." PW circle competition was fierce, but the "imperial logger" showed high compatibility, by players of all ages, and gradually began to seize market share PW community. And greater "opportunity" appears in about April 2009, when the "World of Legend," the official release of a new version of the game, other "peer" failed to timely new game to crack the encryption method, and Cheng Jiang, but by Hwang to achieve the cracks, and the development of a new version of the engine, but also enhance the "imperial logger" compatibility, a large number of players are attracted to come, what will be defeated "peer." After a few months, Cheng Jiang's "imperial logger" and the new engine is almost completely occupied the "World of Legend" PW field. & Nbsp;
Since then, Cheng Jiang to "Frozen Studio" as a starting point, linked to the "advertising platform", "certified payment platform," few million charge monthly fee. Meanwhile, Cheng Jiang developed a number of "agent" to "wholesale price" will sell engines and logger these people, and then sold by them, "PW operators." Thus, in order to Cheng Jiang as the criminal networks composed of a central figure in the case were not for the relevant licensing procedures, by selling "World of Legend" PW game engine, logger, the game opened PW advertising station, means of payment platform, to "Sifu operator" to provide open, PW game business conditions, and to make a profit; "Sifu operator" is charged by the PW games gamers to pay platform fees from illegal profits. Currently, the police verification of illegal business amounted to more than 50 million yuan in illegal profits of nearly 1,000 million. & Nbsp;
It is worth mentioning that, to the Cheng Jiang was arrested for "Frozen Studio" led by criminal networks in the country PW game field has been in a monopoly position, great influence. After the gang is destroyed, there are 70,000 homes closed Sifu website on the Internet illegal. Jiang Cheng PW "imperial dreams" in this shattered!
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